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The Significant and Decisive Influence that Leads to Wars

29-4-2024 < Counter Currents 27 2293 words

2,098 words

Thomas Dalton, PhD
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars
Castle Hill Publishing, 2019

Mel Gibson, who’d previously outraged the organized Jewish community with his excellent film The Passion of the Christ, was pulled over by the police in California in July 2006 for driving erratically. During the stop, Gibson caused a furor when he drunkenly said, “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” Throughout the media firestorm that followed, no reporter addressed the issue of whether Gibson’s statements are in fact true or not.

Thomas Dalton, PhD, who operates the publishing house Clemens & Blair, has written a book that explores the truth of Gibson’s remarks. The sum of it is that while Jews are not responsible for all wars ever fought on planet Earth, they certainly have carried out aggressive actions going back to ancient times, and they had a major hand in getting America into the First World War, and after that conflict, they set the conditions which ultimately made a Second inevitable.

Ancient History

The Old Testament’s historical accuracy is suspect; the Bible is theology, not an exact chronology. Additionally, nearly every universalist moral message, hymn, or prayer can be found in the clay tablets of the Akkadians, Sumerians, Canaanites, and Egyptians. In fact, the ancient Canaanites worshiped the same godEl, as the Jews. Furthermore, Jews in the modern sense do not arise until the time of Ezra (circa 457 BC). There is a plausible case that Ezra organized and edited the Old Testament and inserted Jewish beliefs about their own history into the larger, pre-existing Near Eastern religious worldview. It’s all a matter of interpretation.

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In a counter-Semitic interpretation, many of the characters in the Old Testament behave like those of the organized Jewish community of today. In Egypt, Joseph gained a high position in the Pharaoh’s government. While in office, he enacted a tax policy which dispossessed and enslaved the Egyptians during an economic downturn. This situation was politically untenable, and eventually a Pharaoh arose “who did not know Joseph.” This new “Egypt First” Pharaoh managed the Hebrew Problem to the benefit of the Egyptians. The Hebrews were eventually able move to Canaan, where they carried out a vicious ethnic cleansing campaign against the Canaanites.

In Persia, the Jews organized a vicious attack on the native population which is still celebrated today on the Jewish holiday of Purim. After the Greeks took over Egypt and the rest of the Levant, the Jews rioted and otherwise made trouble on many occasions. The Roman-Jewish War of 70 AD reduced the problem by a degree, however. And in the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church worked to reduce Jewish predation on Europeans.

Jews in America

Jews didn’t arrive in America until after the Amerindians had been moved onto reservations, the cities had been built, and the dangerous wildlife had been extirpated. Jews then started to encroach upon the American federal government in the mid-nineteenth century. The Jew Lewis Levin was elected as a Congressman for Pennsylvania in 1845, and the Jew David Yulee became Florida’s US Senator that same year. By 1887, California had a Jewish Governor. In 1889, the Jew Solomon Hirsch became President Harrison’s ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, which then ruled Palestine. And President William McKinley was assassinated by a radical anarchist who was influenced by Jewish agitators in 1901.

Shortly thereafter, in 1911, Jewish lobbyists achieved their first uniquely Jewish success — one which harmed white American interests. Jews in Russia at the time were aggressively subverting the Czar’s government and making life difficult for ordinary Russians. In September of that year, for example, two Jews murdered the Russian Prime Minister. Jews were likewise moving to the United States, gaining citizenship, and then returning to Russia as “Americans” in order to make trouble. The Russian government thus moved to restrict Jewish immigration.[1]

Ethnonationalist Jews lobbied the Taft administration to end a treaty with Russia that allowed for mutual entry of citizens from either country. Jewish bankers, including Jacob Schiff, provided money for the Jewish activists who called for ending US support for this treaty, and the American Jewish Committee — the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC of its time) — promoted hysterical and mostly false stories about “pogroms” threatening “six million”[2] Jews in Russia in the media. Jews also bribed US Congressmen to support ending the treaty. With Congress under their control, a Jewish delegation met with President Taft and convinced him that the end of the treaty was inevitable. Taft reluctantly gave in.

During the 1912 election, Jews working at the various banking firms on Wall Street financially supported all three of the candidates who ran for President: William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and Theodore Roosevelt. In this way, Jewish interests were going to be served no matter who won. Woodrow Wilson ended up the champion and packed his administration with Jews. Thus, the dispossession of Anglo-American whites starts in 1913.

In 1916, Wilson ran on an isolationist platform during the First World War. But Wilson had already maneuvered the United States into war with Germany in 1915, when he recklessly condemned Germany after the sinking of the Lusitania – a passenger ship that was carrying contraband war materiel bound for Britain.

The Balfour Declaration

Once it became widely known that American society was controlled by Jews, foreign nations acted accordingly. One such nation was Great Britain. During the First World War, the British made a deal with Zionist Jews to provide the Jews a “homeland” in Palestine in exchange for Jewish pressure to bring America into the war. The Balfour Declaration, a government white paper which promised Jews a “homeland”[3] provided that the rights of the Palestinians would be respected — was issued. The Balfour Declaration was issued after the US was already in the war, but the deal between the British and the Zionists had already been struck in 1916. Dalton writes:

Britain’s price was low: a spit of land far from the home country. True, there would be Arab resistance, but the Brits were used to that. A much higher price would be paid by Germany and the Central Powers, and by America — who would expend hundreds of millions of dollars, and suffer 116,000 war dead. But such are the consequences of selling out to a ruthless and manipulative minority. (p. 65)

The Roosevelts

Dalton points out that the two Roosevelt presidents, Theodore and Franklin, were rumored to have some Jewish ancestry. Dalton admits that this is only a rumor, and that even if it were true, their Jewish ancestry would most likely have come from the distant past; namely, in Holland before the settlement of New Amsterdam. It is notable that neither man denied this rumor, however, and that both presidents, especially FDR, enjoyed overwhelming Jewish support.

The Second World War

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The greatest disaster in the history of the civilized world has been the Second World War. Looking back from the wreckage of Pearl Harbor, it is clear that Franklin Roosevelt did everything possible to get America embroiled in a war with Germany and her allies throughout the 1930s.

The issue was that Jews had migrated to Germany in the late nineteenth century just as they’d migrated to the United States. Their impact upon Germany was far more negative. By the First World War, most of the top white-collar professions in Germany were dominated by Jews. At the end of the First World War, Jewish revolutionaries had also attempted to take over Germany and establish a Communist state there. This effort failed, but Jewish control of Germany continued until the National Socialists were elected.

International Jewry was outraged that they were no longer able to continue plundering and manipulating Germany after 1933, so they organized in France, Britain, and America in order to turn those peoples against the National Socialists. FDR was the organized Jewish community’s best agent for war. Dalton shows the following:

  1. There was an extensive and influential Jewish presence in FDR’s administration.

  2. The US publicat the time did not want war.

  3. Influential American Jews wanted war.

  4. FDR acted surreptitiously in order to promote war with Germany and its allies.

  5. The Jewish-run media I the US supported war.

  6. The US entered the war under false pretenses. (p. 101)

As far as points one and two are concerned, Roosevelt’s administration was packed with Jews, many of whom were sympathetic to the Soviet Union. Right up until the attack on Pearl Harbor, polling consistently showed that around 80% of the American public was against the US becoming involved in the war. Concerning points three through six, the organized Jewish community had opposed Hitler’s Germany from the moment he was elected. The US mainstream media, and Roosevelt himself, made exaggerated claims about the danger posed by Hitler as early as 1937. Once the British gave Poland an unsolicited war guarantee in 1939 and then war finally came, Roosevelt promised the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, that “he would make an incident.”

How to Achieve Peace

Dalton admits that “[i]t would be misleading to say the Jews ‘caused’ the world wars” (p. 168). Lord Halifax in England, for example, labored to maneuver Britain into war with Germany, and he was not Jewish. The organized Jewish community nevertheless had a significant influence on those events, if not a decisive one. Furthermore, there is no instance of the organized Jewish community using its influence to steer governments towards a just resolution of any conflict anywhere.

The most recent example of this is the run-up to the Ukraine War, when the Jewish-dominated Biden regime failed to take the obvious path to peace by “Finlandizing” Ukraine, thereby recognizing Ukraine as a neutral buffer state as Finland had been during the Cold War. Jewish “peace activists” are usually part of a scheme to consolidate Jewish gains. Similarly, the Oslo Accords that were signed between the Israelis and the Palestinians in 1993 were supposedly a peace treaty, but they gave Israel the ability to completely dispossess the Palestinians by building Israeli-only roads as well as establishing a huge network of checkpoints. This means that if peace is ever to be achieved, Jews must be identified, isolated, sanctioned, and removed from positions of power. Toward this end, the non-Jewish majorities in our nations must be educated and informed so that they will resolve to take this on this task.


[1] Another Jewish attack on white American interests was the successful campaign by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to prevent Judge William Cather Hook of being appointed to the US Supreme Court because he had made a pro-segregation ruling. The Jewish-run NAACP was successful in pressuring Taft to withdraw Hook’s nomination.

[2] The “six million” figure is most likely a Jewish superstition. In Exodus, the entire Hebrew nation is expressed in a number: 600,000. As Gregory Delany writes in his book The Monsters of Babylon:

. . . in modern times, this number is used to represent the total population of all modern Jews in the world when it is multiplied by ten, the number of a quorum of Jews praying. It is then rendered as six million. Thus, six million became a code word representing all of Jewry. It was used in World War I and again in World War II as a code word representing all Jews. As a code word, it attracted all Jews to the banner of whomever Jewish leaders were broadcasting the code. Six million did not represent an actual figure but in merely represented a code word for an attack upon all of Jewry, such as the six million “victims” of the Nazis. Thus, all Jews worldwide could be inveigled to militate against whatever target was said to be attacking the “six million.” Since that number represented the gematria code for “all Jews worldwide,” then for a Jew, “Six million means you. — The Monsters of Babylon, vol. 1, p. 203.

[3] The Unitarian Reverend John Haynes Holmes wrote in his book Palestine To-day And To-morrow: A Gentile’s Survey of Zionism (1929):

Slowly but surely all the inhabitants of Palestine will be joined together in this movement [Zionism], and find it its exactions the rallying center of their lives. As they serve it, they will forget their domestic differences as the Hindus and Moslems of India who have caught the vision of Swaraj are forgetting their ancient feuds. As they sacrifice for it, they will discover their common interests and loyalties in a country which is their own, and of which they are the citizens together. The Arab will no longer be an Arab; the Jew will no longer be a Jew. Both will be Palestinians, as members of many races and religions in the United States are now Americans. (pp. 140-141)

Obviously, the pacifist Reverend Holmes was tragically wrong.
