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Bucking the Trend: Can Ukraine Avoid Its Path Into Oblivion?

29-4-2024 < SGT Report 27 666 words

from 21st Century Wire:

The US Congress just passed the 95 billion Dollars aid package, including $61 billion to Ukraine which president Biden promptly signed into law. This marked the end of a six-month long standoff opposing the Establishment against a handful of MAGA Republicans bent on making the adoption of the supplemental contingent on solving the problem at the southern border.

Speaker Mike Johnson had been expected to hold the line and prevent the continued pilfering of US taxpayers monies by the Kiev Regime, he eventually succumbed to intense pressure while declaring that he “wanted to be on the right side of history.”


This complete reversal came on the heels of the renewal by the House of a very controversial bill aiming at turning the FISA Act’s infamous Section 702 into a tool “which allows the U.S. to capture texts, cellphone calls, emails and other electronic communications of foreigners in foreign countries, though sometimes Americans’ data get scooped up when they converse with foreign targets.”

Without any monies being allocated to the border, MAGA Republicans promptly expressed dismay at Johnson’s betrayal.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Green called for Johnson to be vacated deeming the Republican Speaker as nothing more than “a lame duck.”

As a result of her staunch opposition to the continued financing of the Zelensky regime, Taylor-Green was promptly criticized, earning the nickname “Moscow Marjorie.”

Meanwhile the House Impeachment Inquiry tasked with tying Joe Biden to corruption in Ukraine and elsewhere is seemingly going nowhere.

With the Uniparty reinvigorated by the defeat of the rebel wing of the GOP, it appears increasingly likely that the incumbent president won’t even be impeached, let alone convicted at a trial in the US Senate.

It almost seems as if Jim Comer and and colleagues are content with going through the motions even though they could easily gain access to crucial evidence needed to implicate Biden directly in the context of activities carried out through Burisma, the mining and gas company at the center of the conclusions recently made public by the Russian Investigative Comittee following the March 22 terrorist attacks at the Crocus City Center.

Which so much evidence of Biden-Ukraine corruption on the table, how is it that no moves have been made by federal law enforcement and the Department of Justice to pursue a case?

The Good Samaritan Curse

In an interview granted last January to noted attorney and journalist Simona Mangiante, former Ukrainian MP Andrei Derkach revealed that the leaking of the infamous recordings of conversations between then vice president Biden and Ukrainian president Petro Poroschenko had been made public by none other than Volodymir Zelensky’s office.

Weeks before the Crocus City Hall terror attacks followed by the subsequent findings of the Russian investigative committee, Derkach had unequivocally tied the financing of terrorist operations by Ukraine to a slush fund created by Burisma. These allegations could in turn potentially make erstwhile board members Hunter Biden, former Polish president Aleksandr Kwasnieski and veteran CIA counter-terrorism Chief Cofer Black, criminally liable.

Publishing on his Telegram channel, Derkach described how in the wake of last year’s failed counter-offensive the Kiev regime had opted to engage in a policy of state terror: a “strategy” he alleges is to this day being carefully managed by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan who visited Kiev “a few days before Crocus.”

Derkach added that in the context of such visit, the concept of “controlled nuclear insecurity” was also discussed and it should be noted that two weeks later, Europe’s largest nuclear power plant located in Zaporozhye, and under the control of the Russian Federation, was subjected to the “worst attack since November 2022.” By all measures, this is a frightening escalation on the part of Kiev and should give pause to those (particularly in Washington and London) who have blindly supported the expansion of ‘asymmetric warfare’ campaign against numerous Russian targets.

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