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The Worst Week Yet: April 21-27, 2024

29-4-2024 < Counter Currents 4348 2434 words

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“God Doesn’t Have to Be a White Man,” Writes Catholic Korean Woman

The scuttlebutt that’s been circulating in “these spheres” over the past few years is that the most foolproof way to salvage the white race isn’t to focus on white people being white, but instead to resurrect Christianity, despite the fact that it’s a dying religion both in raw numbers and as a quotient of the United States population.

As part of what I can only interpret as another stealth divide-and-conquer operation, many have insisted that not just any old form of Christianity will suffice — it has to be Roman Catholicism, because clearly the only way to save whites from genetic annihilation is to adopt a religion where less than a third of its adherents live in Europe or North America. And while you’re at it, whip up chronic and incurable hostility between white Catholics and all those white American Protestants, despite the fact that white Protestants outnumber white Catholics here by more than 2-1.

If none of it makes any sense, well, that’s why you gotta have faith.

According to Wikipedia’s page on “Catholic Church and Race,” Catholicism spurns Old Testament-style tribal blood relations in favor of faith, which is “accessible to all of the races of man”:

The foundational break between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism on human beings is that since the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, the new covenant with the [sicGod, is based not on the concept of a tribal, hereditary definition of a chosen people by blood which excludes gentiles (“the nations”), but on faith and belief, accessible to all of the races of man (in following with Galatians 3:28).


The international community is aware that the roots of racism, discrimination and intolerance are found in prejudice and ignorance, which are first of all the fruits of sin, but also of faulty and inadequate education.

And lest ye need reminding, the very word “Catholic” means “universal,” so anyone trying to sell you a bill of goods purporting that Catholicism is the perfect vehicle for cultivating pro-white racial nationalism is either ignorant or a liar.

It is therefore not the least bit anomalous that an atypically rough-looking Korean Catholic woman named Grace Ji-Sun Kim is not only the author of a tome with the Noel Ignatiev-flavored title When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity — which one reviewer praised as “A timely book that reflects the shifting of Christianity from the West to the Global South” — she also penned an essay for U.S. Catholic magazine called “God doesn’t have to be a white man.” Sample nuggets:

I am a child of Korean immigrants. In 1975, my family immigrated to a small white city in Canada. Our neighbors knew little about Koreans except for through TV shows such as M*A*S*H. Some other school children even told me, “There is Chinese, and there is Japanese, but there is no such thing as Koreans.” So I lived in doubt about my own country and identity and would often question my mom, asking where Korea is and whether it is even real. Classmates called me names and racial slurs and sometimes did “eye pulls” to make fun of my small thin eyes. . . .

My mother hung the famous Warner Sallman’s Head of Christ picture in our living room right above our couch. Since we lived in a small two-bedroom apartment, that print of Jesus’ face was the first thing you saw as you entered the apartment. That was the image that was ingrained in my head, in my faith, and in my understanding of God. . . .

This white male image of God is associated with kingship, colonial power, emperor, domination, fear, and intimidation towards women and people of color. The “good news” of Jesus spread throughout the world in part through colonialism and crusades and imperialist missionaries. . . .

But while she’s in the process of making Christianity sound cooler and whiter than I’d ever imagined possible, Ms. Kim has to go and plop a big, steaming pile of hybridized Frankfurt School/E. Michael Jones-styled race denialism in our laps:

It’s important to keep in mind that “white” is a created category of race. It has no biological or scientific foundation. So “whiteness” is a social construct, but it is one that has many tangible and destructive effects. Whiteness is a cultural space where political power and privilege are located. The agenda of whiteness is to keep people of color marginalized, oppressed, and subordinated. Whiteness maintains the status quo and reinforces it as it keeps white people at the top of the social hierarchy, where power, privilege, and wealth are concentrated.

I’ve been saying it for years: “Racism” is a social construct, whereas race is verifiable via a simple DNA test. And when both Grace Ji-Sun Kim and I inevitably pass into the great unknown, DNA analyses of our skulls will confirm that she was of predominantly Asian ancestry, whereas I was almost entirely a product of the British Isles. But there would be no way to verify whether either one of us was a Catholic, because unlike race, religious belief is merely a category of the mind.

Black Substitute Teacher Charged with Knocking White Student Unconscious for Allegedly Using a Hard “R”

As I established on these very pages a couple weeks ago, the “N-word” magically loses a smidgen of its toxic sting if you drop the hard “r” sound at the end.

Now comes word from Las Vegas, Nevada — where a white teenager was beaten to death late last year by a mob of black co-teens — that a 6’7” (1.8 meters) black substitute teacher with the undeniably black name of Re’Kwon Smith was filmed from multiple angles knocking a much smaller white student unconscious. According to another student, the white teen’s initial crime had been referring to his teacher and eventual assailant with the hard “R” variant of the “N-word racist slur”:

This is my school and it literally just happened today.

There’s a lot of words and rumor going around but I’ll sum it up the best I can.

According to my weightlifting coach (a friend and co-worker of Coach Smith) the student exited the gym through the side door which prompted Coach Smith to go after him in the hallway.

However, and this is what everyone is saying, the student called the coach the Hard R which led to the altercation.

Wasn’t too sure what happened with both, but from what I’ve heard the kid was in handcuffs.

Coach Re’Kwon was arrested and charged with battery resulting in serious bodily harm, assault of a school pupil on school property, interfering with a student from attending school, and threatening to do bodily harm to a public school student. It is unclear whether or not the unnamed white student is facing any charges, but as Smith was taken away by police, the newly-conscious teenager allegedly shouted, “You’re going to jail, nigga!”

If that’s true, we can all take solace in the fact that being knocked unconscious taught the uppity white child to drop the hard “R.”

Black Athletic Director at Baltimore Area High School Charged with Creating Deepfake AI Audio of White Principal Saying “Racist” Things

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

Hate-crime hoaxes have existed every bit as long as the fraudulent notion of “hate crimes” have existed, and diligent researchers such as Laird Wilcox have been exposing the phenomenon for at least three decades now.

But now, right outside the utterly destroyed city of Baltimore, which already has problems edjumacating its students, comes news of what may be the first case of someone facing criminal charges for using artificial intelligence to place “racist” words in someone’s mouth.

News emerged back in January that officials with Baltimore County Public Schools were investigating an audio recording of “disturbing” remarks allegedly made by Eric Eiswert, principal at Pikesville High School, whose student body as of 2022 was 50% black and 30% white. The intelligible parts of the recording are as follows:

You know, I seriously don’t understand why I have to constantly put up with these dumbfucks here every day. Between these ungrateful black kids who can’t test their way out of a paper bag or these teachers who don’t get it. How hard is it to get these students to meet their grade level expectations? . . . I’m just so sick of the inadequacies of these people. And if I have to get one more complaint from one more Jew in this community, I’m going to join the other side.

Eiswert, who had worked for Baltimore County Schools since 1997, was placed on administrative leave pending a formal investigation.

Last Thursday, Baltimore County police announced that a 31-year-old black athletic director at the school named Dazhon Darien — I don’t make up these names, I only report them — had used AI audio technology to entirely fabricate the recording as part of what the New York Post is calling a “demented revenge scheme.”

According to Chief of Police Robert McCollough, “Through their investigation, detectives alleged Mr. Darien who was the athletic director at the high school made the recording to retaliate against the principal who had launched an investigation into the potential mishandling of school funds.”

Darien was arrested Friday at Baltimore’s Thurgood Marshall Airport after he allegedly tried to pass through security with “an improperly stored firearm in his bag.” He has been charged with theft, stalking, disruption of school operations, and retaliation against a witness.

I blame Baltimore native Thurgood Marshall for all of this. He should be posthumously renamed Thurbad Marshall.

Trying to Make Sense of the Anti-Zionist Campus Protests

While we’re on the subject of hate-crime hoaxes, an official statement by Renata Nyul, Vice President for Communications at Northeastern University in Boston, justified Saturday’s clearing out of a “Gaza peace encampment” and the detention of an estimated 102 protestors thusly:

Last night, the use of virulent antisemitic slurs, including ‘Kill the Jews,’ crossed the line. We cannot tolerate this kind of hate on our campus.

When confronted with irrefutable video evidence that the person who said “Kill the Jews” was a pro-Israel demonstrator who was taunting the pro-Palestinian crowd, Nyul doubled down, stating that the

fact that the phrase “Kill the Jews” was shouted on our campus is not in dispute. . . . The Boston Globe, a trusted news organization, reported it as fact. There is also substantial video evidence. Any suggestion that repulsive antisemitic comments are sometimes acceptable depending on the context is reprehensible. That language has no place on any university campus.

Last Thursday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson visited the campus of Columbia University, where a police raid against pro-Palestinian agitators on April 17 effectively launched a nationwide trend of copycat sit-ins, to repeat the lie that on October 7, 2023, Israeli “infants were cooked in ovens”:

And today I’m here to proclaim to all those who gnash their teeth and demand to wipe the State of Israel off the map and attack our innocent Jewish students this simple truth. Neither Israel nor these Jewish students on this campus will ever stand alone. . . . As Columbia has allowed these lawless agitators and radicals to take over, the virus of anti-Semitism has spread across other campuses. By some counts, as many as 200 universities have a similar form of protest right now. At Yale, a Jewish student was stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag and 45 students were arrested. At NYU, pro-Hamas protesters were shouting from the river to the sea. Anti-Israel encampments are popping up at universities all across this country. The madness has to stop. The madness has to stop. . . . From university professors to public officials, people in positions of authority have denied the horrific facts of September 11, 2001, the attacks on the United States that happened right here in New York City, or to ignore the barbaric attack of Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023, where Israeli women and children were savagely raped and murdered, and infants were cooked in ovens.

No mention was made of the 30,000+ Palestinians, many of them women and children, who’ve been murdered as part of Israel’s unhinged response.

Two schools of thought have emerged among “dissident” types about the greater significance of these campus protests. One is that ZOG no longer has an iron grip on public discourse and that the typically hysterical Israeli overreaction has laid bare before the entire world the ghastly fact that those who scream the loudest about “genocide” may actually be its most ardent practitioners.

An opposing viewpoint is that the protests are nothing more than anti-whiteness made flesh and that all the chitter-chatter about “colonialism” shows that despite all their efforts to distance themselves from “white supremacy,” Zionists are merely privileged whites who only differ from the rest of us in their rejection of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. To support this contention, they’ve entered into “evidence” a brief clip of a giant-beaked Jewish woman saying she’s protesting Gaza’s destruction because “We don’t like white people.”

As much as we’re all starving for good news and reasons to feel optimistic, I’d caution people from gleaning too much hope from the campus protests. While I think it’s overly simplistic to see it all as another open-air festival of whitey-bashing, our government has made clear that they won’t let anyone — even Jews — say “Kill the Jews” without putting us all through another World War.

Jim Goad
