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MEGA Conference Celebrates Nationalism!

29-4-2024 < Activist Post 41 1104 words

By Neenah Payne

Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogan was adopted by European nations  for the “Make Europe Great Again” (MEGA) conference on April 27-28 in Romania.

“Organized by the Institute of Conservative Political Studies “Mihai Eminescu” and the conservative party Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), the event aims to address the challenges faced by Europe and the entire world. According to the organizers, these challenges represent an existential threat posed by the “neo-Marxist globalist left bent on disfiguring society and corrupting people’s minds and souls.” The Romanian conservatives believe that the only safeguard against this “unprecedented madness” is “conservatives and patriots.”

The European Union (EU) has been at the forefront of enacting socialist policies over the past couple of decades. One such policy concerns the destruction of borders and the facilitation of mass migration from Africa and the Middle East…that have led to such grave consequences as an increased strain on local economies, a spike in crime, and the degradation of European cultural identity.

In recent years, several countries, including Hungary, Italy, Poland, Austria, Denmark, Greece, Switzerland, Norway, and the Baltic states, have taken steps to address security and cultural concerns by strengthening immigration measures.”

The exit from the European Union now includes Brexit (Britain), Nexit (Netherlands), Frexit (France), TAlexit (Italy), and Auxit (Austria).

In Praise of Nationalism

Dr. Robert Malone gave the In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations (video) address copied below.

I come here today to praise nationalism and the diversity of nations as laboratories for innovation and adaptation to changing conditions.

There are many lessons we can learn from the COVID crisis, but one of the key ones has to do with “what is globalism”.…. Globalism is central planning….The former residents of the Soviet Union understand central planning. ….This globalization thrust is basically to support the agenda of transnational, globalist organizations, particularly corporations in their cooperative relationships with large transnational governmental organizations. This public private cooperation has a name. The name was given by Benito Mussolini…. The name is Fascism.… We have to call things by their true names despite what that may imply or how the press may react to it.

We are not far right. We are center right. The truth is that our opponents have become far left, but we allow press and corporate media to redefine language and demonize us as far right, but the truth is that they are the radicals. They are the far left. We have to refuse to allow them to capture and pervert our language. We must take it back. Language controls thought. It controls how we structure our understanding of the world….

The ultimate component of a decentralized adaptive world is the family. We need to celebrate the family as the core of the principle and thrust of the concept of subsidiarity.

The weaponization of fear via propaganda to control people is unethical. We have seen repeated justification by academics and bureaucrats and governments and transnational organizations that the weaponization of fear is acceptable in the service of the overall public good as they define it. In the case of the COVID crisis in the service of public health, weaponization of fear is unethical, and it should not be allowed. It should not be tolerated….

Fight for your future. Celebrate this opportunity to fight for your future. What a gift to have an opportunity at this point in time to make a difference. Celebrate it.

Social media developed by the US and enhanced by the UK intellectual community has been developed as a weapon by these intelligence communities…. All of these social media tools are…psychological warfare weapons….They were designed and deployed in Arab Spring as weapons…to facilitate regime change.

Now, the shock came when Nigel Farage and his group caused Brexit, and that shock was further enhanced when Mr. Trump became President Trump and suddenly the United States intelligence community and the State Department and all the infrastructure they control and exert efforts and control over Europe woke up and recognized that they had a problem. And that problem now extends to the populous movement here, which we represent as center right conservatives.

That challenge now represents an existential threat to NATO itself because if Europe wakes up to the techno-totalitarianism that is being imposed from Brussels, and it begins to exert the value of the independent nation state, there is a perceived risk by the US State Department and intelligence community that the European Union….will dissolve….if that fragments, NATO will fragment, and if NATO fragments…the United States Foreign Policy Establishment believes that they will find themselves at a significant disadvantage in an increasingly multilateral world….

We must have access to unrestricted information, and that means that we have to have free speech and freedom of thought…. But if we refuse to allow them to have access to information and diversity of thought, we will prevent our ability as nation states and cultures to adapt to changing conditions. And if there’s one thing that we absolutely must have right now, it’s the ability to innovate and adapt. That’s how we escaped the Malthusian trap. All this fear of global warming and population growth; that’s what this is all about. And the counter argument to the Malthusian argument is that humans adapt. Humans can change, humans can innovate. They can’t innovate if all information is controlled.

States and cultures which resist propaganda, censorship, and weaponized fear have a competitive advantage…. independent nation states are the laboratory for innovation, cultural innovation, and political innovation, and economic innovation.…

Therefore, proceed without fear. Refuse to be a victim. Do not apologize and fight for life, freedom and sovereignty. Choose life, not death. Nigel Farage advises that we need a name for our movement. As far as I’m concerned, “Let’s Make Europe Great Again”….

For More Information

Global Coup By WHO and Bill Gates?
The Growing Revolution Against Globalists
Najadi: Evict/Arrest Globalists In Switzerland!
WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Enslave Humanity!

Top image: Carlos Martinuzzi/Medium

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