Anti-Zionist Jews can be divided into two camps, those assimilated to Whiteness and thus have European American liberals’ hyper-altruism towards outgroups. The other camp is those who are at unease with Whiteness due to the history of White Christian anti-Semitism, and thus see Zionism as Jews adopting negative nationalistic and imperialistic traits from Europeans, or view Zionism as outright White supremacy.
Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, epitomizes the former while the latter is epitomized by the late author, Noel Ignatiev, who called to abolish Whiteness while also opposing Zionism. Gilad Atzmon is unique as a Zionist Jew who talks about Jewish supremacism but generally leftwing anti-Zionists frame Zionism as just White supremacy or Western Imperialism.
Jewish Zionists can also be divided between Western Chauvinists, who like White Christians but dislike Arabs and Muslims, and more outright Jewish supremacists, who don’t care for either White gentiles or Arabs. The former is epitomized by French Nationalist politician, Eric Zemmour, while the latter is epitomized by the ADL and a lot of neocon types.
Jewish people critical of Zionism who also stand up for Whites and the West are fairly rare, but the best example is Glenn Greenwald, who is critical of Israel but also of anti-White discrimination. Not to mention, Jewish South African Paleolibertarian, Ilana Mercer, who is outspoken against anti-Whiteness. Mercer used to be a moderate Zionist but is now outspoken against Israel’s regime and the war in Gaza, as genocidal. She grew up in Israel and I remember her lamenting how Israel has become much less Western and European-influenced since when she lived there.
The irony is that an anti-Zionist Jew like Jill Stein fundamentally views herself as White while rightwing Zionist Jews like Dennis Prager often like to point to all the dark-complexion Ethiopians and Yemenis serving in the IDF, to detract from allegations that Israel is a White Supremacist state. While leftwing anti-Semites treat Jews as White and rightwing anti-Semites treat Jews as Near Eastern aliens, it is wrong to treat Jews as one monolith. Ashkenazi Jews are a White Western people but also have partial genetic ties to the Near East
I am in favor of a radical centrist movement that is pro-White but also friendly towards Jews, thus would have to appeal to both the White identifying or White friendly Jews in both the Zionist and anti-Zionist camps, which is tricky. At this point, I am leaning towards a “Semitic neutralism” rather than anti-Semitism vs hardcore philo-semitism, despite my being part Jewish and generally liking Jewish people.
I am critical of Israel but if I were Jewish I would probably be a Zionist. I support Zionism in principle but have major issues with it in practice. I also get that people should show some loyalty to their tribe, and just like I reject White guilt, I don’t expect all Jews to turn into Norman Finkelsteins.
Robert Stark’s Ashkenazi Jewish Great Great Great Grandfather