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Second Update on the Counter-Currents Movement Poll

26-4-2024 < Counter Currents 29 712 words

Francis William Edmonds, Taking the Census, 1854

614 words

Last week and the week before, we sent out an invitation to everyone on our mailing list to take our movement poll. (We are sending out a reminder email this weekend.) 

  • Please check your inbox or spam folder and fill out the poll today!

  • Yes, that means everyone: writers, staff, volunteers, donors, regular commenters—not just casual readers. If you are on the mailing list, we want to hear from you.

The purpose of this poll is to get a clear picture of our readers. This will help us to do two things.

  • Better engage and mobilize the readers we already have.

  • Craft better outreach to bring in more like-minded readers.

Once we complete this poll, we hope to make versions of this poll available to other pro-white groups, platforms, and organizations.

  • Everyone who takes the poll will be entered to win a prize of $500.

  • Your answers are anonymous, because of course the questions are “personal.”

  • There are 114 questions.

  • The poll will take less than an hour of your time.

  • To give people more time to take the poll, we have extended the deadline to May 15th.

  • The greater the number of people taking the poll, the better the data.

Here are some new reactions from people who have already taken it:

  • I encourage everyone to complete this Counter-Currents poll. The results of this poll will help us better understand who we are and what makes us tick. This is one of the better ideas I have ever witnessed in my 48 years in the White Nationalist movement. Analysis of the results will assist us in strategically planning and organizing a winning solution for our race and heritage.

  • As White Nationalists, we all want to contribute to the future of our people. Occasionally, this contribution takes the form of grand heroic gestures, but more often, our role is simpler yet all the more vital. I would encourage all among our ranks to provide valuable feedback through participation in the Counter-Currents poll so that our movement can better understand itself and equip itself to meet the challenges of the future.

  • This survey will help us learn more about the dissident right and white advocacy. Which, in turn, will increase our ranks with new members. Please take a few minutes to contribute to this valuable project.

  • Knowing your constituency and their aspirations goes a long way in serving their interests, whether through legislation or the development of institutions designed to effectuate them and make them reality. I strongly suggest you take the time to complete this survey, as the fruits of our labor are directly proportional to the size of the pot.

  • I thought that the poll was a great idea, so I wanted to do it. It didn’t take that long to do, and I enjoyed filling it out. The personality tests were quite fun as well.

  • Thank you for creating this survey! I think it’s a great idea to get some real data about our movement. Most of what we have are general impressions based on observations of internet activity, which is not necessarily representative or accurate. Hopefully this will give supporters of white identity some solid ideas for how to move forward effectively.

  • I don’t know what to say aside from my opinion: You ought to take this poll if you are White.

  • “Know the enemy, know yourself, and victory is never in doubt, not in a hundred battles.”–Sun Tzu

So please set aside some time, and take this poll today.

  • Check your email or spam folder for the invitation.

  • Or, if you are not on our mailing list, join it today:


Thank you,

Greg Johnson
