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How Joe Biden Unleashed The Greatest Border Crisis in US History

10-4-2024 < Activist Post 23 1170 words

By Neenah Payne

Todd Bensman warned in the videos below that immigrants from 170 countries are crossing the US southern border. While the surge in the last 36 months has broken every record, the current surge is breaking those records!

Now there are 10,000 to 14,000 apprehensions per day when 1,000 per day a few years ago was considered a national emergency. Bensman said there are 300,000+ illegal immigrants per month. However, the surge is closer to 400,000 per month if you consider the CBP One™ app that allows illegal immigrants to come in through ports of entry and tens of thousands are being flown into 43 American airports!

Bensman said the illegal border crossing started the first day Biden became president. He said the policy can also be ended in 24 hours. Bensman estimated that at least 5 million illegal immigrants had already come in by October 2023 and said there might another four million by the end of 2024.

Front Line Field Reports from the Greatest Mass Migration Event in American History reports

The crisis began several months before the national presidential election, when aspiring immigrants bet that Joe Biden would win and open the border to them. That’s just what happened, and the crisis quickly escalated after Biden took office.

Uncensored: Border Surge (video) 10/12/23

What’s happening at the southern border isn’t just an invasion, but a crime. The politicians and NGOs responsible for it are criminals, who should be punished accordingly.

Bensman’s Book: Overrun

Todd Bensman is an acclaimed newspaper reporter and magazine writer who transitioned to a career as a national security intelligence professional for the Texas Department of Public Safety and then returned to the journalism trade. He currently serves as the Texas-based Senior National Security Fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a Washington, D.C. policy institute for which he writes, lectures, and grants media interviews about the nexus between immigration and national security.

He has testified before Congress as an expert witness and regularly appears on radio and television outlets for his national security and border security expertise. Separately, he reports on international and domestic terrorism matters for Homeland Security Today, the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Townhall Media, The Federalist, the Middle East Forum, and other major online news sites. Otherwise, he finds time to teach intelligence analysis, terrorism and journalism courses as an adjunct university lecturer.

Bensman was born in Houston, Texas and raised in Phoenix, Arizona before moving to Alaska to work as reporter and then, to cover wars, rebellions and human drama in more than 30 countries. He settled in his native Texas but still travels abroad to report on immigration and national security.

He is the recipient of two National Press Club awards for his foreign reporting, a prestigious Inter-American Press Association Award, and two Texas Institute of Letters awards among many other journalism recognitions. Reflecting his hybridized journalism-intelligence career, Bensman holds both a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and a master’s degree in security studies from the Naval Postgraduate School.

Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History

Amazon Description

Overrun provides the first full account of the worst mass immigration border crisis ever to strike the United States, how and why the administration of President Joe Biden unleashed it, how it has forever altered the nation, and what voters and all future leaders need to comprehend in order to finally end it.

“Todd Bensman tells the truth about illegal immigration and how it is not a victimless crime. With immigration front and center this year, his book is a must-read.” –Thomas Homan, former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 2017-2018, and author of Defend the Border and Save Lives: Solving Our Most Important Humanitarian and Security Crisis.

The time has come to acknowledge and comprehend that America is weathering the worst mass border migration event in the nation’s history. Millions of foreign nationals have overrun the southern border, starting on Inauguration Day in 2021, and millions more will cross over by the end of President Joe Biden’s term in 2024.

This event is historic by all measures, exceeding even the storied chronicles of Ellis Island, and portends the same permanent change for the nation. Unfortunately, a fog of a fierce partisan information war obscures that it is even happening as well as basic truths Americans desperately need to have about this historic event. Radical ideologues, whose ideas even the modern Democratic Party had always rejected, gained power in 2021 and, with impunity, implemented an extreme reality-divorced theology about immigration. Americans never voted for their experiment or the irrevocable consequences that immediately waylaid a surprised nation.

But the American electorate has upcoming chances in the election booth to reclaim their say. This book provides what is needed now: reporting-based analysis that will lay bare this crushing ongoing emergency’s causes, dimensions, and chaotic impacts so as to finally illuminate the pathway out of it. Here is ground zero of the human tsunami that smashed into America and is still washing into all fifty states with permanent consequences. It is a true story that can be found nowhere else because it comes from the author’s frontline reportage throughout the borderlands and all along the migration trails in Central America from its first days. Its primary sources are not “experts,” politicians and media pundits, but the witnesses to this history, the immigrants at its core.

Todd Bensman Reviews “Overrun” with Jennie Taer on C-SPAN 2/25/23

Todd Bensman discusses his new book OVERRUN: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in American History on C-SPAN.

For More Information

Documentary: Deception At Our Southern Border
Todd Bensman on the Urgency of Addressing the Biden Border Crisis 2/26/24
The Current Border Policy and What it Means for America | Todd Bensman 3/15/24
Front Line Field Reports from the Greatest Mass Migration Event in American History 4/7/24

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image credit: Washington Times

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