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The Worst Week Yet: March 31-April 6, 2024

8-4-2024 < Counter Currents 35 2473 words

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African Ingenuity: Grave-Robbers in Sierra Leone Grind Up Human Bones and Roll Them Into Joints

Black people invented everything, including the IQ test, but as everyone knows, white supremacists stole and buried the original IQ test that blacks invented, because it’s the only one where blacks scored higher than everyone else.

Still, black genius refuses to be suppressed, especially in places where black people flourish such as the tiny West African nation of Sierra Leone, which resembles a landfill with black people crawling atop it.

Only black people, whom my mother always assured me are great entertainers, have the technological savvy to create a “zombie drug” they call “kush” that has an ever-changing recipe. Kush is smoked in joints, and its only consistent ingredient seems to be dried leaves; the type of leaf can vary. It is sometimes sprinkled with fentanyl or tramadol or sprayed with disinfectants or doused with formalin.

The most recent addition to kush is ground-up human bones, which according to a black doctor at Sierra Leone’s only mental hospital, “contain a lot of sulfur, and sulfur has the potential of giving that feeling of high, especially when taken in at high concentrations and when inhaled because it goes directly to the brain.”

Drug mixed with human bones ravaging Sierra LeoneDrug mixed with human bones ravaging Sierra Leone

The same doctor alleges that around 2,000 graves have been robbed in Sierra Leone’s capital city of Freetown to provide the sulfur-rich human bones that give kush that extra-special kick that users refer to as entering “the mad world.” Cemeteries have now requested nighttime police security to fend off the grave-robbers who supply the abjectly non-functional country with its supply of bone-enhanced kush.

Kush: Into the Mad World - BBC Africa Eye documentaryKush: Into the Mad World – BBC Africa Eye documentary

Last week, Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio declared a national emergency and described kush as a “death trap”:

Our country is currently faced with an existential threat due to the ravaging impact of drugs and substance abuse, particularly the devastating synthetic drug kush.

We wish the president all the luck in the world in eliminating this poisonous scourge on the fertile brains and supple bodies of his country’s youth. We have no doubt that once Sierra Leone resolves the Kush Question, it will be as happy, functional, and prosperous as all other sub-Saharan nations.

“Queen of Black Hollywood” Says Trump Is “Hitler” and Will Put Black People “In Camps” if Reelected

Until last week, I’d never even heard of Jenifer Lewis, but Wikipedia says she’s known as “The Mother of Black Hollywood” due to “her frequent matriarchal film and television roles.” I’d figured the “Mother of Black Hollywood” was either Hattie McDaniel, Moms Mabley, or Al Jolson’s mammy.

Lewis also spells her first name with only one “n,” which forces me to conclude that it means that either she’s illiterate, her parents were illiterate, or she purposely misspells her name in that annoyingly defiant way that black people do.

Last Thursday she was on a podcast with a certain “Zerlina Maxwell,” yet another black woman with yet another fuck-you-I’m-black first name.

In two clips on Twitter/X, Hollywood’s 67-year-old baby mama predicted chaos if Donald Trump were to be reelected, and, just as people who are beset with Fear of a Trump Planet are wont to do, she made him sound far cooler than he actually is:

Black people don’t want to fight you. All we want to do is feed our children and be equal. Honey, white people are scared. They’re becoming a minority. The world is brown. Yeah. And they gonna do everything they can to stay in those gated communities, not pay taxes, and put those niggers in their places and get those wetbacks out of this goddamn country, “We own this bitch,” well, guess what, you will not win because love is the answer. . . .

For starters, only an estimated 10% of all American houses are in gated communities, and even making the false assumption that everyone in those communities is white, that would leave the vast majority of white Americans shivering outside the gates and prone to black violence. And since you thought it was wise to bring up people who avoid taxes, according to Ryan Faulk’s 2016 analysis “The Fiscal Impact of Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics,” the average white American pays $2,795 in taxes every year, while the average black American leeches $10,016 from the federal till per annum.

Unabashed by the facts, Jeny with the one “n” continues:

Dear God, what have we done? Oh, I’ll tell you what we’ve done. We’ve spent time trying to decide what flavor ice cream we’re gonna get. Because they’re 10,000 flavors. We spend half our lives choosing. Trying to make a choice on bullshit. What movie tonight? Let me sit here for a half hour. No bombs going off. And we do nothing. We sit on our couches. “Oh, I don’t believe in voting.” You fucking idiot. If that man gets in, as soon as he takes the oath, he will have generals walk down the steps of the Capitol. He will take a hammer and break the glass where the Constitution is, and he will tear it up in our faces and say, now, I’m the king of the fucking world. You will bow down, bitches. He will punish everybody that didn’t vote for him. Let me tell y’all how I know this shit. I know it because I know what mental illness looks like! That mania is unstoppable! No! See, this motherfucker’s Hitler. He didn’t come to play.

It’s quite queer that she’d mention the Constitution, because it originally counted blacks as three-fifths of a person until 600,000 or so white soldiers lost their lives in the Civil War.

And it’s true that Lewis knows what mental illness looks like, seeing as she was diagnosed bipolar more than 30 years ago, but I’ve never seen Trump act remotely as mental as Lewis did in that second clip when she started screaming about mania and mental illness.

And if Trump is Hitler, why was he possibly the most Jew-friendly president in American history?

I don’t expect honest answers. I’ve ceased to expect honest answers from nearly everyone.

Self-Described “World’s Sexiest Albino” Goes on Trial for $500,000 BLM-Related Wire-Fraud Scam

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Bomb Inside My Brain here.

I first became aware of the albino ghoul who calls himself “Sir Maejor Page” back in 2018 when he co-starred alongside my podcast co-host on a Netflix program called Trigger Warning with Killer Mike.

Born Tyree Conyers-Page, Sir Maejor — who referred to himself as “the world’s sexiest Albino [sic] model and actor” on his Vimeo account, had racked up an interesting string of criminal charges in Atlanta before becoming a racial activist. In 2014 he was charged with impersonating a police officer when he was found toting a Glock pistol and “wearing a replica of the Atlanta police officer uniform” after handcuffing a black female at a gas station in one of Atlanta’s worst neighborhoods. In 2015, he was arrested while wearing a bulletproof vest outside a public-transit station after he demanded ID from a man who turned out to be a sergeant in the Atlanta Police Department. In 2016, he was arrested yet again after “claiming he was an FBI agent” and carrying, according to a witness, “more weapons than I ever saw an officer wear.” Page was able to plead down all three cases to misdemeanor charges of obstruction and carrying a weapon in an unauthorized location.

For a while, even though he’s whiter than I am if one measures color simply by hue, Page was affiliated with Black Lives Matter of Atlanta, but he seems to have displeased that group to the point where they booted him, so in retaliation he founded something called Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta and began taking contributions.

According to a criminal complaint filed in the United States Federal Court for the Northern District of Ohio in September 2020, Page slogged along for years, hardly turning a profit with his new non-profit scheme, and at one point even had a negative balance on the bank account associated with it.

But then came the “murder” of George Floyd:

In June 2020, BLMGA’s social media page received approximately $36,493.80 in donations; in July 2020, it received approximately $370,933.69 in donations; and in August 2020, an additional $59,914.69 in donations.

On Tuesday, Page began his defense against charges of federal wire fraud, one count of concealment money laundering, and two counts of money laundering in which he allegedly defrauded donors of nearly $500,000. It’s argued that instead of helping save black lives, he spent the money on a house in Toledo as well as food, entertainment, guns, and all other manner of negroidal bling during the Summer of Floyd. In August of 2020, he was stupid enough to film himself flossin’ and flexin’ thusly:

I work for a dope-ass law firm, they pay me well . . . well . . . really well. . . . [Y]ou don’t know how I get motherfucking money, because if I showed you my account, you would kill yourself, if I showed you my account you’d kill yourself. . . . I could buy you, your daddy, your mammy, and your bitch . . . I mean if we are talking numbers . . . I’m wearing tailored suits, nice cufflinks, 100-dollar ties . . . I’m sorry, 150-dollar ties. . . . [L]et me tell you the difference between me and a lot of motherfuckers . . . they still back in Toledo, can’t catch a flight when they feel like it, can’t make a phone call to get what they want, can’t call 400 people to show up at any given time. . . . [T]hey don’t have access to capital, they don’t have access to the attorneys. . . . [T]here ain’t never gonna be a nigga like me.

Hate to burst your bubble, “Sir Maejor,” but apart from the severe melanin deficiency, there are plenty of niggas like you.

City Commissioner in Enid, Oklahoma Loses Recall Election Because He Attended “Unite the Right” Rally in 2017

In the 2020 presidential election, every county in Oklahoma voted for Donald Trump. According to the Associated Press, Garfield County in northern Oklahoma gives Republicans “a nearly 4-to-1 advantage” over Democrats. As of the 2020 census, the small town of Enid, the seat of Garfield County, was 76% white and a mere 2.6% black.

In February of 2023, a white man Judd Blevins was elected as a City Commissioner in Enid despite the fact that a month earlier, a local newspaper called attention to a 2019 article by witch-hunting organization Right Wing Watch that identified Blevins as the Oklahoma state coordinator for Nathan Damigo’s now-defunct Identity Evropa who had attended the ill-fated 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Also in 2019, the Leftist hacker collective Unicorn Riot leaked messages from Discord groups made by people who attended the Charlottesville rallies. Two weeks prior to the rally, Blevins, using the pseudonym “Conway,” had allegedly written:


Blevins had also said on a podcast:

That old phrase, “You will not erase us, you will not replace us,” — we have to have that attitude. Every single day we have to have that attitude. We have to be of that mindset and we have to spread our message to other people.

Last November, after urging by the Enid Social Justice Committee, led by an absolute monstrosity of a woman named Kristi Balden, Enid’s mayor issued a press release urging the City Council to

[c]onsider a resolution of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Enid, Oklahoma censuring Commissioner Judd Blevins for his participation in the White National, Neo-Nazi demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11 and 12 of 2017, and his failure to apologize for his participation.

In his defense, Blevins said:

I am opposed to all forms of racial hate and racial discrimination. But I’m not going to play this game where I take things that the media says are problems from America’s past that are no longer problems today and pretend like they’re serious issues. They’re not.

During a public forum when he was confronted about his motivation for participating in Charlottesville and Identity Evropa, Blevins said:

Bringing attention to the same issues that got Donald Trump elected in 2016: securing America’s borders, reforming our legal immigration system and, quite frankly, pushing back on this anti-white hatred that is so common in media entertainment.

During a recall election last Tuesday, Blevins lost to a moderate conservative white woman named Cheryl Patterson by a roughly 60%-40% margin.

Despite the fact that Enid is overwhelmingly white and Republican, don’t be surprised if the 40% who voted to keep Blevins in office are eventually doxed and run out of town by a multiracial torch mob that includes several “conservative” white Republicans.

Jim Goad
