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Trilateral Commissioner Larry Summers, OpenAI Board Member, Says All Labor Will Be Replaced

8-4-2024 < Activist Post 28 809 words

By Patrick Wood

With the immediate release of my The Genesis of Modern Globalization (1978-1979), the first in a series of three, Professor Antony Sutton and I lay out all of the details of the Trilateral Commission’s early plans to take over the world. Now, a member of the Trilateral Commission sits on the Board of Directors of OpenAI, the company that is expected to dominate the AI field.

Last November, the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, was summarily and suddenly fired from the company by the Board of Directors. Chaos ensued. Then, miraculously, Altman jockeyed to be reinstated after he fired the existing Board and bought in new Directors who would be more amenable to his plans to conquer the world.

Enter Larry Summers, member of the Trilateral Commission.

Summers was appointed as Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton Administration, following another Trilateral Robert Rubin. Both President Bill Clinton and his vice-president Al Gore were also members. He then went back to Harvard University to serve as its President. Then he joined the Obama Administration as director of National Economic Council.

Summers and Jeffery Epstein

The Harvard Crimson detailed the relationship between Summers and Epstein in 2003:

Epstein shares a special connection with one of the most prominent figures at Harvard—University President Lawrence H. Summers.

Summers and Epstein serve together on the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, two elite international relations organizations.

Their friendship began a number of years ago—before Summers became Harvard’s president and even before he was the Secretary of the Treasury—and those close to Epstein say he holds the University president in very high regard.

“He likes Larry Summers a lot,” Epstein’s friend and Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz says. “He speaks well of Larry, and I think he admires Larry’s economic thinking.”

The Genesis of Modern Globalization (1978-1979): The definitive story about how the Trilateral Commission shaped the world

Summers was listed as a frequent flyer on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” at least four times.

Summers Says All Labor Will Be Replaced

Summers and Sam Altman are on the same page on the total disruption of labor:

Summers’ expectation that AI will be the great labor replacer is one that has been shared by quite a few people and organizations. 

Altman told The Atlantic last year that “jobs are definitely going to go away, full stop.”

Summers spoke at Fortune’s Innovation Forum in Hong Kong last week and was clear about his position:

“If one takes a view over the next generation, this could be the biggest thing that has happened in economic history since the Industrial Revolution… This offers the prospect of not replacing some forms of human labor, but almost all forms of human labor.

Universal Basic Income

Summers will undoubtedly get on board with Altman’s plan for Universal Basic Income (UBI), a concept of historic Technocracy from the 1930s. UBI is a stipend paid to all who have no useful purpose in life. According to The Street,

The idea of Worldcoin is twofold. First, the company wanted to find a way to verify humanity in a world that is already teeming with AI bots. It’s achieving this through a piece of tech called the Orb, which scans people’s irises and converts those scans into a string of numeric code. 

Second, in a world that is already threatened by explosive AI-driven job loss, Worldcoin is intent on providing universal basic income to its users. Right now, that means 25 units of its Worldcoin cryptocurrency (for everyone outside of the U.S.). But the company’s goal is to scan every human on Earth. 

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