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The Mainstream Blues: Has the Dissident Right Already Won?

8-4-2024 < Counter Currents 25 1183 words

Image courtesy of runofthemill on DeviantArt.

1,077 words

Winston Churchill once said that when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, he knew that Britain would not lose the war, and that when Germany declared war on the United States, the Allies would win. Well, when it comes to the whole “saving the white race” thing, I have arrived at a point where I am confident that we will not lose. By that I mean that I am now confident that we will be able to red-pill enough people in time to stave off complete racial annihilation.

Now, will we win? Will we able to take back our countries and banish the non-white hordes from our midst? Eh . . . Honestly, I don’t know. But if Elon Musk can hold the line and maintain the level of free speech that we currently have, even if only for a few more years, then I am fairly certain that the white race will be able to avert the worst-case scenario.

Cynics like to say, “Twitter/X is not real life,” and in a sense, this is true. There are large swaths of the country that are not even on Twitter/X. In fact, the number of users is fairly small compared to other platforms: 550 million compared to Facebook’s three billion, YouTube’s 2.5 billion, TikTok’s 1.2 billion, or even Telegram’s 800 million. What makes Twitter/X the jewel of the social media crown is not that everyone is on it, but rather that everyone who matters is on it. Every journalist, politician, writer, podcaster, YouTuber, and comedian is on it.

There are also other aspects of the site which makes it better for spreading propaganda. If you had to pick just one social media platform to restore free speech on, Twitter/X would be the one you want. The Jews can have the rest of them. I think we can get the job done with Twitter/X alone.

You can buy The Alternative Right, ed. Greg Johnson, here

There is still much to be done. While it has now become fashionable to be anti-Zionist and everyone is naming the Jew, White Nationalism is still a relatively fringe ideology. Race realism is not yet a mainstream talking point. A lot of people are addressing the Great Replacement without saying the 14 words.

This does not concern me, however. One of the reasons I don’t spend much time complaining about figures such as Curtis Yarvin, Bronze Age Pervert, or Alex Jones is that I believe in the rabbit-hole theory of red-pilling. If you can red-pill someone on just one thing and get them thinking, “They lied to me about one thing; I wonder what else I was lied to about!”, that person enters the rabbit hole. Now, there are many tunnels once one is inside, and some of them lead to dead ends — flat earth theory, libertarianism — but at the bottom, there is White Nationalism. The hard part is getting someone to enter the rabbit hole in the first place. Once inside, the best ones will eventually find their way to the bottom. Some may take longer than others, but those who get stuck in a dead end and can’t find their way out are probably people we wouldn’t want, anyway.

It seems that the entire online Right is now in the rabbit hole. Even the Con, Inc. loyalists who are not yet convinced by dissident-Right arguments have at least been exposed to them, and in some cases have been forced to address them. The Daily Wire, who seem to have replaced National Review as Con, Inc.’s intellectual vanguard, have found themselves flailing in the face of rising Right-wing anti-Zionism. They tried to use their Holocaust card, but it came back with insufficient funds. It would seem that widespread white racial consciousness is now a fait accompli. We just need to let the process play out.

So have we won? If you consider the dissident Right’s primary purpose as being to push fringe ideas into the mainstream, then you could say we have won. or at least that forces are in motion that will inevitably lead to that end. Perhaps I should be popping champagne corks.

Yet, that’s not my mood.

On one hand, I am happy to know that all the people who had their lives destroyed for trying to get dissident Right ideas out into the public sphere did not have their lives ruined in vain. Ultimately, the establishment failed to quarantine our ideas on the fringes. Then again, it is annoying that many of the people who laid the groundwork for the great red-pilling that is underway on Twitter/X are not able to benefit from it. Many important figures such as Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald remain banned, as does Counter-Currents. Fortunately, Elon is fairly relaxed about ban evasion accounts, but even then, you have to start all over again from the bottom.

In a way, the great Twitter/X red-pilling is like watching my favorite indie band cross over into the mainstream. I’m happy for the guys, and yet it loses something. They don’t belong to you anymore. They are no longer your own little private club. I’m certainly happy to see dissident Right ideas gain wide traction, although being the roguish outsider living on the edge was fun, and there is a sense of melancholy in the likelihood that I will never know that feeling again.

There is a temptation for those of us of the Old Guard to say, “Our work is done.” Alt Right veteran Walt Bismarck has said things to this effect on his blog. But I think there is still a need for the OGs to stick around in order to mentor the new generation of dissidents who have sprung up quite recently. One thing I’ve noticed about a lot of the new figures is that while many of them know the talking points, they lack the intellectual depth of the old Alt Right. It’s like they’ve read the CliffsNotes and watched the movie, but have never read the book. It’s not that they are wrong, but they have only a surface-level understanding of the issues.

It might be tempting to say, after we spent all these years fighting for these ideas, that now that Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens are talking about them, we’ve won and we can all go home now. But there is still a need for an intellectual elite who have been studying these issues for years to contribute academic substance to the conversation.
