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When Conspiracies Are True … What Can We Do?, by Merlin Miller

8-4-2024 < UNZ 21 1630 words

With the ongoing destruction of America and Western Civilization, this year is the most important of our lives! Most Americans sense it, but readers of this publication know and understand it. But what do we do now that the most important battle of our lives is at hand?

We must unite behind well-coordinated plans, and take action to defeat the organized forces of evil — which are clearly aligned against us. Let us stand up tall to make a difference, and support our fellow patriots!

The MAGA movement has been the most viable attempt to address the myriad of problems we face. We are in a spiritual war and must fight for the hearts, minds, and souls of the American people. We are now being attacked at every level, as President Trump has been since 2015. Like him or dislike him, he is our best hope to save America and restore a future of peace, prosperity, and freedom — rather than the tyranny and enslavement which is planned for us. But, as we all know, Trump is not perfect — his first term was disappointing to say the least, but he has fundamentally changed the Republican Party — liberals like Nikki Haley have no future there, nor do the socially left neocons. And that’s all to the good.

But he cannot do it alone, especially with so many hyenas (radical Democrats, RINOs and Neocons) nipping at his heels. Most are politicians owned by special interests, along with a controlled mainstream media, and a corrupt judiciary. They are in lockstep with virtually all of the destructive Marxist/Globalist policies, which are eating away at our life’s blood.

However, there are many great individuals and organizations, which are in the fight to defeat these “global elite” deceivers and destroyers. Several are listed below, which I hope you’ll consider joining or supporting, especially with the most critical election in America’s history upcoming:

  1. “Our Country, Our Choice” ( This rapidly growing organization is led by America’s most brilliant and honest, military and foreign relations strategist, Col. Douglas MacGregor. His incredible insights and analyses, through many non-mainstream interviews (Tucker Carlson, Judge Napolitano, et al.), reveals studied and common-sense perspectives that are desperately needed. They include; Securing Our Borders, Ending the Wars, Promoting US Production, and Defending our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Also, removing the power of self-serving Oligarchs, Lobbies, International Bankers, NGOs, and government agencies. Power must be restored to “We the People.” OCOC is a conservative, patriotic, but non-partisan organization – with actions focused on those issues most critical to our Republic’s survival and future.

  2. OCOC’s leadership and broadening reach can be exemplified by member Mike Zarzano, who heads a noble effort to form legal common-law Grand Juries as an effective weapon to investigate institutional crime and judicial corruption ( Florida is making great progress with this and it will hopefully be employed increasingly across the nation.

  3. Consider supporting the “Foundation to Defend the First Amendment” (, and the Free Expression Foundation ( (often featured on TOO). Both are fighting against an increasingly corrupt judicial system to protect the constitutional rights of Americans, including legal defense efforts for victimized patriots.

  4. If you are a Veteran, consider Veterans for America First ( or Veterans for Trump ( Headed by Chad Caton and an army of incredible patriots, they have a wide reach with growing impact.

  5. Also, Brad Miller has courageously helped build an organization for military accountability ( Brad, a West Point graduate, resigned one-year short of retiring from the Army over the DOD’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates. He is fighting against military incompetence, “Woke” policies, and other unethical actions.

  6. Consider joining stellar groups such as “Moms for America” ( and “Moms for Liberty” ( which are organizing across the country at the county level, to combat the Woke/DEI attacks on traditional families and our very identity. They employ successful plans with support strategies to take back School Boards, and challenge local political and judicial corruption.

  7. Red Pill Expo ( is an offshoot of G. Edward Griffin’s patriot and health network. They are creating county campuses and have a vast library of critical information. He also has news feeds through (

  8. Participate in organized campaign rallies and support Independent or MAGA Republican Party (not RINO) efforts. Educate and encourage friends, relatives and associates to get politically active, and to vote. Volunteer to help and monitor at election polling stations — so critical to stopping the fraud and intimidation.

  9. The Hollow is a relatively new organizing effort developing in the Sarasota area of Florida on behalf of family values, community cohesion and preparedness. Headed by a former Marine, Victor Mellor, it is a gathering place for traditionally valued Americans, young and old, to learn about our Constitution and develop the skills required to challenge the ongoing Marxist campaign to destroy America. They are also developing partnerships, such as “We the People Health and Wellness Center” (, as options to the increasingly corrupt medical and pharmaceutical companies.

  10. Sep 17th is Constitution Day. The 917 Society ( is distributing copies to thousands of schools across the nation to help educate young people about our Constitution. Tulsi Gabbard, keynote speaker at their recent annual fundraiser is a former Democrat, who has rejected their destructive, anti-Constitutional policies. She would make a very interesting VP choice for MAGA Trump.

These are just some possibilities to consider supporting or joining — or develop your own unique ideas. We must all do what we can…no effort is too small if we are to restore the American Dream and preserve the unique legacy of our Founders.

Behind most of the interconnected conspiracies, currently in play, sits an “elephant in the room”, which we are not to notice or ever challenge…the international banking network. This extensive group of power brokers are rooted in monetary manipulations and political leveraging. Many have historically been part of the Jewish community but are often atheists or satanists. Through their money power they have ruthlessly gained control over the political arena and media, and are behind our forever wars. They are the New World Order and our enslavers! I urge Christians to reevaluate their support for Israel (created by Jewish financial and media power via influence on Western governments) and instead promote peace. I highly recommend the 46-minute speech by Benjamin Freedman given in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in DC (at Rumble or YouTube). He was friends with JFK and reveals truths about World Wars I and II and what the modern-day state of Israel is really about. Fortunately, many Jewish people are now awakening to how they have been deceived, and Christian Zionists should, as well.

As people continue to wake up, they will increasingly abandon the major media outlets (which are already on life support) to seek out truth at freedom-based alternatives. This includes not only the news outlets, but commercial entertainment and social networking, as well. Quality alternatives may soon become the new mainstream media.

Tucker Carlson is courageously leading the way and I encourage everyone to subscribe to Tucker Carlson Network (TCN) at (, or seek out his explosive interviews and revelations which may be posted at Rumble, or wherever free expression is not being censored.

Patriot TV ( is a new live stream service which will soon challenge cable and other markets. General Michael Flynn is associated with it and his incredible and shocking true story, Flynn will soon be released as a feature documentary ( Unfortunately, he was an American hero unethically targeted for removal at the outset of the first Trump administration. This reflects the growing desperation of our satanic overlords. But I’ve no doubt that, just like Flynn, other victimized patriots will rise to lead America’s restoration.

Candace Owens is a brilliant and well-spoken truth-seeker who uniquely represents critical, yet often avoided, social issues from a fair and rational perspective. Until she explicitly criticized Jews, she had her own column/program at the Daily Wire, run by pro-Israel fanatic Ben Shapiro, and also tours with Charlie Kirk’s youth-oriented Turning Point USA ( There are now so many great Podcasts, Blogs, and alternative channels/outlets challenging the deceitful mainstream narrative that the information control battle may soon end.

In partnership with other patriots and veterans, I am in the process of forming the “Veterans League of Honor”, and a production company, “Americana Pictures”. We seek to develop, produce, and market quality motion pictures as an alternative to Hollywood. We need a new moral compass and our stories will promote positive ideals and be respectful of traditional American and Christian values. Fortunately, new distribution alternatives, such as Angel Studios, are having great success (“Sound of Freedom”, “The Chosen”, et al.) and we look to partner with such independents.

As we move through this monumental year, let us not only clean the swamp (DC, State, and Local), but let us, with God’s blessing and guidance, make America not just great, but good again.

Merlin Miller is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and is the author of Eagles Are Gathering, which connects military, media and political intrigues. It reveals the Globalist/Deep State agenda, who is behind it, and why, and what we must do to stop it.
