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RFK Jr.’s Petition To Free Assange Now!

5-4-2024 < Activist Post 24 1088 words

By Neenah Payne

Julian Assange Extradition Decision Delayed Until March explained that a hearing in a London court room began February 20 over the fate of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. At stake is whether he will be extradited to the U.S. on espionage charges. Two High Court judges said they would take time to consider their verdict after a two-day hearing in which Assange’s lawyers argued sending him to the United States would risk a “flagrant denial of justice”. Judges delayed their decision at least until mid-March  to review new written submissions. If the decision goes against Assange, his wife Stella said they will appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

Calls Grow To Release Julian Assange shows that bipartisan members of the US Congress support Assange’s release. Australia and Mexico have also sent letters of support. New York Times Now Supports Julian Assange! explains that editors of the NYT, The Guardian in England, Le Monde in France, Der Spiegel in Germany and El País in Spain have also called for the release of Assange.

Assange Wins Temporary Reprieve As Court Seeks US ‘Assurances’ Over Extradition reported on March 26:

Tuesday’s much-anticipated London High Court ruling has gone mostly in Julian Assange’s favor, as he has been granted permission to continue to appeal his extradition to the United States, where he would face espionage and related charges for publishing state secrets. However, this is not yet a ‘win’ for Assange and his team, but more of another delay.

The court ruled that the WikiLeaks founder will be not be extradited immediately and said the US still has opportunity to provide “satisfactory assurances” related to his grounds of appeal. What has happened Tuesday is tantamount to Assange’s ability to challenge the extradition request being slightly extended, and is a temporary reprieve, extending the whole process yet further.

But this is the part that is not looking good for Assange, as explained by WikiLeaks: “The court has given US Gov 3 weeks to give satisfactory assurances: That Mr. Assange is permitted to rely on the First Amendment to the US constitution; not prejudiced at trial by reason of his nationality; and that the death penalty is not imposed.”

RFK Jr. Calls For Release of Assange Now!

Kennedy emailed on April 3:

Rarely do opposites attract, especially in Washington. Yet regarding the case of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder who is facing extradition to the US, both hard-right Marjorie Taylor Green and hard-left Ilhan Omar Agree: We Must Free Assange Now!

It is urgent you and I take action right now by clicking here. Congress and the President can stop this outrageous miscarriage of justice by supporting the passage of House Resolution 934 – Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives. “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that regular journalistic activities are protected under the First Amendment, and that the United States ought to drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange.”

Time is short. We are calling on you to help our campaign help political prisoner Julian Assange regain his freedom once and for all. You see, over the last 72 hours, a British Court put off extraditing Assange to the US Military Authorities on one condition: the US government must assure the Brits that Assange will not face the death penalty for his alleged crimes

The Brits want to make sure our government doesn’t kill Assange. This is the reality that every American Citizen faces – from Ed Snowden, to Julian Assange to the J6 activists sitting in a Washington DC jail cell stripped of their Constitutional liberties.

Please help our campaign call out the illiberal actions of our very own government. The US Department of Defense is attempting to cover up their war crimes, and for those like Assange who expose the DoD – they are lucky if they escape the death penalty.

Think about that a moment: Freedom of the Press = The Death Penalty. In what universe are we living?

If the US Military successfully covers-up their war crimes by locking up Assange – or worse – they will put a massive chilling effect on the First Amendment Freedom of the Press guarantee in the Constitution.

If you agree, take action.

We Must Free Assange Now!

Urge Biden To Immediately Pardon Julian Assange

Sign This Petition To Pardon Julian Assange

Please SIGN THIS PETITION for the immediate pardon and release of Julian Assange, the publisher and activist who founded WikiLeaks and is now in jail facing life imprisonment and extradition. He’s a heroic whistleblower who stood up for democracy and against the surveillance state. It’s time we stood up for Julian Assange the way he stood up for us.

Robert Kennedy Announces, If Elected, He Will Immediately Pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden

KENNEDY JR.: “I would pardon people. I intend to use the pardon power, and I intend to use it very quickly in our office. I’m going to pardon Julian Assange. I’m gonna pardon Edward Snowden. I may pardon Ross Ulbricht if I find that his prosecution was — that his sentence, his very lengthy sentence, was the result of making an example of him in order to punish Bitcoin and crypto currency.”

For More Information

When Free Speech Dies, The Killing Begins
Real Reasons For Prosecution of Julian Assange
New Book Warns Julian Assange Is Being Tortured
Lawsuit Against CIA/Pompeo For Assange Surveillance!
Day Two Of Julian Assange’s Last Stand In British High Court

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image: RFK Jr./YouTube

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