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The Worst Week Yet: March 24-30, 2024

1-4-2024 < Counter Currents 36 2758 words

Sean “Diddy” Combs (photo courtesy of Wikipedia)

2,483 words

Sean “Diddy” Combs: The Hip-Hop Jeffrey Epstein?

One thing that federal informants never seem to realize is that the federal government is not their friend. It can turn on them and lock them away for life whenever it sees fit.

I’m not saying that hip-hop billionaire mogul Sean Combs — who was born in Harlem as Sean John Combs 54 years ago and at some point legally changed his middle name from “John” to “Love,” but who over the years has been known to the public as Sean “Puffy” Combs, then Puff Daddy, then P. Diddy, and for the past couple of decades mostly as “Diddy” — is a federal informant. I don’t have to say it. Plenty of other people are saying it.

On Monday, Homeland Security officials raided Combs’ mansions in Los Angeles and Miami as part of a sex-trafficking and racketeering investigation based in the Southern District of New York. Although Combs was not present at either one of the domiciles that was raided, officials took his sons Justin and King into custody. Officials reportedly turned off the surveillance cameras that Combs had allegedly planted in every room and seized countless hours of footage that the cameras had captured.

Sexual blackmail has been a factor in American politics going back at least to the days of Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky, who reportedly made FBI boss J. Edgar Hoover do his bidding because Lansky possessed photos of Hoover engaged in sexual activity with his assistant, Clyde Tolson. Frightened into compliance, Hoover reportedly then hosted his own blackmail parties where he gathered incriminating evidence on the high and mighty.

The most recent high-profile case of sexual blackmail involved Jeffrey Epstein, who was suspected of having worked in collusion with Mossad.

Sean “Diddy” Combs was the son of Melvin Earl Combs, who was shot dead at age 33 when Li’l Diddy was only two years old. The elder Combs was an underling of legendary black Harlem drug dealer Frank Lucas, a heroin dealer who sidestepped the Mob and bought his drugs straight from the Golden Triangle. An urban legend emerged that Lucas had the heroin stuffed into the caskets of dead American soldiers returning home from Vietnam. Frank Lucas was a confirmed federal informant who entered the Witness Protection Program. Theories vary as to why Melvin Combs was murdered; some say it was merely a drug deal gone bad, but others say he was executed on suspicion of being an FBI informant.

In 2014, when Sean Combs was an established superstar and multimillionaire, he gave a commencement speech at the historically black Howard University in which he stated:

I decided to embrace the entrepreneurship of my father, but in a [sic] honest way, in a legal way by earning, scraping, working harder, believing in myself and most importantly making the most of the blessings that God blessed me with.

It’s charming that he considered being a drug dealer and rumored informant as “entrepreneurship.” It’s also doubtful, based on the mountain of allegations currently surrounding him, that Combs “embraced” his father’s legacy honestly and legally.

In 1993, at age 24, Combs started his own record label with the financial help of Jewish record-industry titan Clive Davis. Rumors have swirled for decades that Combs and Davis’ relationship was sexual as well as financial.

At some point in the early 1990s — accounts vary wildly — Combs gained legal guardianship of a young singer named Usher Raymond IV. Wikipedia says that Usher went to live with Combs in the spring of 1994, when Usher would have been 15 and Combs 25. Many other accounts, though, say that Usher was 13 when Combs became his legal guardian. Combs produced Usher’s debut album in 1994. Thirty years later, Usher has sold 150 million albums and was the halftime performer at this past February’s Super Bowl.

In a severely unsettling video filmed sometime in the 2000s in a motel room where a gray dildo is openly displayed on a bed, Combs says that he used to sleep with Usher when the boy was ten and that they’d wake up together and wrestle one another over Frosted Flakes.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Bomb Inside My Brain here.

Eugene Deal, a former bodyguard for Combs, gave an interview suggesting that Combs mistreated the underage Usher to the point where it required a hospital visit.

Another performer that Combs turned into a superstar was the adipose Brooklyn rapper Notorious B. I. G., famously slain about six months after rapper Tupac Shakur’s 1996 murder in Las Vegas in what the public has been led to believe was part of an East Coast/West Coast gang/musical rivalry. But many others have suggested that it was Combs who put out a murder contract on Shakur after learning that the rapper was ready to go public with allegations that Combs was a homosexual child groomer.

In 1999, along with then-girlfriend Jennifer “J. Lo” Lopez, Combs was implicated in a shooting at a Manhattan nightclub that wounded three people. Although multiple witnesses say they saw Combs brandishing a handgun at the club, he was acquitted in a 2001 trial despite the fact that one of the three victims, Natania Reuben, says she witnessed Combs shoot her in the face: “I literally watched them pull out the guns, I had a clear point of view. I mean, for God’s sake, I got shot in my nose.”

Had Combs become immune from prosecution by that point?

In a 2020 interview announcing the launch of a new political party called Our Black Party, Combs predicted a race war if Donald Trump were to be reelected and made comments that could be legitimately construed as terroristic threats if the speaker hadn’t worked out some sort of secret deal with the feds:

White men like Trump need to be banished . . . If Trump gets elected, I really do believe in my heart there’ll be a race war. . . . Will voting prevent bloodshed? Meaning like, okay, we get Trump out, will that prevent bloodshed? I think the only thing that will prevent bloodshed is if they stop killing us. . . . There’s a new, there’s a new Negro and that new Negro, that new black person is not scared, is not fearful, they’re not afraid to die, they understand violence has to be an option. . . . If Trump’s in office there’s gonna be bloodshed. Well then you’re gonna have Trump’s supporters who pissed off that he’s not in there no more so they’re gonna get buck regardless. Yeah, if they get buck. We got enough. . . . If they get bucked [act aggressively], we’re going to eat their arms off.

In November of last year, Combs’ former long-time girlfriend Cassie Ventura filed a federal lawsuit alleging that he’d repeatedly beaten and raped her, forced her to have sex with other men while he filmed and masturbated, and ran a sexual-blackmail operation using hidden cameras.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

Combs settled the lawsuit privately the next day.

In February, Combs’ former assistant Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones sued Combs, alleging he “was the victim of constant unsolicited and unauthorized groping and touching of his anus by Mr. Combs.” The suit claimed that in 2022, Combs and his son Justin got into a “heated argument” with an unidentified male at a Los Angeles music studio that saw the trio headed into a bathroom where shots rang out and the unidentified male was rushed to a hospital with gunshot wounds. Jones also says that Combs’ head of security, Faheem Muhammad, served as a “fixer” between Combs and the Los Angeles Police Department. He alleges that Combs told Muhammad to tell police that the shooting happened outside the studio — a lie that the news media repeated.

Jones’ suit also alleges that Combs and others — including Sir Lucian Grainge (born Michael Goldstein), the CEO of Universal Music Group, the world’s most powerful music company — were involved in sexual trafficking and blackmail schemes. Many believe it was these specific allegations that led to last Monday’s raid on Diddy’s mansions.

If the reports are true, Diddy may have diddled his last.

Singaporean Boat Destroys Baltimore Bridge, Leading Black Mayor to Accuse White Racists of Being Afraid to Say “Nigger”

Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge opened in 1977 not far from where its namesake wrote the words to “The Star Spangled Banner” in 1814.

Until the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 26, the bridge was the world’s third-longest continuous truss bridge. But then a Singapore-flagged container ship headed for Sri Lanka suffered a power outage and slammed straight into one of the bridge’s piers, causing a massive collapse that was captured on video.

For all I know, the event could have been nothing more than a simple technical malfunction on a non-American ship. But since we live in a carefully-curated cultural climate where nearly everyone has been whipped into political psychosis, people immediately saw deeper meaning. Some viewed it as evidence of America’s ongoing “competence crisis.” Others suspected a targeted Chinese terrorist attack. On social media, a smattering of Republican politicians blamed Baltimore’s 39-year-old black mayor, Brandon Scott, calling him a “DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion] mayor.”

When the aggressively anti-white MSNBC host Joy Reid asked Scott about being called a “DEI mayor,” he accused his critics of being afraid to call him a “nigger”:

I know, and we know, and you know very well that black men, and young black men in particular, have been the bogeyman for those who are racist and think that only straight, wealthy white men should have a say in anything.

We’ve been the bogeyman for them since the first day they brought us to this country, and what they mean by DEI in my opinion is duly elected incumbent.

We know what they want to say, but they don’t have the courage to say the N-word, and the fact that I don’t believe in their untruthful and wrong ideology. And I am very proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from scares them, because me being at my position means that their way of thinking, their way of life of being comfortable while everyone else suffers is going to be at risk, and they should be afraid because that’s my purpose in life.

If I’m reading his comments correctly, the black mayor of a major American city just admitted that his purpose in life is to scare white racists and make them uncomfortable.

As a Philly boy, I’ve always been fond of many things about Baltimore, its little brother 100 miles to its south. The architecture is similar, the rotten accent is almost identical, and it’s the only other big American city where scrapple is on every breakfast menu. But Charm City lost all its charm once it started electing black mayors who said they wanted to scare white people and give black rioters a safe space to destroy.

Texas Governor Signs Executive Order Condemning “Antisemitism” on College Campuses

Last summer on Twitter/X, Texas Governor Greg Abbott posted:

Schools shouldn’t push woke agendas — period.

That’s why I signed laws to remove woke politics from Texas classrooms.

In Texas, we’re getting kids back to the basics of learning.

Protecting Jewish feelings on Texas college campuses apparently doesn’t qualify as “woke,” though.

Last Wednesday, Abbott signed Executive Order GA44, which was ostensibly designed to address “acts of antisemitism in institutions of higher learning.” It commands “all higher education institutions in Texas” to “review their free speech policies” and “establish appropriate punishments for antisemitic rhetoric.”

The document describes Texas universities as a hornets’ nest of Jew-hatred, and includes the shopworn “free speech . . . BUT” clause [emphasis added]:

WHEREAS, protected free speech areas on Texas university campuses, as well as the buildings and parking lots of Jewish student organizations, have been covered in antisemitic graffiti; and

WHEREAS, Texas supports free speech, especially on university campuses, but that freedom comes with responsibilities for both students and the institutions themselves; and

WHEREAS, such speech can never incite violence, encourage people to harass other students or other Texans, or disrupt the core educational purpose of a university; and

WHEREAS, antisemitism and the harassment of Jewish students have no place on Texas university campuses and will not be tolerated by my administration . . .

The Executive Order then recommends that Texas universities adopt the definition of “antisemitism” that has already been enshrined in the state’s code and is a word-for-word replica of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition:

“Antisemitism” means a certain perception of Jews that may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. The term includes rhetorical and physical acts of antisemitism directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals or their property or toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.

On X, Abbott — the same guy who said on the same platform last summer that woke policies have no place in Texas classrooms — bragged about his Executive Order:

Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas.

Today, I issued an Executive Order to fight the increase in acts of antisemitism at Texas colleges & universities.

Texas stands with our Jewish students.

We will ensure our college campuses are safe spaces for the Jewish community.

Abbott became the Lone Star State’s governor back in 2015. Although according to the 2020 Census there are approximately 11,286,000 white people in Texas, and according to the Jewish Virtual Library, a mere 175,655 Jews inhabit Texas as of 2022 — meaning that if the Census counted every Jew as white, non-Jewish white Texans would still outnumber Texas Jewboys by a factor of 63 to 1 — the “anti-woke” governor still makes a very special exception for Jews.

Abbott seems to have no problem with open expression of genocidal anti-white hatred on Texas campuses, seeing as how a 2017 essay by a Hispanic student named Rudy Martinez that was published in Texas State University’s Daily Star titled “Your DNA is an abomination” didn’t lead to any Executive Orders. Sample passages from that essay:

Whiteness will be over because we want it to be. And when it dies, there will be millions of cultural zombies aimlessly wandering across a vastly changed landscape. . . .

You were not born white, you became white . . . You have been estranged from yourself and, in that absence, have been instilled with an allegiance to a country that was never great,’ he complained.

 [R]emember this: I hate you because you shouldn’t exist.

Texas has fallen from Sam Houston all the way down to Greg Abbott. In countless other ways, the rest of the country has followed suit. What a crappy week.

Jim Goad
