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New Energy and New Projects: Announcing the 2024 Fundraiser — & What We’re Up To Behind the Scenes

29-3-2024 < Counter Currents 33 1650 words

1,482 words

Spring is a time of renewal, energy, and strength. Here at Counter-Currents, we have you to thank for our vitality and success. Our annual fundraiser begins every year in March in part because this is the anniversary of the month our enemies tried to destroy us. Fortunately, all of you, our generous supporters, refused to let them. Although they didn’t stop there: Since March 2019, we have been deplatformed from five payment processors.

Now, five years later, we have not only survived, but are continuing to grow and expand our activities.

This year, Counter-Currents seeks to raise $300,000. With this slim operating budget, we can keep giving you the essays, journalism, books, podcasts, video, events, and other resources to help people discover and promote white identity politics. Help us get there by giving here!

I want to thank everyone who donated and volunteered last year you for all you have done for Counter-Currents, as well as update you on what has been happening so far in 2024. This is a sample of our quarterly newsletter that is sent to donors, writers, and friends. (You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter here!)

Besides my usual routine of writing and podcasting — as well as administrative work with Counter-Currents, the Counter-Currents Foundation, and the Homeland Institute — my time since January 1 has been occupied with four big tasks.

The first was accounting and tax reporting, which I finished on Friday, March 15. I find juggling numbers boring and dealing with bureaucracy stressful, so I am glad it is all behind me. But this first-quarter economic reflection is healthy. Three things became clear:

  1. Last year, the economy fell off a cliff, and Counter-Currents was not immune, suffering a reduction in income as our supporters felt squeezed in the post-COVID recession.

  2. Despite this, 2023 was a very productive year. We published over 750 articles; six new books; over 70 new podcasts and videos, including our Video Essay series that was specifically developed to bring the foundational concepts of white identity politics to a new audience; and we held two major events, a European Spring Retreat and a Fall Conference in Texas, plus smaller events in Seattle, Atlanta, and Orange County.

  3. In 2024, we need to push to expand our audience further, not only to keep doing what we’ve doing but to continue spreading the message and thrive.

Giving is inconsistent in election years. Encouraged by the potential victory of a relatively pro-white populist candidate, Donald Trump, donors temporarily diverted their gifts in 2016 in the hope that his election would ward off the impending demographic collapse of the United States. Now that Trump is again in the running, we hope our loyal audience will remember to support us even more.

Without our foundational moral, intellectual, and philosophical arguments for White Nationalism, a campaign that promotes white interests would never be possible. There were — and are — millions of Trump donors, while Counter-Currents is sustained by only a few hundred individuals. The Republicans can take care of themselves. Thank you for your dedication!

This brings me to our second project: a new website for polling our movement. We need more supporters. We know there are more people who are open to white identity politics than ever before. How do we reach them? To find them, we need to learn more about you.

How much do we know about our own movement? Aside from our own circles of friends and anecdotal impressions, we know almost nothing. In fact, it might be the case that the people who want to stop us have studied us more carefully than we have studied ourselves. Knowledge is power. Knowing the existing movement better allows us to do two important things: better utilize the people we already have, and better craft our outreach to bring more people on board. Thus, we have developed a poll consisting of 113 questions which takes about an hour to complete. We will make this available this month to Counter-Currents readers who have joined our mailing list of over 4,000 people.

Once we have completed the poll and analyzed the data, we will offer the results to other important groups in our sphere: VDare, American Renaissance, The Occidental Observer, The Political Cesspool, etc. We will give them both a snapshot of their own audiences as well as amalgamate all of the answers from all the different groups into a broader picture of the movement as a whole. This is very exciting, since large numbers give us greater accuracy.

This has been a monumental — and expensive — project. Our webmaster has had to code solutions for preserving the anonymity of the answers, amalgamating and downloading the data into spreadsheets, and securing the data from our enemies. (The polling project cost $11,000 to build. Please give here to support this effort.) David Zsutty, who will bring the experience that he gained in conducting five national polls as the Homeland Institute’s Executive Director, will be handling the analysis of the data.

But the rewards we reap will make all this expense worth it. For the first time ever, this project will make it possible for the American movement to engage in serious, fact-based strategic planning and outreach. For the first time, we will have a clear picture of where our people are, as well as their ages, backgrounds, education, religions, professions, income levels, psychological profiles, most important political priorities, levels of commitment, and more. Once we have mapped the movement’s mind in North America, we hope to expand this polling project to other white countries to help their nationalist movements as well. All of our supporters will receive a link in order to take the poll soon.

You can pre-order the Centennial Edition of Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium here.

Third, I have been preparing Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium for the press. Our edition is 672 pages long, so it has been a monumental task. This will be the most accurate edition published since the first limited edition that was produced in 1947, as we are checking it against the original to ensure maximum fidelity. Also, we have annotated all of Yockey’s quotations, as well as his more obscure historical references, foreign phrases, and literary and cultural allusions. Finally, we have studied and annotated Yockey’s debts to Oswald Spengler, Carl Schmitt, and Egon Friedell.

This is what Dr. Kerry Bolton, the foremost Yockey scholar in the world today, has to say about this project:

When I first tackled Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium, I was as an eighteen-year-old sustained by the faith that by reading much that was difficult and obscure I would eventually arrive at clarity and light. Dr. Greg Johnson’s Centennial Edition of Imperium would have made that ascent much easier. The Centennial Edition is the most faithful to the original 1948 edition. It adds extensive annotations identifying individuals, events, sources, and the occasional error of fact. It also reprints the Noontide Press edition Introduction by Willis Carto, who visited Yockey in jail shortly before his suicide and did so much to ensure that his work would live on after his martyrdom. The Centennial Edition makes Imperium and the mind of Francis Parker Yockey far more accessible than ever before.

I expect the paperback will be out in May, and the limited-edition hardcover will appear in June. (You can pre-order here. Also see Yockey’s The World In Flames and The Enemy of Europe.)

Finally, in keeping with the ideas outlined in David Zsutty’s recent article, “White Nationalism 101,” we have been developing a new, ten-episode podcast series on the basics of White Nationalism called The New Nationalism podcast. The host will be Angelo Plume (aka Pox Populi), and the first episode will appear near the end of April. The goal is to have the series hosted on all available audio platforms as well as at Counter-Currents itself for maximum outreach potential. Once the series has been completed by the end of 2024, we will be able to send people to a basic class on White Nationalism hosted by one of our most talented speakers and writers, including guest clips from some of our most prominent advocates.

That’s a lot to digest, so let me stop here and come back to you, our supporters. None of this would have been possible without the financial support of our readers. Last year was hard. Because of the economy, we lost some donors, and others had to curtail their support, in some cases radically. But others stepped up, and we made it through regardless. Thank you.

Before I sign off, I would like to tease you with a few projects to expect later in 2024:

  • Alain de Benoist’s The Populist Moment

  • Alain de Benoist’s Against Liberalism (both de Benoist books were translated by F. Roger Devlin)

  • Regional gatherings/dinners in places such as Atlanta; Orange County, California; Seattle; Columbus, Ohio; and the Washington, DC area.

  • A meeting of White Nationalist lawyers to explore creating a pro-white lawyers’ guild.

Please give here to support our efforts and stay in the loop as our exciting year unfolds!

Greg Johnson
