This week, instead of the regular weekly news roundup, False Flag Weekly News presents a special edition on “The Zio-American Empire vs. China” featuring Cat McGuire questioning bullish-on-China Jeff Brown. Sample:
Cat McGuire: We know that the mainstream media gives us completely propagandized versions of everything, but I think that’s on steroids with China…I have come to the conclusion that the ultimate clash is going to be with Zog, the Zionist occupied countries, going up against China. What do you think about all of these wars that seem to have so much elite Jewish cabal influence behind them and China being stepped up as probably the next world’s (#1) power?
Jeff Brown: Thank you. It’s a great question. And I don’t know if I’m up to the task, but I’ll do the best that I can. China, of course, is not Manichean. They do not think in terms of us versus them. They’re very holistic. They’re very Taoist and Confucius and Buddhist. And they are multipolar, and they’re very circular, they’re very elliptical in the way that they work with people.
So as far as Zionism and Jews, I don’t think that even registers with the Chinese. But Western imperialism, global capitalism, is definitely in the minds of the Chinese, and they identify the world’s problems through the lens of Western imperialism and global capitalism. Now, how much Western imperialism and global capitalism is affected by ZOG, as you say? I had not heard that before, so thank you for teaching me that. I always say the Anglo-Zionist empire. But how much that group of people is affecting Western policy…
I will say that the Chinese are absolutely revolted, I mean absolutely disgusted with what’s going on in Palestine and they’ve tried so hard to do what they can in the UN and going to the Middle East and meeting people and trying to get it to stop.