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Will There Soon Be Hate-Speech Gulags in Scotland?

25-3-2024 < Counter Currents 25 821 words

This may soon be a common sight in Scotland. Prisoners arriving at the “Solovetsky Special Purpose Prison Camp in 1927 or ’28.

1,450 words

One of the points Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn bangs home a lot in his classic work of historical research, The Gulag Archipelago, is that political prisoners in the Soviet gulag system were of lower status and were treated worse than actual criminals, such as rapists, thieves, and murderers. This is exactly what happens when a hostile elite takes over a nation. At best, it doesn’t trust the people. At worst, it hates the people. This is all because it feels insecure in its power, which it desperately wants to keep. It will look for any excuse to eliminate those individuals they deem to be the least trustworthy or the most hateworthy, because such people, usually through what they say, pose the greatest threat to their power.

The Soviet gulag system exemplifies a hostile elite at its most dangerous and deadly. Vying for second place, however, is Humza Yousaf’s Scotland, which, on April 1st (not a joke), will implement a new hate speech law that could enable the Scottish police to arrest people in their homes for hate-speech violations.

From the official Hate Crime National Guidance document issued to the Scottish police:

Hate Crime — A hate crime is any crime which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated (wholly or partly) by malice and ill-will towards a social group.

There are currently five social groups protected under hate crime legislation:

  • Disability or presumed disability (any disability including physical disability, learning disability and mental health).

  • Race or presumed race (any racial group, ethnic background or national origin, including countries within the UK and Gypsy / Traveller groups).

  • Religion or presumed religion (any religious group, including those who have no faith).

  • Sexual orientation or presumed sexual orientation (sexual orientation towards persons of the same sex or of the opposite sex or towards both).

  • Transgender identity or presumed transgender identity (defined as transvestism, transsexualisms, intersexuality or having by virtue of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (c7), changed gender and any other gender identity that is not standard male or female gender identity. This refers to a whole range of people who find their gender identity or gender expression differs in some way, from the gender assumptions made by others about them when they were born).

In other words, if someone perceives himself to be a victim, then he is a victim in the eyes of the law. Furthermore, the law seems to give self-styled victims the ability to read minds, because if he perceives “malice and ill-will towards a social group” in another person merely from what he says, then guess what? That malice and ill-will exists, and that person will be in trouble with the police.

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s Solzhenitsyn and the Right here.

It makes me wonder who the real victims are.

Notice the very specific language describing that last protected group above: trans people. This indicates that transgender folks are now a key part of this hostile elite in a way that a Roman Catholic wouldn’t be. And this makes sense. Trans people are a tiny minority, and their behavior is clearly dysgenic. If there are enough transgender people in the world, civilization will come to a grinding halt due to its surgically-determined inability to reproduce itself. Thus, transgender people who identify as transgender in a political sense rightly face existential political consequences every time someone feels repulsed by a man who believes he has had himself transformed into a woman on the operating table. They need protection, and so appeal to government to redefine human rights in order to get it. In other words, no one has the right to express negative opinions of transgenderism anymore.

The problem is that the people are correct in perceiving transgenderism as dysgenic and a threat to society. Also, transgender people are incorrect in assuming that their lifestyle is a good and that we need more of it by making it cheap and easy for people to permanently alter their sex. But none of this matters, according to the hostile elite in Scotland.

Notice also how First Minister Yousaf violates his own hate speech law by targeting white people:
