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The Worst Week Yet: March 17-23, 2024

25-3-2024 < Counter Currents 22 2455 words

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Beating Up White Kids and Filming It

Despite the sickly-sweet rainbow-colored lollipops they’ve been trying to sell us for generations now, racial violence will be a factor in any multiracial society — especially when that multiracial society endlessly posits these groups as warring tribes with unsettled historical grievances. Until everyone decides to assimilate and breed into one indistinguishably cross-blurred and hybridized mess — i.e., never — there will be racial conflict and racial hierarchies, with much of the pecking order decided by who controls street violence. And regardless of what the movies and newscasters might lead you to believe, I sense that most whites in America and Europe are painfully aware that white people do not control the streets.

While the act of filming someone being humiliated, tortured, and brutalized may seem passive, it’s hard to interpret the act of posting the video online as anything but triumphantly aggressive cultural terrorism, the racial equivalent of a big-game hunter posing for a photo with their rifle next to the elephant they just slaughtered.

And while posting evidence of criminal behavior — or your complicity in criminal behavior — may seem foolhardy due to the concept of self-incrimination, this is assuming that you live under a regime dedicated to sending a message that you shouldn’t humiliate, torture, and brutalize white people for being white.

I write a lot about interracial violence, especially the reigning presumption that when a white person gets the upper hand in any scuffle with a non-white, their motivation is presumed to be racial hatred, whereas modern retardo-orthodoxy dictates that it’s theoretically impossible for non-whites to be racist against whites, even if they’re shouting anti-white slurs while pummeling them.

Although over the past decade or so I’ve seen, linked to, and written about scads of non-white-on-white attacks, all of them captured and preserved forever on video, I’m drawing blanks trying to recall even a single instance of even one white, much less a group of them, physically assaulting and verbally demeaning a non-white while filming it and then posting it online. And this is over the course of years poring over the subject. I’m not saying such a tape doesn’t exist, only that it would be a statistical anomaly. Not only wouldn’t it “support the narrative,” as the overused term states it — it wouldn’t reflect the overall pattern of racial violence in modern America and Europe.

This week, I’m chagrined to say, brings three more stories of non-whites brutalizing white people as an accomplice filmed it all and then posted the results online for all the world to see and take heed.

In Germany — where last year a group of dark-haired girls filmed themselves tormenting a bawling white German girl as they “beat the victim, set her hair on fire, and put out cigarettes on her face” — footage recently emerged of “a group of Turkish-speaking students tortur[ing] a 12-year-old victim, with the film showing the victim repeatedly beaten, forced to kneel, and verbally insulted”:

The shots show the perpetrators putting the victim, Patrick, in a state of complete fear, pulling his hair, punching him, and asking to beg forgiveness. Patrick’s face is covered in red marks and apparent blood where he was punched and hit.

The Turkish youth scream “Fuck off!” in Turkish during the video when they finally let their victim go.

There were allegedly five boys involved, with three watching on and one filming. One girl was reportedly also present.

Bild reports that the video was already filmed in February, but a police investigation for assault and torture has already been closed, with the police saying their hands are tied.

“The (…) students are 12-year-old children who are not yet of criminal responsibility according to the law,” said a police spokesperson.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Bomb Inside My Brain here.

All of the students involved in the fracas still attend the same school.

At the Eagle Ridge Middle School in the tiny town of Savage, Minnesota — which as of 2010 was 76% white and only 9% black — some enterprising voyeur filmed a white child being backed up against a locker and then swung at repeatedly by several black students as girls squeal in delight. Ever the beacon of objectivity, CBS News referred to the incident as a “fight,” despite the fact that the white student doesn’t say a word or throw a punch in the video.

At a St. Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston — known locally as “Southie” and an area which to me conjures images of scrappy and hard-drinking Celts who defend their turf — another anonymous videographer recorded what appear to my Irish eyes as a pair of black yoofs roughing up a white male, who is already on the ground as the video begins, and then shoving and kicking him down a hill until he lands face-first on a steel fence post, which prompts an impressed “OOOOH!” out of an onlooker. The white victim’s assailants continue to taunt and spit on him as he rolls around on the concrete for a moment, but the most disgusting spectacle was the skinny little white kid who walks up to the sight a of beaten and vanquished co-ethnic, only to point his finger and excitedly jump up and down in mockery.

The Boston Police Department shared images of the three criminal suspects, two of whom are black and the other a white male wearing a Celtics jersey. I’ve watched the video again and again, and the white kid in the Celtics shirt isn’t anywhere near the victim. To my biased eyes, this looks like strictly a black-on-white attack, but . . . you know . . . “the narrative” and all.

White Christian Pastor Vows to Tell the Harsh Truth about White People to His Two-Year-Old Son

The Reverend Eric Rucker is an Episcopalian minister in Des Moines who resembles a malnourished, bespectacled sheep who had most of the wool shorn off his forehead, face, and neck.

He recently published an op-ed in the Des Moines Register titled “I’m a Christian pastor. I won’t lie to my son about our history and white heritage.”:

My 2-year-old is beginning to ask all kinds of questions. And I’ve begun to wonder what I will share with him about his family’s heritage. . . .

I grew up with the implicit knowledge that I’m “white.” But “white” is not an ethnic group. Ta-Nehisi Coates observes that I am from “people who believe themselves to be white.” This phrase uncovers the truth that “white” is an idea created by people in power to maintain dominance. Thus who qualifies as “white” is continually shifting.

As I cut through the facade of generic “whiteness” to learn about my history, I discovered that my ancestors arrived on this continent in 1690 and founded Ruckersville, Virginia. I also found evidence that we “owned” enslaved African people. . . .

I’m a Christian pastor. In our religion we are given a road map for how to work with our community’s transgressions. It’s called “repentance,” and it’s what Jesus called everyone to — especially those who wield racial or political power. The first step in repentance is telling the truth. . . .

I am going to tell my son about our whole family history. I am going to teach him that he can be grateful for the sacrifices of his forbears while also having the courage to reckon with our crimes against African and Indigenous people.

I am going to help him understand how he still benefits from advantages that were gained because of racism, past and present.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

Mind you, his son is two years old. What the hell kind of racially-themed questions is he asking Pops at that age, and whose fault is that? As I see it, this is a passive form of child abuse: inflicting unearned guilt while softening up his spawn against a statistically violent cohort who are already unjustifiably resentful.

I’ve said for many years, to much wailing and gnashing of teeth, that both wokeness and Christianity hinge on the very concept of guilt: defining it, assigning it, and punishing it while offering a Magical Salvation Loophole to those who slavishly parrot the Gospel. And for every “based” white Christian who thinks their religion is just the Hail Mary pass that will save the white race, there are at least a thousand Eric Ruckers.

Content Creator Who Made “Parody Videos of Disney Songs” During Alt Right’s Heyday Explains “Why I’m No Longer a White Nationalist”

Over the past year or so I’ve noticed a burgeoning literary micro-niche that makes me highly uncomfortable: nostalgic reminiscences of the Alt Right’s glory days. It isn’t that I thought anything was wrong with the now-tarnished brand “Alt Right” per se — certainly not the unabashed racism and irreverence. It’s that nostalgia in general makes me uncomfortable.

“Walt Bismarck” is the pseudonymous handle of a 30-year-old who describes himself as a primary mover-and-shaker in the vintage Alt Right’s time in the sun from around 2015-2017, back with all the legendary media buzz and even a shout-out from Hillary Clinton when she was running for president. Back before . . . you know . . . Charlottesville.

His screen name appears to be a portmanteau of Walt Disney — whose monstrously successful legacy company’s songs he used to lampoon — and the martially-minded Teutonic icon Otto von Bismarck. Back in “those days,” he went by another pseudonym, the rather awkward “Uncuck the Right.” His video “We Didn’t Start the Movement” changes the lyrics to a Billy Joel song rather than a Disney tune. It also features Jared Taylor singing and playing the saxophone, as well as a very brief mention of me.

But now the shadowy Mr. Bismarck, writing from a Substack account, has issued a pair of essays declaring before God and man that even though he is not in any way disavowing or morally distancing himself from his Alt Right past, he’s spreading his wings and branching out. (Warning: He uses the word “Faustian” a lot, refuses to blame Jews for much, and blames boomers for everything.)

In January’s “How the Alt Right Won,” he says that the movement’s major goal — shifting the Overton window so that it became “politically viable to openly discuss the interests of white people in mainstream politics, in the same way black people or Jewish people discuss their collective interests” — was a fait accompli and a “huge victory” at that. He also counsels everyone to stop worrying about Da Jews:

Most young secular right wing Jews these days are pro-White [sic] and don’t treat being ethnically Jewish as that different from being, say, Italian.

It’s still the case that the coalitional politics surrounding the Gaza War have forced American Jews to choose between allying with right wing Whites [sic] on one hand and abandoning their ethnic interests to become deracinated globalists on the other. . . .

Bismarck writes that rather than owning the Jews, he’d much rather focus on “crushing the gerontocracy.”

In “Why I’m no longer a White Nationalist” from March 6, he reiterates that like his previous article, this is in no way a plea for mercy or an attempt to rehabilitate his image:

I’ve stopped calling myself a White Nationalist (WN). Do not mistake this for a disavowal of my past or some kind of groveling apology. As expressed in my retrospective on the Alt Right, I’m not in the least bit ashamed of anything I did in 2015-2018 while I was active in the movement. . . . I am incredibly proud to have been one of these young men. Years later I still consider my activism during this period the crowning achievement of my life. . . . I’ve also stopped identifying “White People” or even “White Americans” as my primary ingroup.

He says that rather than race, he’s “most worried” about things such as the dollar’s collapse, online “dopamine traps” such as TikTok and gambling apps, and “a selfish and unfettered gerontocracy that won’t tolerate any cuts to senior benefits”:

I predict that politics will continue to depolarize around race and repolarize along gender, age, religion, class, and marital status. . . .

In my opinion the only people who can lead us out of this epistemic jungle are mischievous contrarians who love throwing grenades into circlejerks — guys like the Richards Hanania and Spencer, or even Matt Yglesias and Nate Silver. It is this particular personality type — the high openness, low agreeableness, boundary-pushing intellectual who trades in hot takes and enjoys picking fights with “their side” — that I most identify with and have the greatest loyalty to….

I implore the fashy goys of 2015 to set the fourteen words aside for now and instead take a serious look at banning TikTok / gambling apps / widespread porn, preserving the global dollar, and reforming Social Security. . . . Put down the tiki torch and come help me politically castrate septuagenarians and save your kids’ dopamine receptors.

Did you get that? It’s not the Jews — it’s the boomers. Discuss.

Jim Goad
