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Supreme Court To Decide On Government Censorship

20-3-2024 < Activist Post 20 1116 words

By Neenah Payne

In Monday, March 18, the highly anticipated Supreme Court oral arguments for the Murthy v. Missouri  (formerly Missouri v. Biden) were presented. This seminal free speech case challenges the Biden administration for coercing social media platforms such as Facebook and X (then Twitter) to remove information that contradicts the government’s narrative about COVID-19 vaccines, lockdowns, health freedom, election fraud, and other topics.

March 18: DC Rally To Restore Free Speech! shows that this is the most important Free Speech Rights case in US history! The Supreme Court will decide whether to uphold the injunction against five federal agencies to challenge government censorship of social media. At stake is whether the government can direct social media companies to censor speech protected by the First Amendment.

A rally was held at the Supreme Court Building to send a message to jurists and policymakers that our right to free speech shall not be infringed by any administration. The Supreme Court heard arguments in the case that will determine what you can say and read online. As Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pointed out, our Founding Fathers put the right to free expression in the First Amendment because all the other rights depend on it: “A government that has the power to silence its critics has license for any kind of atrocity.”

This decision is more urgent given President Biden’s strong support of legislation that aims to ban TikTok, a platform that encourages young people of America to exchange information, ideas, art and culture. The Supreme Court’s decision is expected in June and will have a ripple effect on other cases such as Kennedy v. Biden.

Is Free Speech on the Chopping Block? The Murthy v. Missouri Oral Arguments

Rally At Supreme Court

rally to reclaim free speech was held in front of the steps of the Supreme Court. It was hosted by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) which had filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court. CHD president and attorney Mary Holland, as a member of the Supreme Court bar, was privy to the oral arguments. CHD TVX, and RumbleCHD TV  live streamed the event and CHD’s X account broadcast live audio of the oral arguments before the Supreme Court.

A recording is available on CHD.TV and at THE RALLY TO RECLAIM FREE SPEECH IN D.C. For more information, visit The rally was covered by multiple news sources, including FOXReutersLocal CBS NewsThe New AmericanCHD’s Defender and Creative Destruction Media.

See the report by Honest Media.

Chilling Reality of Censorship in US

Big Tech Alliance Targets COVID-19 “Misinformation” Links to “Extremism” Calls For Content Censorship

Michael Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the US State Department from the Fall of 2020 to January 2021. The Chilling Reality of Modern Censorship in the U.S. with Mike Benz. The World According to Mike Benz. Mike Benz: U.S. Government Turned AI “Censorship Superweapons” Designed To Fight Terror Against Trump, Brexit, Climate Skeptics.

Benz explains that the legacy media (New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.). have long been controlled by the National Security State. So, the Fourth Estate has not operated as the US Founding Fathers wanted, as a check and balance on the other three branches of government – the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The globalists were able to control what many Americans thought and how they voted through the information in the controlled legacy media – aka as the “Talking Bird Media” — and much of TV which is “Brought to you by Pfizer”,  as well as control of social media.

However, that changed in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump as president and Brexit. It was clear that citizen journalists on the internet were empowering people and they were voting to defend their nations. As other European nations threatened to leave the European Union, that threatened NATO as well as the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. The rise of nationalists now threatens all the globalist organizations including the World Health Organization, United Nations, and World Economic Forum.

The Fight For Freedom and Information

Officials at the White House, CDC, FDA, CISA, etc, pressured Facebook, Twitter, and other social media giants to censor information about COVID — even information they knew to be true — if it contradicted the government’s official narrative! So, they didn’t mention that the CDC stats showed in early 2020 that COVID was little threat to anyone. The FDA and CDC didn’t want people to know about the inexpensive early treatments for COVID like vitamin D, vitamin C, HCQ/zinc, Ivermectin, or budesonide.

Government bureaucrats decided people should hear only that that the COVID shots are “safe and effective.” The NIH and Fauci didn’t want people to know that their “safe and effective” vaccines were — and still are — causing a record number of vaccine-related deaths and injuries.

If the government is allowed to censor scientists, doctors, and citizens to promote its narrative, informed consent will be impossible. Medical freedom will be impossible. Science will be impossible. Healthy, young people will continue to be injured and killed unnecessarily.

This case is about Americans’ right to make informed decisions about their health based on all the facts not just on information spoon-fed by Big Government joined with Big Tech.

Starting at 3:42, the video below discusses what the Supreme Court is ruling on.

Free Speech Battle Heads to Supreme Court (video)

Transcript of interview below which mentions the Missouri vs. Biden lawsuit.

Everything You Need to Know about the Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign 2/16/24

The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. “What I’m describing is military rule,” says Mike Benz. “It’s the inversion of democracy.”

Power to the People: The rise and rise of Citizen Journalism

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