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The Worst Week Yet: March 10-16, 2024

18-3-2024 < Counter Currents 22 2434 words

Vaughan Gething

2,217 words

Wales Elects a Black Leader — the First of Any European Country

’Twas but a century ago that the British Empire ruled over roughly one-quarter of the world’s people and had control over one-quarter of the planet’s land, making it the largest empire in world history.

And then, as this son of the British Isles has repeatedly lamented, the British populace was persuaded that it was a good idea to feel guilty about such a tremendous accomplishment.

Great Britain and Ireland, the two main islands that comprise the British Isles, are split into five countries: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Wales. It wasn’t very long ago that the heads of state for all five countries were white males.

As of last week, none of these five countries is led by a white male. And the transformation didn’t take very long.

In October 2022, Rishi Sunak — born in East Africa to parents of Indian Punjabi descent — became England’s first Asian prime minister, despite the fact that fewer than one in ten people in England is Asian.

In December 2022, Leo Varadkar — a gay man whose father was born in Bombay — became Northern Ireland’s prime minister, despite the fact that fewer than one in 25 people in Ireland is Asian and fewer than one in ten identifies as gay.

In March of last year, Humza Yousaf — the son of Pakistani Muslim immigrants — became First Minister of Scotland, despite the fact that less than three percent of Scotland’s inhabitants are Asian.

Only last month, Michelle O’Neill — a blonde indigenous Irish woman — replaced a white male named Paul Givan to become First Minister of Northern Ireland.

And last week, a Zambia-born black man named Vaughan Gething was elected First Minister of Wales. Gething edged out a gay white male named Jeremy Miles in the election and will replace a white male named Mark Drakeford, who may or may not be gay, although I’m not sure it matters at this point.

There are only an estimated 29,000 or so black people in all of Wales — less than 1% of the population — but I think we can all agree that it’s high time the black Welsh were disproportionately represented in seats of higher power. After his victory was sealed, Gething remarked:

Today, we turn a page in the book of our nation’s history. . . . Not just because I have the honor of becoming the first black leader in any European country — but because the generational dial has jumped, too.

But not only has the generational dial jumped — Europe has jumped the shark. A shark that was formerly great and white.

As a reminder of England’s ritual demographic disembowelment, starting in 2026 Londoners who pass through Trafalgar Square will be forced to gaze at a giant statue of a black woman with a tremendously steatopygian posterior. The sculpture, “Lady in Blue,” was made by a black woman named Tschabalala Self, who says the big-assed statue symbolizes “a quotidian figure, a person like all others in the city. . . . In my mind I thought of her as a Londoner, a contemporary figure, a woman that many people could identify with.”

This is despite the fact that only about 7% of Londoners are black women, although it’s probably safe to assume that all of those black women have large asses. About 21% of Londoners are Asian, and one in eight Londoners are Muslim, which is why London has had an Asian Muslim mayor since 2016.

Isn’t it strange how the loudest proponents of “representative democracy” never seem to complain that it’s become less and less representative of the electorate?

German Police Raid Homes of “Misogynist” Shitposters

Speaking of formerly great European nations that have been culturally castrated, last week in Germany police conducted raids on the homes of 45 suspects “suspected of posting misogynistic hate speech online.” In preceding months, they’d “searched and interrogated” 37 suspects.

The new wave of raids were part of a “combating misogyny on the Internet” day of action that fell one day before International Women’s Day. According to Holger Muench, head of Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office:

We are observing how online platforms are increasingly becoming the scene of hate, harassment and discrimination, also targeting especially women. . . . Today’s day of action makes it clear: we consciously go into the spaces of hate, identify acts and perpetrators, take them out of anonymity and bring them to accountability.

I’d bet my house that not a single criminal suspect in these raids is a Muslim of Asian descent. It’s heartening to learn that German authorities are fighting “online misogyny” when out in the real world, Asian gang rapes of German women are a daily occurrence.

America’s Rabbi Sez: “Jews Must Be Feared Rather than Loved”

Although I’m reasonably certain he wasn’t elected to the position, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has been called “America’s Rabbi,” and it’s almost as if America needed or even requested a rabbi. The bombastic and aggressively charmless Chabadnik is the author of books such as Kosher Sex and Kosher Lust and also co-owns a sex shop in Tel Aviv with his daughter that sells dildos which I presume are also kosher.

He’s recently become embroiled in a controversy regarding whether he actually called token black conserva-puppet Candace Owens a “Jew-hating nigger” or if it’s a deepfake.

Boteach recently paused from selling kosher dildos to pen an article in the Jewish Journal titled “Jews Must Be Feared Rather than Loved”:

Jews prefer to be loved rather than feared. No, that doesn’t go far enough. They are desperate to be loved. And all desperation betrays weakness and is easily detected by our enemies. . . .

Niccolo Machiavelli said in the 15th century in his monumental book, “The Prince” . . . “It’s nice to be loved. But it’s more important to be feared.” . . .

Because we Jews should take Machiavelli’s advice only and solely when it comes to fighting the Islamist radicals and neo-Nazis with whom there can be no negotiations, no compromise, and no peace. They are dedicated to our destruction and annihilation, which is why, when FDR and Churchill met at Casablanca in 1943, they demanded nothing short of unconditional surrender from Hitler and the Nazis.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Bomb Inside My Brain here.

America’s Rabbi also recorded a short video where he went over the main bullet points of his recent article and reiterated that “[i]t is time for Jews to be feared.”

It’s news to me that Jews were going out of their way to be loved rather than feared. You learn something every day.

In related news about Jews finally standing up for themselves: Way down Florida way, where the exceedingly Jew-compliant Governor Ron DeSantis is still licking his wounds from an impotent performance in the presidential primaries, the state House has approved – unanimously — a bill that redefines the phantom demon of “anti-Semitism” so that it falls in lockstep with that of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, i.e. it’s “a certain perception of Jewish individuals which may be expressed as hatred toward such individuals.” I’m not sure how you can “define” things based on intangibles such as “perception” and “hatred,” but what do I know?

The bill lists several examples of how such “anti-Semitism” may be expressed:

Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jewish individuals as such or the power of Jewish people as a collective, such as the myth of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy or of Jewish individuals controlling the media, economy, government, or other societal institutions. . . .

Accusing Jewish people as a collective of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group or for acts committed by non-Jewish individuals. . . .

Denying the fact, scope, and mechanisms, such as gas chambers, or the intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of Nazi Germany and its supporters and accomplices during the Holocaust. . . .

Accusing Jewish people as a collective, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust. . . .

Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jewish individuals worldwide, than to the interests of their respective nations. . . .

Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

Despite his public posturing as an “anti-woke” crusader, DeSantis stretches his sphincter to protect Jews against the same sort of defamation that “wokeness” purports to protect females, gays, and non-whites. Almost like Jehovah protecting the Israelites, he has chosen the Chosen for special protection.

Eighth Graders Face Criminal Charges for Holding a Mock “Slave Auction” on Snapchat

A half-dozen eighth graders at Southwick Regional School in Southwick, Massachusetts — whose population is 97.41% white — have been criminally charged for “hateful and racist comments” they allegedly made during a group chat that “unfolded on Snapchat on Feb. 8 into the early morning hours of Feb. 9 among multiple juveniles.”

The students, all of whom are 13 and 14 years old, were suspended from school in mid-February, but now they are facing criminal charges for their comments. All six have been charged with threatening to commit a crime. Two have been charged with interference with civil rights, while one of those two has been charged with witness interference.

Details of exactly what was said during this alleged hate-fest are predictably hard to come by, and the local District Attorney has refused to state whether or not the suspects are white, but apparently a young black girl with a Hispanic surname was mentioned as part of a mock “slave auction” in some of the comments. What’s frustratingly unclear is whether she was a participant in the group chat and was therefore directly harassed or if she only became aware of it when the state decided to step in and make a criminal case of the matter.

Bishop Talbert Swan, president of the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter, has been pestering the local school superintendent about the case. In case you were unaware, Swan has publicly stated that “[w]hiteness is an unrelenting, demonic force of evil” and also referred to whites as “melanin deficient demons.”

According to Hampden District Attorney Anthony Gulluni, who announced the charges at a press conference on Thursday following an “investigation” that took a freaking month, the accused “expressed hateful and racist comments, including notions of violence toward people of color, racial slurs, derogatory pictures and videos, and a mock slave auction directed at two juveniles known to them.”

Gulluni continued:

With this I intend to be very clear: Hatred and racism have no place in this community, and where this behavior becomes criminal, I will ensure that we act — and act with swift resolve, as we did here — to uncover it and bring it to the light of justice. . . . There is no question that the alleged behavior in this case of these six juveniles is vile, cruel and contemptible. . . . Seeing it, and facing the reality that these thoughts, that this ugliness can exist within middle school students here in this community in 2024 is discouraging, unsettling and deeply frustrating.

What’s deeply frustrating to me at least is that this goombah district attorney is ruining the lives of a half-dozen presumably white adolescents while never condemning a local black bishop’s comments about white people. Even more exasperating is his categorical statement that there “is no question” that the students’ behavior was “vile, cruel and contemptible.”

Of course there’s a “question” regarding this matter. Whether or not something is “vile, cruel and contemptible” cannot be proved or disproved. That’s because it’s an opinion rather than a fact. Which brings me to the week’s final item . . .

Study: Nearly Half of Americans Can’t Tell a Fact From an Opinion

As anyone with a rudimentary exposure to what passes for online discourse can readily attest, the concepts of the stark and crucial difference between the subjective and the objective appears to have almost entirely evaporated. A new study suggests that this sad state of affairs may at least be partially attributable to the insanely poisonous — and what I suspect is deliberately orchestrated — binary political polarization that’s occurred over the past generation as a result of nearly everyone’s access to social media.

A new study published by the Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review

focused on assessing whether Americans can differentiate statements of fact (2 + 2 = 4) versus statements of opinion (“Green is the most beautiful color”). The research team placed a particular emphasis on political statements.

Researchers asked study participants to categorize 12 statements regarding current events as either statements of fact or statements of opinion. Rather surprisingly, 45.7 percent of respondents did as badly as if they had flipped a coin to make a decision.

I think this is a bad thing, but that’s only my opinion.

If I were suddenly appointed Education Czar, I’d summarily toss out all indoctrination about unquantifiable things such as “racism” and “misogyny” and make it mandatory that high-school students could not graduate until they’d demonstrated a mastery of how logical fallacies work and could also explain why “2 + 2 =4” is a fact and “Green is the most beautiful color” is an opinion.

I’m continually aghast at the specter of otherwise perfectly intelligent people who seem either cognitively incapable or socially unwilling to distinguish between facts and opinions. Yes, I’m aware that insisting on the difference between the two will often get someone smeared as “autistic,” which is why we need to coin a neologism for the throbbing masses who can’t tell the difference. Subtistic? Feeltarded? I’m open to your suggestions.

Jim Goad
