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After waiting more than two years, man reads all 500 pages of “Much Ado About Corona” faster than the speed of science

16-3-2024 < Activist Post 30 818 words

By John C. A. Manley

Steve Van Nes has owned a copy of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story for over two years. Until just recently, however, he had never tried reading it. When he finally did, he says he flew through all 500 pages in under three weeks — faster than the speed of science (if we consider how long it took so-called science to “flatten the curve”).

“I didn’t read it every day, but when I would sit down to read it, I would usually read for an hour or two,” he said in an email the other day. “I’ve started books before, set them down for a week or longer, tried to start reading them again but losing interest and never finishing the book. Once I got reading your novel, it was easy to stay reading it because it was entertaining.”

So nice to hear, Steve. What a novel idea, eh? A novel that is entertaining. Isn’t it strange how so many novels are not enjoyable to read— especially the ones which win all the prestigious awards for “literacy excellence?”

“On its own,” continues Steve, “the novel is an entertaining read but the amount of real-life references in it exposing the COVID narrative really set it apart. I’m sure reading this novel helped push many people into realizing what was/is going on. I appreciated the other examples of government overreach that help prove that even here in Canada, the government is willing to strip you of your rights. The biggest example being Grandad forcefully taken to the residential schools and a lesser example being Yamamotto explaining the Japanese internment camps.”

I agree 100%, Steve. Of course, I’m likely to agree with anything nice you have to say about my novel.

Steve also found some of the book’s many Canadian Easter Eggs:

“A nice surprise was the amount of Canadian references in the novel as well. Bi-lingual characters in northern Ontario settings, many hockey references, and a fair amount of discussion about the Tragically Hip were some of the obvious references but more subtle were things like: Louis Riel Bridge, Brian Peckford Park (both of which have fought against tyrannical governments or worked towards establishing freedoms), even references to the obscure parody band The Arrogant Worms gave the novel a uniquely Canadian feel.”

Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story

That reminds me, I need to send The Arrogant Worms a copy of the novel.

“You really captured the feel of society after the first lockdown in the first part of the book. A few people were outspoken about the COVID tyranny, like Stefanie. Some people had drank the COVID Kool-Aid, like the mayor and Mackenzie. But most people were going along to get along, questioning parts of the narrative, but being too naive or too cowardly to stand up and fight back, much like Vincent at the start of the novel.”

I think the general public’s complacency was the most shocking thing about the scamdemic and was what I tried to capture in a critical, yet amusing way.

I know people don’t want to revisit those days when the world suddenly turned into the darkest remake of Monty Python’s Flying Circus, but we can’t let the official story where “the world was saved from a raging virus by a life-saving vaccine” to become official history.

As Steve Van Nes testifies, Much Ado About Corona sets the record straight while being so entertaining people don’t want to put the book down. So, if you own a copy and haven’t read it yet, why not give it a try? And if you don’t own a copy, then you can purchase a copy here.


John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story , the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. You get free chapters from his novels by subscribing to his Blazing Pine Cone email newsletter at

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