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Why White Nationalists Should Care about Israel’s Genocidal War

15-3-2024 < Counter Currents 22 1962 words

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

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The extreme violence that the Palestinians are being subjected to in Gaza is essentially foundational violence. It is a war that will bring about an expanded Jewish state. Hawkish Israelis are giddy with anticipation at the prospect of annexing newly-won territories to expand their country’s boundaries. Even though it will be a lengthy slog, once Gaza is thoroughly cleansed, the West Bank cannot be far behind, as the Israeli war machine will finish what the Israeli settlers have started.

If you think about the idea of a Greater Israel, it is an Israel that includes the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and more. What we are witnessing now is an extremely violent incremental step toward the realization of part of that program. It is essential that we pay attention to these events in the Levant in order to understand the methodology being used against Israel’s enemies, and by extension, the enemies of diaspora Jews. Airstrikes, artillery bombardments, tanks, and any number of other conventional armaments are being deployed, along with starvation, displacement, expulsion, and ultimately, genocide. This war is not solely about reprisals for the October 7 attacks; it is about annihilation – biblical, Old Testament-style vengeance for which Jews have a penchant. It’s also about the vision of an Israel where Jewish kibbutzim and condominiums are sprouting from the bulldozed ruins of Gaza and beyond.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have driven the captive Palestinian population south to the Egyptian border, in and around the city of Rafah, which is situated in the south of Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted that an attack on the city will go ahead despite warnings about the prospect of catastrophic civilian casualties and Joe Biden’s public statement that such an operation would be a “red line.” In a Politico article that was published on March 10, Netanyahu is quoted as saying:

We’ll go there. We’re not going to leave them. You know, I have a red line. You know what the red line is? That October 7 doesn’t happen again. Never happens again.

A full-scale attack on Rafah is therefore assured at this point. If Netanyahu’s own words weren’t enough, on March 15 The Jerusalem Post likewise reported that an attack on the city will indeed go ahead:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved a military operation for Rafah in Southern Gaza, that will also include the evacuation of civilians, his office said on Friday.

In a speech on March 7 at an IDF Combat Officers Course Graduation Ceremony, Netanyahu said he will not back down from finishing what he started in Gaza:

Soldiers and officers, we are in the midst of a war that could not be more just. The Government set the goals of the war — and you are in the field working to achieve them: Eliminating Hamas’s evil rule, returning home all of our hostages and preventing any future threat to the State of Israel from Gaza. . . .

I want you to pay attention to what is being said about you, about our IDF. Noted military historian John Spencer, an expert on urban warfare at West Point, the Training Base #1 of the US, says that no army in history has dealt with tens of thousands of armed fighters, dispersed in various cities, who are using the civilian population as human shields, and who hide in hundreds of kilometers of underground tunnels, and despite these harsh and unprecedented conditions, he says that the IDF is achieving the goals of the war with impressive success and is doing so with minimal harm to civilians. And as the historian Spencer notes, with an effort that no other army in the world, in the history of armies, has done.

Today, I want to tell you tell you clearly: The IDF will continue to operate against all of Hamas’s battalions throughout the Strip — and this includes Rafah, Hamas’s last stronghold. Whoever tells us not to operate in Rafah, is telling us to lose the war — and that will not happen.

At the same time, we will take vigorous action in the other sectors, against whoever seeks to destroy us, including on the northern front. Whoever has not yet been convinced by our strength would do well to look at what is happening to the enemy strongholds in Gaza. Our enemies have brought unprecedented destruction on themselves. Those who talked about spider webs — are today meeting lions.

Indeed, there is international pressure, and it is increasing. But it is precisely when the international pressure increases that we must close ranks among ourselves. We must stand together against the attempts to stop the war. We must reject together the desperate attempt to charge the IDF with the responsibility for Hamas’s crimes.

It is Hamas that murdered, massacred, and raped our brothers and sisters. It is Hamas that abducted our sons and daughters. It is Hamas that is perpetrating war crimes against its people — and ours — on a daily basis. And we are fighting these monsters in order to ensure our very existence. Even as we defend ourselves, we are defending the most sacred values of the free world and human society as a whole.

Therefore, I say to the leaders of the world: When we defeat the murderers of October 7, we are preventing the next 9/11. The entire civilized world should support the IDF and the State of Israel.

In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Jordan’s Queen Rania observed that

[a]s devastating and as traumatic as October 7 was, it doesn’t give Israel license to commit atrocity after atrocity. Israel experienced one October 7, since then, the Palestinians have experienced 156 October 7s. . . . Aid under bombardment does not stop the destruction, the death, and the heartbreak. We cannot save people from hunger only then to bomb them to death. There are no victories to be had as long as this war continues.

With approximately half of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million having been displaced, many of them sheltering in and around Rafah, officials from aid organizations fear that military operations in the area will result in a slaughter. Last month, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated:

1.3 million people are waiting there in a very small space. They don’t really have anywhere else to go right now . . . If the Israeli army were to launch an offensive on Rafah under these conditions, it would be a humanitarian catastrophe.

The Washington Times reported on March 10 that President Joe Biden had declared that an attack on Rafah was a red line that Israel should not cross. It is amazing that Biden was conscious long enough to even make such a statement, but it nonetheless shows that there is a divide between the two governments. But how deep is it, really? Perhaps it was just a Washington publicity stunt to save face. Israel does whatever it wants, after all, due to the powerful influence that the Israel lobby exerts on the United States, the Biden administration included. Even if elected officials or pundits in the US feel compelled to denounce Israel’s heavy-handed, disproportionate use of force, they often remain silent given that they know that to challenge Jewish power is to risk career suicide.

You can buy Leo Yankevich’s book, Tikkun Olam, here.

In the interim, ceasefire talks that have gone on for days have failed to reach any meaningful agreement. Aid dropped by the Americans has been a pittance compared to what the displaced people of Gaza need to subsist including a mishap that involved several deaths. Airstrikes have continued along with an incident which saw Israeli troops fire on Palestinian civilians waiting for food.

Ralph Nader has made a compelling argument regarding the actual humanitarian cost of the war in Gaza. While figures of 20-30,000 deaths have been circulated, Nader believes that the true numbers are far higher. Nader has made the compelling argument that in fact more than 200,000 Palestinians have been killed since October 7, 2023. He takes into account all the airstrikes, bombardments, the use of white phosphorous, and the disproportionate use of armor in urban areas, offering an estimate of the number of unfortunates who remain buried in the rubble of Palestine’s major cities such as Khan Younis and Gaza City. Plus, he considers the impact of the starvation that is now rampant due to the Israeli blockade.

Nader has presented a humanitarian case. When juxtaposed with the IDF’s official statements about its operations in Gaza and Lebanon, one cannot fail but to notice that there is no mention of civilian casualties. The IDF’s propaganda speaks only about legitimate Hamas and Hezbollah targets.

When a group as powerful as the Jews decides that everyone is out to get them, they tend to act accordingly. They will probably double their efforts among the diaspora to open our borders. It is thus hypocritical for Israeli Jews to ethnically cleanse, kill, occupy, surveil, displace, and starve civilians with impunity while their brethren in the diaspora lecture white gentiles about their historic wickedness on any number of issues. They are not concerned about hypocrisy, however; they are only concerned about their own ethnic interests and power.

As Kevin MacDonald has extensively analyzed, Jewish positioning on issues is linked directly to their group interests:

The current situation in the United States is the result of an awesome deployment of Jewish power and influence. One must contemplate the fact that American Jews have managed to maintain unquestioned support for Israel since the 1967 war despite Israel’s seizing land and engaging in a brutal occupation of the Palestinians in the occupied territories — an apartheid occupation that will most likely end with expulsion or complete subjugation and degradation of the Palestinians. During this same period Jewish organizations in America have been a principal force — in my view the main force — for erecting a state dedicated to suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging massive multi-ethnic immigration into the US, and for erecting a legal system and cultural ideology that is obsessively sensitive to the complaints and interests of ethnic minorities: the culture of the Holocaust. All this is done without a whisper of double standards in the aboveground media.

Why is it important for us to take an interest in a conflict that is happening a world away? It is important because it is what is in store for us as well. Diaspora Jews are working relentlessly to continue and expand mass immigration into white countries and to promote dysgenic causes among our people. Jewish interests run contrary to those of white people throughout the West, particularly in the United States. Whenever Israelis engage in military misadventures, America is left not only to foot the bill, but to bear the moral cost as well.

The city of Rafah and southern Gaza will be turned into a charnel house in the coming weeks. A massacre is thus about to unfold that will be intended to serve as a warning to all those who challenge Jewish power.
