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Former Time Magazine Reporter Says “the food giants have corrupted products to the point where obesity is killing us faster than any other condition.”

14-3-2024 < Activist Post 26 685 words

By John C. A. Manley

Despite the right side of the political aisle waking up to the toxic nature of the medical-industrial complex, there is still much resistance to even considering that our processed, genetically modified, additive-ridden and chemically doused food supply may be partly to blame for the rise in chronic diseases that plague the modern world.

For example, in The Ancestral Diet Revolution: How Vegetable Oil and Processed Foods Destroy Our Health, author Chris A. Knobb, MD shows how multiple sclerosis (MS) was a “neurological curiosity” in the mid-1800s — with only one case noted in the medical journals.

Today, however, there are “2.8 million people worldwide who have multiple sclerosis,” reports the National MS Society. “That means every five minutes, someone, somewhere in the world is diagnosed with MS. Nearly one million of them are living in the United States.”

Something is wrong. And I don’t think it’s 19th century statistics.

As Elizabeth Nickson, former Time Magazine reporter and author of Eco-Fascists: How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, wrote recently on her Substack:

“To win against the specific nutrition created by specific regions, in order to slaughter individual competition, to kill local cultures, the food giants have corrupted products to the point where obesity is killing us faster than any other condition. I challenge you to really look at your fellow citizens. Does anyone look healthy? The chemical pollution of America’s food means that most of it is profoundly toxic.”

So while eating processed, genetically modified foods grown with pesticides and herbicides may not cause anybody to “die suddenly,” dying slowly can be even worse and harder to point a finger at.

And agricultural practices will only get worse if the food giants are allowed to take total control of the food supply. It seems they have a three-step plan in action:

step 1) Reduce the amount of food available through climate change policies and economic devastation.

step 2) Wait until people get hungry and desperate.

step 3) Offer them bug burgers, lab-grown meat, high-fructose GMO beverages, and mRNA-infused vegetables grown with cancer-causing herbicides and neurologically-frying pesticides.

Fortunately, as Elizabeth Nickson shows in her Substack article, European farmers are fighting back:

“I have captured on my hard drive several hundred incidents of farmers, truckers, rail workers, you name it, on the march in every country and every region in Europe. They are out by the tens of thousands and they are staying out, rolling thunder up and down the roads, clogging up traffic, walling politicians in their homes, dumping manure at every government building. In the U.K., right now, they are marshalling for a massive truck and tractor protest on the way to London. Paris is in trauma, all of France locked up on a rolling basis, by which I mean, the police never know where it’s going to happen next. Every country, Poland, Greece, Italy, Corsica, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain is on fire.”


John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. You get free chapters from his novels by subscribing to his Blazing Pine Cone email newsletter at

Image: Pixabay

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