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The Jewish Question Going Mainstream Before Race Realism: A Good or a Bad Thing?

13-3-2024 < Counter Currents 27 1506 words

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.

1,381 words

The Jewish Question is going mainstream — at least on Elon Musk’s Twitter/X. Major Con Inc. figures such as Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson have felt the need to begin addressing issues of Jewish influence, and conspiracy-theory grifters such as Stew Peters have started incorporating JQ talking points into their brands. Certainly any Right-wing content creator whose online persona is based on being edgy now has to at minimum be talking about Zionism. Being “anti-woke” doesn’t cut it anymore. Being anti-anti-white isn’t enough. You gotta be naming the Jew.

That’s on the Right, although anti-Zionism is now ubiquitous on the Left as well. Even if the establishment was somehow able to sideline Elon Musk and wrest back control of Twitter/X, they would nevertheless still be unable to put the genie back into the bottle. The ideas and talking points have now been heard by too many people — untold millions. Reinstating the old censorship rules and expanding the blacklist to include all the new figures who have risen to prominence by espousing anti-Zionism as well as all the older ones who have adopted it recently would not quell the demand for anti-Zionist content. Even if these things were done, something else would inevitably arise to fulfill that demand.

The Big Four social media cartel — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram — is not nearly as hegemonic as it was a few years ago. Jews have since lost control of one of them. TikTok is controlled by the Chinese, and Rumble has carved out a niche by featuring “too hot for YouTube” streamers such as Nick Fuentes and Sneako. There are simply more holes in the dam than ZOG has fingers to plug them with. There’s no turning back the clock.

The establishment’s best hope is that the current wave of anti-Jewish fervor is merely a passing fad, like QAnon, the Tea Party, or the “libertarian moment.” Could some new political fad eventually come along that makes anti-Semitism look passé? “You’re still hating Jews? Don’t you know that the Jews are just pawns of the shapeshifting reptilians?” Not likely. The difference is that QAnon and libertarianism are easily debunkable, whereas anti-Semitism is thousands of years old. Once someone is red-pilled on the JQ, they never take the blue pill and go back to sleep.

This development is surprising. I always assumed that race realism would go mainstream before the Jewish Question would. I was wrong, but I had my reasons. The essence of race realism is cold, hard facts and statistics, such as about race and IQ, racial crime statistics, and so on. The JQ, for its part, is more abstract than race realism, even if it has its own set of cold, hard numbers. The average income of Jews, the number of them who own the major media institutions, and the number of them in academia and finance are all demonstrable facts.

The problem when dealing with newcomers is to explain why this is a problem. You thus have to understand both Jews as an ethnocentric group as well as the psychology of the individual Jew. You also have to know their history and how they got to where they are today. It requires big-picture thinking. There are a lot of moving parts to the JQ, and it can be tricky to wrap your head around how all the pieces fit together.

You can buy Jonathan Bowden’s Reactionary Modernism here.

I had always assumed that ordinary people would first become red-pilled on race, then White Nationalism would gain some mainstream momentum, and then there would be a debate as to whether Jews should be a part of it. But that’s not what’s happening. There are several problems with this. Race realism should come before the JQ because without it, the JQ is just a matter of assimilation. The question becomes, “How do we get these Jews to stop behaving like Jews?” I see this on social media all the time.

For example, you often see Right-wing Christians who jump on the bandwagon and end up reciting all the JQ talking points: Jews control the porn industry, they promote all the woke crap in the media, and they start wars to protect Israel. That’s all well and good, but then they’ll say that the problem is that they don’t have Jesus Christ in their hearts. If only the Jews would just convert to Christianity, in their view, they would stop behaving like Jews. This is of course nonsense. For one, the white race already tried that by making various attempts to force the Jews to become Christian over the centuries, and it didn’t work. But this is the sort of thing you end up with when you have the JQ without race realism.

To be fair, I have some sympathy for people who embrace Christian anti-Zionism. It’s a way to criticize Jews without being called a Nazi: “I’m not against Jews because I’m racist, I am against Jews because I’m a Chrisitan and they are opposed to Christian values.” It is true that one might be somewhat less likely to be cancelled for anti-Semitism if one dresses the talking points up in religious clothes, at least on the Right. The Left will still cancel you for it, however. conservative may give it a shrug because what can they do> Tell you to stop being Christian?

Thus, for the time being I am willing to tolerate the “anti-Zionist Christian” shtick. As long as they are getting the talking points out, it’s a net gain. But at some point we will have a to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with these people and explain that Jews coming to Jesus ain’t gonna happen, and wouldn’t work even if it did.

Another thing I have been seeing are those who claim that Jews in themselves are well and good but that Zionism is an evil ideology. We’re therefore not at war with a people, but an ideology. Once we defeat this evil ideology, we can live with the Jews in peace.

This argument of course overlooks Zionism’s distinctly Jewish characteristics. Zionism is the political manifestation of the Jewish character. It ignores the centuries of Jewish behavior from before Zionism’s emergence. There’s also the fact that many of those who promote this line do so because they are anti-ethnonationalist in general.

Again, for the time being I am will to tolerate a lot from our anti-Zionist co-belligerents on both the Right and Left. For now, the important thing is to get these ideas out to a mass audience. If people feel the need to drop some disclaimers, I will hold off on my sperging, but at some point racialists are going to have to put their foot down.

Race realism is essential for understanding the JQ. Trying to discuss the JQ without race realism is like trying to talk about blacks without it: You end up with an endless amount of copes. When it comes to blacks, we are told that their problems are due to the fact that they grow up without fathers, or that their schools are bad, or that they are on welfare, or that people are too mean to them. The logic then goes that if we address all of these issues, blacks will start behaving like white people.

It’s the same problem when it comes to the Jews. Without race realism, we are told that the problem with Jewish power is that they don’t have Jesus in their hearts, that they’ve been brainwashed by an evil ideology, or even that it is in fact the Evangelicals who are causing them to murder the Palestinians. Even if we were to red-pill every Evangelical on the JQ, destroy the Zionist project, and force every Jew to convert, they will still not behave like gentiles. They would still be nepotistic, dishonest, and anti-white. It’s in their nature.

In my next essay, I will take a closer look at some of our anti-Zionist allies and speculate about how long this united front can last.
