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The Worst Week Yet: March 3-9, 2024

11-3-2024 < Counter Currents 30 2292 words

Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier

2,122 words

Once Deemed Hopeless, Haiti’s Rating Has Been Downgraded to Beyond Hopeless

For over 200 years now, Haiti has served as living proof of what happens after you kill all the white people. It’s a country that stubbornly keeps fucking up and failing to get its shit together, almost as if it can’t help itself.

When Haiti is referred to as “hell on Earth,” I wonder whether the people suffering the torments of the damned in hell feel insulted by the comparison.

Haiti is always “plunging into chaos” and “descending into chaos,” often at the same time. And now comes word that Haiti is plunging and descending even further into chaos, which surprises me, because I was under the impression there was no room left for them to plunge and descend any deeper.

As of this writing, Haiti’s nominal prime minister — an unelected puppet named Ariel Henry — is taking an unplanned vacation in Puerto Rico. Henry was appointed prime minister in 2021 after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, who was savagely beaten and then shot dead in his own home by a group of “Columbian mercenaries” who were suspected to have been taking orders from Haitian gang lords who were hostile to other Haitian gang lords that were reputedly taking orders from Moïse. The assassination was so complicated that Moïse’s wife has been charged as an accomplice in his murder. Typical Haiti stuff.

As the story goes, the deeply unpopular Ariel Henry recently traveled to Africa to beseech Kenyan authorities to provide police aid in restoring order to Haiti. Upon his return, gunfire at the airport from Haitian gangs — whom the United Nations estimates now control 80% of the capital city of Port-au-Prince — prevented a safe landing. Henry’s plane attempted to land on an airstrip in the Dominican Republic, whose sad fortune is to share an island with Haiti, only to be turned away yet again. (To its credit, the Dominican Republic finally started building a border wall between itself and Haiti in 2022.) And so Henry landed in Puerto Rico, where he is plotting his next move. At the moment, Haiti has no official ruling authority and continues to brazenly embarrass itself on the global stage.

Amid reports of triumphant gang members “eating people they’ve killed” on the streets of Port-au-Prince, a lone figure is emerging as the heir apparent to control of Haiti — Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, the 46-year-old leader of a gang confederacy known as the Revolutionary Forces of the G9 family and Allies. Cherizier, despite posturing as a Robin Hood character who uplifts the poor, is a former policeman who was still on the payroll when he and cohorts carried out a brutal 2018 attack upon the peasants of the capital city’s infamous Cité Soleil slum that left 71 people dead — including a 10-month-old child.

Folklore has it that Cherizier earned the moniker “Barbecue” due to his predilection for burning his opponents alive. Cherizier denies this and says the nickname derived from the fact that his mother was a street vendor and sold barbecued chicken when young Jimmy was but a beardless youth.

The weekend before last, Cherizier’s forces led a startling attack on two prisons in Port-au-Prince — the National Penitentiary, which is located only a few hundred yards from the National Palace, and the Croix des Bouquets — resulting in nearly 4,000 hardened criminals, many of whom were convicted in the 2021 assassination of Jovenel Moïse, being released back onto the streets.

Over the past couple weeks, Cherizier has been speaking like someone more than willing to assume the reins of power in Haiti. Among his public statements:

If Ariel Henry doesn’t resign, if the international community continues to support him, we’ll be heading straight for a civil war that will lead to genocide. Either Haiti becomes a paradise or a hell for all of us. It’s out of the question for a small group of rich people living in big hotels to decide the fate of people living in working-class neighborhoods.

Haitian people, please, this is your battle. Today, the moment has arrived for us to do legitimate violence. Take to the streets with everything you have.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

This is, however, Haiti, and Cherizier does not even have total control over the country’s would-be warlords. A primary rival is one Joseph Wilson, who also goes by “Lanmò San Jou” (“death has no appointed time”), leads a criminal syndicate known as 400 Mawozo (“400 Morons”), and has vowed to summon the “voodoo spirit of death” in his quest to seize power in the anarchic shithole that both he and Cherizier call home. Wilson has reputedly joined forces with the G-Pep gang, who specialize in “short-term kidnappings” where, according to one analyst:

Men are beaten and burned with materials like melted plastic. Women and girls are subject to gang rape. . . . This situation spurs relatives to find money to pay ransom. Sometimes kidnappers call the relatives so they can hear the rape being carried out on the phone.

Compounding matters — again, this is Haiti, where even though everyone is a simpleton, nothing is simple — is the fact that due to years of predation at the hands of machete-wielding gangsters, citizens are now forming private militias and barbecuing suspected gang members alive.

I don’t see any reason to suspect that Haitians are going to resolve this. I can only hope that Haiti’s 11 million Haitians remain in Haiti and aren’t welcomed into the USA as refugees.

Michael Moore: Never Mind the Muzzies, the True Enemies of Jews are White Christians

Pudgy and saggy documentarian Michael Moore is a white male and practicing Catholic. Moore is also the author of the 2001 book Stupid White Men and a serial defamer of whiteness. Last I checked up on his living arrangements, he was stationed in the 97%-white enclave of Torch Lake, MI.

He recently appeared on an MSNBC show acting perplexed why there exists even the remotest enmity between Israelis and Palestinians and wondering why the latter are forced to exist in an “open-air prison,” seeing as how Palestinians are not the Jews’ “true” enemy:

You know, when people are in prison, it’s because they’ve committed a crime. Can somebody right now tell me what the crime is that the Palestinian people, as a group of people, have committed? What is the crime? Because according to my knowledge of history, the enemies of Israel who have been persecuted, the Israelis, the Jewish people of this world have been persecuted for 5,000 years.

But for the last 2,000 years, most of the persecution has come from white European-centric Christians. That’s been your enemy. No Palestinian helped to build Auschwitz. No Palestinian stood on the docks of New York City when boatloads of Jewish refugees trying to escape the Holocaust came here to be protected by this country and were turned away at the docks in New York and sent back to Germany to die. No Palestinian did that. No Palestinian ran the Spanish Inquisition. Your enemy, your enemy is not the Palestinian people. It is white Christian European people who have been slaughtering Jews for the last 2,000 years. And let’s just call it for what it is. But why are they in an open-air prison? Why are two million of them in an is. But why are they in an open-air prison? Why are two million of them in an open-air prison?

By Michael Moore’s own flabby reasoning, he — as a white, male Christian — is the true enemy of Jews, and yet he acts as their staunchest defender. Michael Moore is the epitome of a stupid white man.

Body Parts Are Found in Freezer of Former Bronx Gangbanger Who Served 25 Years for Armed Robbery and then Became a “Justice Reform Advocate”

In what might be the biggest public-relations blow to the project of “criminal justice reform” in a coon’s age, a convicted felon who gained publicity as an activist against harsh sentencing has been arrested in connection with the fact that during the course of conducting a “wellness check” at his Bronx apartment, police say they discovered a decapitated head, two arms, two legs, and a foot in the freezer of 48-year-old Sheldon Johnson. The torso of victim Colin Small was allegedly found elsewhere in Johnson’s apartment. Police say the pair had unresolved grievances with one another dating back to when they both spent time at Sing Sing Prison.

Johnson, whose father and son were also named Sheldon Johnson, was profiled in a 2016 Buzzfeed article that portrayed his father, Sheldon Johnson the Elder, as a deaf pedophile who repeatedly raped his own seven-year-old daughter and his son, Sheldon Johnson III, as someone convicted of manslaughter for terrorizing a Chinese exchange student who ran into traffic and was struck dead by a car after fleeing young Johnson’s attack.

Sheldon Johnson Jr., erstwhile criminal-justice advocate, was released from prison in 2023 after serving 25 years for armed robbery. In February of this year, he appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast to deliver the usual spiel about turning his life around. At some point between exiting the penitentiary and being arrested for allegedly dismembering a former gang rival, he worked with a group called Queens Defenders and posed for a photo op with corpulent Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But does it spoil the whole bunch? At least we can all agree that being charged with dismembering a former rival while campaigning against injustices in the criminal-justice system is a bad look.

People Are Suddenly Getting Charged for Anti-White “Hate Speech” and “Hate Crimes” — Is That a Good Thing?

Although I will always believe it’s a childish and reductive form of gaslighting to distill complex sociopolitical struggles over land and resources to a simple matter of “hate,” I will likewise always believe that using double standards to redress perceived historical injustices generates more palpable racial hatred than mere slurs or pattern recognition could ever hope to achieve. In other words, the biggest cause of modern racial hatred is the ceaseless campaign to stamp out racial hatred.

I’d also wager that if such things could be measured, most modern racial hatred among whites comes from the fact that for generations, they have been treated as a malignant anomaly among all races — simultaneously the only race that doesn’t deserve to have racial identity as well as the only race that is institutionally capable of harming and hating other races.

This is why I’m not sure how to react to what seems like a recent uptick in mainstream usage of the term “anti-white” as well as, at least this week, two separate cases where people are being criminally accused of anti-white “hate.”

Mark Elliott Lewis is one of those black people who, as my dad used to say disgustedly, is so dark that a lump of coal would leave a white mark on him. Last Thursday in Columbia, Missouri, he was charged with a hate crime for an incident on February 27 at a local Walgreens where, flustered and flummoxed that a female clerk was attending to the needs of a customer in line ahead of Lewis, he allegedly yelled, “I’m gonna start killing white people!”

Mind you, he didn’t kill any white people, nor did he apparently try to kill any white people, and as those of us who’ve opposed the very idea of “hate crimes” have argued for so long, there are already laws against killing and trying to kill people. But if white people must tremble in fear of being charged and convicted of “hate,” I suppose that for equity’s sake, everyone should be vulnerable to such idiotic charges.

Sam Kerr is a popular female striker for an Australian soccer team. Although she “is of Indian descent and…has in the past campaigned against racism,” she is now rumored to be facing charges for “racially aggravated harassment” after she allegedly called a British police officer a “stupid white bastard” in January 2023 “during a dispute about a taxi fare.” Kerr says she called the officer a “cop” rather than a “bastard” but does not dispute calling him stupid and white.

This led Australia’s SBS News to question whether the mere act of derisively calling someone “white” is a racist slur. They of course trotted out the Frankfurt School creeps to explain that although white people can experience “discrimination,” they cannot be the victims of “racism,” because not only does race not exist, the very idea of race was “invented” during the slave trade to justify the oppression of blacks, which fails to explain how, way back then, the oppressors were able to identify a black person.

Still, I gain a tiny amount of mildly retarded succor from the idea that newspapers and police departments are warming to the idea of anti-whiteness. Maybe it wasn’t the worst week yet.

Jim Goad
