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The Worst Week Yet: February 24-March 2, 2024

4-3-2024 < Counter Currents 35 2549 words

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Rootless Cosmopolitan Duo Releases Book About “White Rural Rage”

Has a major American publisher ever — and I mean even once — released a book written by an impoverished rural Caucasian that examines the multifarious neuroses and prejudices of urban Jews? If so, can you tell me how I’d go about ordering such a book?

Back in 1996, in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, a Jewish lawyer from Manhattan named Kenneth Stern was able to use his social connections — because it definitely wasn’t his writing skills or startling insight — to convince Simon & Schuster to release A Force Upon the Plain: The American Militia Movement and the Politics of Hate, Stern’s half-assed attempt at mass psychoanalysis by a man who couldn’t possibly have had less in common with his subjects. I read the book as part of my research for my own Redneck Manifesto, and I recall one treacly passage where Stern claims that on the night of the OK City bombing, his young son asked him why those bad people blew up that government building, and daddy’s answer was, “Because they hated too much.”

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.

Despite all their academic credentials and intellectual pretensions, this is all that this sort of sheltered and neurotic urban boob can ever come up with: HATE. It’s a cheap and easy way to combine gaslighting and the appeal to motive fallacy in the service of demeaning an entire demographic swath that you will never understand nor, apparently, ever even tried to understand.

I remember thinking at the time, “Why does this clueless shlub have so much hubris that he feels qualified to read the minds of people who exist, both figuratively and literally, thousands of miles away from him? How could a Jewish lawyer from Manhattan pretend to understand what motivates, say, a Montana farmer whose land was just repossessed by banks?”

This phenomenon of rootless American cosmopolitans churning out psychoanalytic screeds depicting the extras from Deliverance who lurk outside our urban enclaves as sinister, inbred, and malevolent lumps of dysgenic waste who threaten to undermine all that is good about this country has been somewhat of a cottage literary industry for generations now. Although such books posture as deconstructions of rural fears, they obviously reflect the paranoia of urbanites who may suffer from massive guilt complexes due to the fact that the policies they champion as compassionate and progressive have in many ways eviscerated and alienated white rural proles — an innately disempowered group, both financially and culturally — from the rest of the country all while scapegoating them for problems that they had absolutely no role in creating.

This would all be disgusting enough if it weren’t for the chattering classes of comfy and pampered alleged “dissidents” whose seething disdain for America’s poor and rural whites didn’t fall in complete lockstep with the attitudes of the urban Jewish progressives whom they pretend are their mortal ideological enemies.

The latest entry in this dubious literary trend is called White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy. It’s published by Random House and co-written by Paul Waldman (confirmed Jew) and Tom Schaller (unconfirmed but seems to check all the boxes). Waldman, a former employee at Media Matters for America, has accused Donald Trump of using rhetoric that uses “whiteness as an identity and locus of oppression,” whereas in the few interviews I’ve seen, Schaller fairly bursts at the seams with hatred for America’s rageful rural whites.

In a review of the book for The New York Times titled “The Mystery of White Rural Rage,” Jewish economist Paul Krugman writes:

Business types and some economists may talk glowingly about the virtues of creative destruction, but the process can be devastating economically and socially for those who find themselves on the destruction side of the equation. This is especially true when technological change undermines not just individual workers but whole communities.

This isn’t a hypothetical proposition. It’s a big part of what has happened to rural America.

This process and its effects are laid out in devastating, terrifying and baffling detail in “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy,” a new book by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. I say “devastating” because the hardship of rural Americans is real, “terrifying” because the political backlash to this hardship poses a clear and present danger to our democracy and “baffling” because at some level I still don’t get the politics.

To Krugman’s credit, he admits he doesn’t “get the politics.” On two recent TV appearances pimping their book, Waldman and especially Schaller pretend they understand the politics entirely: These rural whites are hateful people who decided to be hateful because they enjoy hating, so in the interest of establishing a social equilibrium, there’s probably nothing wrong with hating these people back.

When asked why he used the term “Rage” in his book title, Schaller explained:

Well, it’s really white rural resentment, which is a known, measurable, quantifiable term in the social science literature among sociologists and political science. It’s been measured by people like Katherine Kramer in her book, The Politics of Resentment about rural voters in Wisconsin. . . . We don’t really use the word rage throughout. We’re talking about white rural resentment, which is a demonstrable and quantifiable phenomenon.

For the six billionth time, there is nothing scientific about “social science,” and phantom emotional terms such as “resentment” are in the eye of the beholder and can in no meaningful way be quantified. I’m not sure why I keep having to delineate between the objective and subjective, but it seems as if I don’t keep doing it every five minutes, people immediately forget.

On an MSNBC appearance with child of the Deep State Mika Brzezinski, Schaller doubled down about why rural American whites pose a “fourfold interconnected threat” to the country:

I mean, we lay out the fourfold interconnected threat that white rural voters pose to the country. First of all, and we show 30 polls and national studies to demonstrate this. So we provide the receipts in chapter six. They’re the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay geodemographic group in the country. Second, they’re the most conspiracist group: QAnon support and subscribers, election denialism, COVID denialism and scientific skepticism, Obama birtherism. Third, anti-democratic sentiments. They don’t believe in an independent press, free speech. They’re most likely to say the president should be able to act unilaterally without any checks from Congress or the courts or the bureaucracy. They’re also the most strongly White Nationalists [sic] and white Christian nationalists [sic]. And fourth, they are most likely to just excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public discourse. . . .

And one of the things we argue for, and Paul argues eloquently in our concluding chapter, is that if rural America really wants to revive itself, they need to build a pan-racial white/non-white coalition in rural America, but there doesn’t seem to be any effort whatsoever among white rural Americans to do that.

In other words, erase the white majority in one of the few remaining places in America where a white majority persists.

Count me firmly on the hillbillies’ side in this conflict.

New ADL Poll Finds “Shocking” Spike in Jew-Hating

Has there ever been an Anti-Defamation League press release that says anti-Semitism is going down? Just like I’d pay top dollar for a book by a hungry rural cracker that scrutinizes urban Jews’ political fears and foibles, I’d frame such a press release — NEW STUDY SAYS ANTI-SEMITISM FINALLY ON THE DECLINE! — and hang it up on my wall right next to my poster-sized photo of Bobby Clarke.

As far as I can discern from the way the ADL crafts the story, anti-Semitism is an ever-present existential threat that is always spiking and spreading and swelling and soaring. It never goes down. For no other reason than seething resentment over the fact that Jews do so well for themselves, especially in such a toxically anti-Semitic climate that somehow self-replicates wherever Jews appear on this planet, all non-Jews, but especially the white ones, sit idly around hating Jews due to a failure of imagination and a stubborn refusal to address their own inadequacies.

In case you were concerned that anti-Semitism was actually on the wane or had at least stabilized, take cheer: The ADL’s Center for Antisemitism Research shat out a press release last week titled “24% of Americans Harbor Extensive Antisemitic Prejudice, Up From 20% in 2022, Survey Finds.”

In what I’m sure was a good time had by all, pollsters asked over 4,000 adults in the United States whether they agreed with statements such as

  • Jews have too much power in the business world.

  • Jews have too much control and influence on Wall Street.

  • Jews are more willing than others to use shady practices to get what they want.

  • If Israelis had their way, they would live in a world where all Palestinians were killed.

  • Jews stick together more than other Americans.

  • Jews go out of their way to hire other Jews.

  • Jews have too much control and influence on Wall Street.

  • Jews are more willing than others to use shady practices to get what they want.

  • Israeli operatives are manipulating US national policy through the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) or other influence tools.

Agreeing with these statements was seen as evidence of “antisemitism.”

In summary, the ADL wrote, “In total, more than 42% of Americans either have friends/family who dislike Jews or find it socially acceptable for a close family member to support Hamas.”

Reacting to the poll, the aggressively charmless ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said:

After decades of antisemitism mostly keeping to the fringes of society, it is shocking to see the number of Americans who openly hold antisemitic beliefs increase so significantly in recent years. And the sharp reversal, from older generations to younger generations being more likely to hold antisemitic beliefs, is a terrifying concern for our future. The need for better solutions is more urgent than ever — before this dangerous momentum keeps growing.

Imagine going to this much trouble and expense to gauge whether or not people like you. And then imagine placing the blame entirely on the people who don’t like you.

Fat Black Official at US Agency for Global Media Accused of Repeatedly Disparaging Whites as “Snow Roaches”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I doubt there’s a white official currently employed by a media arm of the US government who’s on record referring to blacks as “moon crickets” or “obsolete farm equipment.”

James “J. R.” Reeves is a fat black man who serves as Chief Information Officer and IT Director for the United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM), a federal agency that oversees Voice of America and other taxpayer-funded outlets designed to manage public relations for the American Empire worldwide.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

If you wish to condemn me for pointing out that Reeves is fat and black, I will at least say in his defense that he can’t help the fact that he’s black.

Last week a Twitter account called “End Wokeness” revealed that for years, Reeves had used his own Twitter account “to demonize white people, label them snow roaches, and celebrate their demographic decline.” Shortly after this revelation went public, Reeves locked his Twitter account.

I was able to cajole an artificial intelligence image generator to spit out a few illustrations of these hypothetical cold-climate primitive winged insects that Reeves so callously dismissed as “snow roaches”: 1, 2, 3, 4. None of these images is flattering.

Perchance I’m living on another planet in another century, but it appears to me that it is not appropriate for someone who manages public relations for the US government to publicly disparage — and repeatedly at that – members of America’s dwindling majority population as disease-spreading vermin. Seriously, in the name of equity and fairness, isn’t it worse to call someone a roach than to liken them to an adorable chimp or the elusive junglebunny?

Moroccan Transplant to Canada Claims the Devil Made Him Kill Racially Insensitive McDonald’s Co-Worker with a Machete

What the hell are Moroccans doing in Canada? I’d never be so foolhardy as to assert that Morocco needs Canadians, but can someone kindly explain to me why someone thought it was a good idea to import Moroccans to far-flung icebergs such as Alberta just so they can work at McDonald’s and then slice a co-worker to pieces?

As police tell the tale, on July 4, 2022, a swarthy bearded gent named Solaimane Elbettah –who is now 28 and moved to the US in 2018 after growing up in Morocco — took a cigarette break during the night shift with 19-year-old Joshua Burns, his white workmate at a McDonald’s about 80 miles north of Calgary. Their conversation took a sour turn, which impelled Elbettah to walk across the street to his apartment, fetch a machete from inside a black bag, and then return to McDonald’s, where he fatally severed Burns’ carotid arteries and jugular veins. Royal Canadian Mounted Police say they found Burns “in a large pool of blood.”

Elbettah then texted a female supervisor:

Hi, Richelle, there was a murder at the restaurant. Don’t walk in by yourself . . .

He was insulting me and he was thinking he is better than me because he is white.

These white people who think they’re better than others because they’re white are out of control.

Although the Ottawa Citizen claims that Burns had used a “racial slur,” I was unable to dig up precisely what slur was allegedly used. What’s the go-to slur for a Moroccan, anyway? It’s not bad enough just to say they’re from Morocco?

Elbettah is now on trial, and his lawyer is angling for an insanity defense. Under examination by his lawyer, Elbettah said that “angels are the ones that help humankind . . . to keep God’s order flowing,” that “demons . . . are making problems,” and that demons were constantly whispering to him, including on the night that he killed Joshua Burns.

Notably, he made not a peep about demons to police, the 911 dispatcher, or his manager on the night that he slit Burns’ throat with his machete.

All things considered, it was not a good week for white people.

Jim Goad
