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“This Judge Should Be Impeached”: Journalist Catherine Herridge Fined $800 Per Day Until She Gives Up Confidential Source

1-3-2024 < Activist Post 30 718 words

By Tyler Durden

In a case with chilling implications for 1st Amendment press protections, a DC Judge has fined acclaimed Journalist Catherine Herridge $800 per day until she reveals a source used in articles written about American scientist Yanping Chen, who is suing the federal government for leaking information collected on Chen during a FBI investigation into her ties to China.

Judge Christopher Cooper, and Obama appointee, stayed his own ruling for 30 days while Herridge appeals the ruling that she violated his Aug. 1 order demanding she reveal how she learned about the federal probe into Chen, who operated a graduate program in Virginia.

Chen was never charged in connection with the investigation, which sought to determine whether she lied about her military service – or whether her school’s student database could be accessed from China. Following leaks to Herridge, Chen sued the federal government alleging that her privacy had been violated.

In September, Herridge sat for a deposition but would not reveal how she obtained the information, citing her First Amendment rights, and telling Chen’s lawyer, “I must now disobey the order.”

“The Court does not reach this result lightly,” wrote Cooper. “It recognizes the paramount importance of a free press in our society and the critical role that confidential sources play in the work of investigative journalists like Herridge. Yet the Court also has its own role to play in upholding the law and safeguarding judicial authority.”

Herridge’s lawyer, Patrick Philbin, said that he and his client “disagree” and will appeal the decision.

“Holding a journalist in contempt for protecting a confidential source has a deeply chilling effect on journalism,” Fox News said in a statement. “Fox News Media remains committed to protecting the rights of a free press and freedom of speech and believes this decision should be appealed.”

Of note, Cooper is the same judge blocked special counsel John Durham from entering evidence against Clinton lawyer Michael Sussman which would have detailed their plot to leak Trump-Russia hoax information to the media, according to the Washington Free Beacon‘s Chuck Ross.

Cooper’s wife notably represented anti-Trump FBI agent Lisa Page.

This judge should be impeached,” said journalist Eli Lake in response to the decision. “A former PLA colonel’s alleged privacy rights is apparently more important than a journalist’s right to protect her confidential sources.”

And as journalist Glenn Greenwald notes, “journalists are supposed to support any journalist who refuses to give up their source. It’s considered not only heroic but obligatory to defy court orders to protect one’s source…”

Source: ZeroHedge

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