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The Terrible Loss of an American Patriot

1-3-2024 < Counter Currents 27 1497 words

Aaron Bushnell (own photo)

1,360 words

A most incredible event has occurred: An American white man gave his life in solidarity with the Palestinians. This was unthinkable 20 years ago. At that time, the words “Palestinian” and “terrorist” went together like “salt and pepper.” I watched the video of the man’s final moments — Senior Airman Aaron Bushnell of the United States Air Force — when he stated:

I am an active-duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers is not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.

Bushnell then poured a flammable liquid from a thermos all over his body, lit himself on fire, and repeatedly shouted “Free Palestine!” until he was unable to speak. The pain which Bushnell felt must have been terrible, even though he cried out very little other than his message. He remained standing until the fire had completely consumed his uniform and his skin had been charred black.

When Bushnell finally collapsed, responding police officers doused the flames with fire extinguishers. One officer kept his gun pointed at Bushnell despite the fact that it was clear that he was was mortally injured. That’s anarcho-tyranny in action. Perhaps the gun-wielding cop thought our Zionist government would give him a medal.

The video is a terrible thing to watch. It becomes even more dreadful when we realize two additional things: that Bushnell’s family will see the video, and that it shows in a more explicit way what has happened to all those US servicemen who have been and are being sent to fight for the organized Jewish community’s control over American society. Bushnell is merely one of hundreds of thousands of such victims.

Ethnonationalist Jews gained control of the levers of power in the United States between 1913 and 1933. Since then, American military policy has served Jewish ends more often than not. The Americans had no business fighting in Europe during the Second World War. The Korean War took place because Jewish Communist sympathizers in the United States helped to make Mao’s revolution possible and because they passed information regarding nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union, thereby altering the balance of power in Asia in a way that made war inevitable. America’s pointless involvement in the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s was pushed by the Jew Madeline Albright, and the endless conflicts in the Middle East since the Persian Gulf War of 1991 have all been wars fought on behalf of Israel. These were all unnecessary losses.

Dead and wounded soldiers are not the only casualties, either. American military contractors, diplomats, civilians, and others have died in these conflicts as well. Some who survived have seen their lives shattered or have suffered life-altering wounds. None of these conflicts have made America safer or more prosperous.

The J-Narrative Strikes Back

Senior Airman Bushnell was involved in cyber operations with the 531st Intelligence Support Squadron. Cyber warfare is being fought continuously to safeguard America’s infrastructure from attack, so Bushnell was actively engaged in defending America. He graduated from Air Force basic training as a top airman. He must have had a secret or top-secret security clearance, indicating that he was a reliable and trustworthy serviceman.

Nonetheless, some have sought to diminish Bushnell. He is said to have been “mentally ill” and a virtue-signaling “woke” snowflake. Mainstream outlets have published stories claiming that Bushnell was raised on a “compound” belonging to a “mysterious and abusive Christian cult.” It has also been said that he was an “anarchist.” Random Twitter/X users have referred to Bushnell as an incel, and disparaged the fact that he was white.

The pro-Israel magazine The Atlantic published an article titled “Stop Glorifying Self-Immolation” two days after Bushnell’s death. Of course, had Bushnell burned himself alive to “strike a blow” against Putin, Iran, or whoever else The Atlantic’s editorial board dislikes, they’d be glorifying self-immolation. The Israeli Defense Forces put a great deal of effort into shaping mainstream media narratives in the United States, so it is likely that Israeli government officials are involved in the efforts to disparage Senior Airman Bushnell.

Aaron Bushnell’s Self-Immolation Represents an Enormous Political Shift

The Vietnam War was probably lost before any American combat troops were sent to the country — specifically, when the Quaker Norman Morrison set himself ablaze at the Pentagon to protest the Vietnam War. Bushnell’s act is thus an important event, and potentially represents an enormous political shift.

It was known in the military — at least among the field-grade officers — that Israel was a burden to America in 2003. Now, more than 20 years later, it is obvious that junior enlisted soldiers, such as Senior Airman Bushnell, are aware of this as well. Bushnell’s act of extreme protest is an event at the margins which indicates a large shift in attitudes at the center.

The response to Bushnell’s death reveals a political shift in the Middle East as well. In protests across the region we see people using Bushnell’s image, and displaying the US flag next to the Palestinian flag. This means that Arabs and other Middle Eastern peoples recognize that white Americans such as Bushnell are a different people from Jews and the Jewish Americans-on-paper in occupied Palestine’s settlements. Bushnell’s self-immolation has unshackled the American flag from Israel’s banner of Remphan.

Furthermore, Bushnell was raised in a strong Christian community and worked at a Christian publishing company before joining the Air Force. The fact that he decided to end his life by opposing Israel shows that the Christian Zionist and Dispensationalist grip on Christ’s American disciples is lessening.

Yankees verses Jews

America’s most important ethnicity is those Americans who can trace their roots to New England’s early colonists — Yankees — as well as those whites who have grown up in the North among Yankees. It is therefore perhaps not surprising that the first anti-Jewish attitudes arose in England in East Anglia during the reign of King Edward I. Many New Englanders trace their ancestry to East Anglia.

I don’t know if Bushnell’s ancestry goes back to seventeenth-century New England, but he was raised in a Christian community on Cape Cod and his last name is English. His family also displays the “Appeal to Heaven” banner outside their house. It is therefore unsurprising that a genuine professional such as Bushnell who has struck an effective blow against the Israel lobby would be a Massachusetts man.

Bushnell was not a dissident Rightist, of course, and his statements were peppered with liberal devil words such as “apartheid” and “Jim Crow.” These terms were put into the national narrative by politically-active ethnonationalist Jews to demoralize whites. Bushnell, however, has now turned those words back on them.

A Terrible Loss

White advocates should not begin immolating themselves to expose Jewish power. There simply aren’t enough of us for that. Instead, white advocates should rise as high in their careers as possible and shape society in a way that advances the welfare of the American white race. White advocates should also marry and have children. It would have been better if Aaron Bushnell had joined our side, started a family, and lived to be an old man.

Senior Airman Aaron Bushnell of the United States Air Force had a kind face. His eyes radiated warmth and intelligence. The fact that he stood for so long while being horribly burned is a testament to his enormous strength and willpower. While I cannot agree with his choice, I can respect the man for it. He represents the ideal American that the Air Force inculcates in their Airmen through the poem “The Coming American”:

Bring me men to match my mountains,
Bring me men to match my plains,
Men with empires in their purpose,
And new eras in their brains.
Bring me men to match my prairies,
Men to match my inland seas,
Men whose thoughts shall pave a highway
Up to ampler destinies,
Pioneers to cleanse thought’s marshlands,
And to cleanse old error’s fen;
Bring me men to match my mountains —
Bring me men!
