One of the reasons people dislike democracy is that government policy has no connection to the will of the people.
This is why a lot of people in the West are starting to appreciate autocracies like Russia and China, where government policy is shaped almost exclusively around popular opinion.
Democracy is a form of absolute tyranny, and in general, people do not enjoy living under tyrannical systems where they have no rights and things are constantly being forced on them against their will.
A new poll shows for the first time that a majority of Americans support building a wall along the US-Mexico border — while three-fifths of the country sees illegal immigration under President Biden as a “very serious” problem.
The Monmouth University survey released Monday found 53% of respondents favor building a border barrier while 46% say they are opposed.
By contrast, 60% of Americans told the same pollster in September 2017, months after former President Donald Trump took office, that they were opposed to a border wall and just 35% said they were in favor of construction.
That’s a pretty massive jump right there.
It’s probably related to the 9+ million people that the Biden Administration has flooded the country with. A lot of people are also frustrated with the fact that members of this invading army are getting monthly checks for $2,200 and committing crimes and living on the streets.
Support for vibrancy is at an all time low.
When the question was most recently asked, in April 2019, support for a border wall had risen to 42% among US adults while opposition had dwindled to 56%.
The last time more Americans supported building a wall than opposed it was in September 2015, when 48% said they were in favor and 43% were opposed.
Additionally, 61% of Americans said they view illegal immigration as a “very serious problem,” with another 23% saying it is “somewhat serious,” compared with just 15% who believe the issue is “not too serious” or “not at all serious.”
15% don’t think it’s a problem.
All of those people would be immigrants themselves. And I suppose some white women.
Effectively, 100% of white males think it’s a serious problem.
This is why it was a crime to give voting rights to anyone other than white male landowners. It destroyed the country.
Democracy simply is not viable.
A majority of Republicans (91%) and independents (58%) agree that unlawful immigration poses a “very serious problem,” while 41% of Democrats say the same.
“Illegal immigration has taken center stage as a defining issue this presidential election year,” Monmouth pollster Patrick Murray said in a statement. “Other Monmouth polling found this to be Biden’s weakest policy area, including among his fellow Democrats.”
Yeah, it’s center stage.
But Joe Biden is against it now, even though he’s leaving the border open. He says he’s against it.
Also, American elections are not real anyway.
Fuck the election.
I don’t care at all.
I don’t want to see elections, I don’t want to see voters.
I want to see fires and rivers of blood.