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Thoughts on the 2024 California Senate Election, by Robert Stark

21-2-2024 < UNZ 32 675 words

Source: LA Times

California has a jungle primary, so while third parties are basically excluded from the runoff, it does allow for people to vote their conscious in the primary. I thought about running for Senate as a post-American Republican. Basically openly talk about how California is post-American and America as an economic zone, to troll the Democrats and media to calling Republicans unpatriotic. In contrast, Adam Schiff represents a version of Americanism and appeals to patriotism, in a liberal establishmentarian sense, even though he has contempt for the historical American nation.

Adam Schiff obviously represents the worst of the establishment, being the favorite of MSNBC viewers and the donor class, of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the Military Industrial Complex. Schiff is also at the forefront of the domestic war on terror, as a former Federal Prosecutor. Unfortunately, those who want a more moderate choice may also support him.

Katie Porter reminds me a bit of Elizbeth Warren, as a compromise between progressives and the establishment. Not to mention that she comes across as shrill. While the worst about Barbara Lee is her anti-White racial politics, there is a case that she is more of a principled progressive than Porter. For instance, Lee consistently opposed intervention in the Middle East while Porter’s foreign policy record is mixed. Also Lee’s proposal to raise California’s minimum wage to $50 is ironically based, because it would deter illegal immigration and cause proles to leave the State in droves, even if prices go up.

While I don’t trust Katie Porter, at least her campaign’s signature issue is about ending corruption, which is preferable to Adam Schiff’s establishmentarianism or Barbara Lee’s racial chauvinism. By far, Schiff is the worst, then Lee, with Porter the least bad of the three main Democrats. However, I also sort of get a worse is better position when it comes to selecting Democrats. Besides, the system is so corrupt that whoever is Senator does not really matter.

The main Republican, Steve Garvey, does not impress me at all. In the debate, he kept reminding people that he was a Dodger while having little to say of substance. Eric Early is the MAGA candidate while Steve Garvey has fairly conventional, pre-Trump, conservative Republican views. Don Grundmann is a rightwing independent candidate, whose official candidate statement says “Save children from LGBT attack. Psychotic transgender is steppingstone to ultimate goal of legalization of child s-x as “civil right” or “sexual orientation,” and “Ban: all chemical and physical mutilation of children; sodomite indoctrination clubs in schools; children at Drag Queen molestation shows; sodomite porn books in schools; sodomite/anal flags at schools. “Pride??” in sodomy?? Planned Parenthood Race Science/Eugenics = 20 million+ blacks killed = true White Supremacy.” While Grundmann comes across as a whack job, at least he says that “It’s OK to be white.” I just wish positive White identity politics could be presented better and not associated with QAnon tier kookiness.

While the choice of candidates is lacking, in the primary I’ll support the American Solidarity candidate, Mark Ruzon, who is sort of socially right leaning but economically left leaning. In the runoff, I’ll just hold my nose and vote for anyone who isn’t Adam Schiff. I will also vote for Marianne Williamson in the Democratic primary as a protest, even though she dropped out. I’ll vote against Proposition 1, which is a $6.38 billion bond to fund mental health and build housing for the homeless. I am not ideologically opposed to the measure on small government, conservative or libertarian grounds, and could support something like this if administered the right way or if done locally. Rather I oppose it due to how much corruption and waste there is with California’s bureaucracy.
