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Due to Increasing Pressure (and Dwindling Sales), Biden Admin “will issue new guidelines with less ambitious goals” on Electric Vehicle Adoption

20-2-2024 < Activist Post 22 1050 words

By B.N. Frank

Electric Vehicles (EVs) have been associated with numerous problems including fires which are difficult to extinguish (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15).  In fact, even EVs that have been flooded have also been spontaneously combusting (see 1, 2)!  Another problem – they aren’t reliable according to Consumer Reports and other sources.  In fact, last month, rental car company Hertz decided to sell 20,000 of their EVs and replace them with gas-powered cars.

Of course, Hertz may have trouble selling those vehicles because sales were already down in the U.S. and almost 4000 car dealers had asked the Biden administration to slow their rollout in November 2023.  Additionally, since 2022 there have been reports about how EV charging threatens power grids (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and medical implants.  Yikes!  Although tens of millions of dollars have already been allocated for charging stations (see 1, 2) and technology is being installed that allows EVs to be wirelessly charged while they are being driven on U.S. roads (see 1, 2), recently the Biden Administration decided to ease up on forcing EV adoption for now.

From Ars Technica:

a backward step —

White House to weaken climate-fighting fuel efficiency targets for 2030

The plan faced opposition from OEMs, car dealers, and the United Auto Workers.

Jonathan M. Gitlin

It appears as if ambitious new fuel efficiency regulations that would require Americans to adopt many more electric vehicles are to be watered down. Last year, President Biden’s administration published proposed new Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations for 2027–2030, regulations that would require automakers to sell four times as many zero-emissions vehicles as they do now.

But opposition to the new CAFE standards has been fierce, and now Reuters reports that the White House is backing down and will issue new guidelines with less ambitious goals in the coming weeks.

The White House’s goal had been for US EV adoption to reach 50 percent of all new light vehicle sales by 2030, rising to 60 percent by 2032. In part, it proposed changing the modifier applied to each new zero-emissions vehicle when used to calculate an automaker’s fleet emissions.

Currently, the rules used by the CAFE regulations overestimate the efficiency of an EV by a large multiple, meaning an automaker can sell comparatively few EVs and yet receive a large boost to their average efficiency. In fact, the current rules create a perverse incentive to make inefficient gasoline-powered vehicles, since the OEMs know these can easily be offset.

The new, tougher rules were praised by environmental organizations like the Sierra Club and the Zero Emissions Transportation Association. But the Alliance for Automotive Innovation—a lobby group for the auto industry—called the rules “neither reasonable nor achievable” despite claiming not to oppose greenhouse gas emissions standards. And the United Auto Workers—which endorsed President Biden’s re-election—has claimed the fuel economy regulations would threaten jobs.

In addition to the tougher new fuel economy standards, the auto industry also wants to see the government relax attempts to regulate particulate pollution from gasoline-powered vehicles more strictly. European lawmakers passed similar rules recently, and new cars sold in the European Union now contain gasoline particulate filters—something automakers don’t want to have to do here in the US.

Jonathan is the Automotive Editor at Ars Technica. He has a BSc and PhD in Pharmacology and followed up with postdoctoral work at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA, and the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY, then moved to the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health as a science policy analyst. In 2004 he started contributing to Ars Technica, covering the sciences with the occasional foray into racing games and motorsport. In 2014 he decided to indulge his lifelong passion for the car by leaving NHGRI and launching Ars Technica’s automotive coverage. He lives in Washington, DC. Instagram:

A less reported issue about EVs – they also expose drivers and passengers to biologically harmful electromagnetic radiation (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)!  Yikes again!

Activist Post reports regularly about EVs and unsafe technologies.  For more information, visit our archives.

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