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Secession, Self-Determination, and International Law

12-2-2024 < Counter Currents 26 1552 words

States backing Texas in border dispute with the federal government.

1,333 words

The intolerable cruelties inflicted upon white people by Western governments are sufficient for them to invoke their moral right to self-determination under international law and form new nations. The question is not whether they have suffered sufficient injustice, but simply whether they have the power to seize independence.

“Self-determination in international law is the principle that a people have the right to freely choose their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development.”[1] This is a principle invoked by many independence and secession movements throughout history, including the American colonists during their war of independence from Great Britain in the late eighteenth century and by eastern Pakistan when it broke off to form the nation of Bangladesh in 1971.

International law typically respects a nation’s territorial integrity, and the formation of a new nation within an existing nation’s borders for arbitrary geopolitical reasons is not usually accepted — although exceptions exist. For example:

  1. when a culture or ethnic group is being suppressed;

  2. when participation in government is restricted (for example by fraudulent elections);

  3. when active governmental persecution exists; or

  4. when the new nation has sufficient power to secure its own independence.

According to the United Nations’ “Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-Operation among States” (1970), when a state fails to provide “government representing the whole people belonging to a territory without distinction as to race, creed or colour’, as required under international law, it cannot invoke the principle of territorial integrity to limit peoples’ right to self-determination.”

As documented voluminously in my upcoming book Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech, white Americans’ precious cultural heritage is being violently suppressed. Monuments to significant white heroes are being torn down. Buildings and streets bearing their names are being renamed and are usually replaced with those of black people. This is a clear racial attack. The argument that this crusade is only about the Confederacy’s legacy has long since been proven a lie. Now that white writers, statesmen, explorers, and others are being erased, it is clear that this is a blanket suppression of a particular racial group.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

Discrimination against whites is rampant in hiring decisions, college admissions, and federal government funding. Hiring managers in the United States are being directly ordered not to hire white applicants, and over half of hiring managers believe their company has discriminatory hiring policies toward white applicants. Hundreds of millions of dollars of federal and state money are earmarked each year for “diverse” applicants and prohibited to white citizens, giving them a permanent and systemic societal disadvantage. Due to racial discrimination in university admissions, white applicants in the top percentile are less likely to be admitted than black students in the bottom percentile. These are merely a small sample from a nation that has violently lurched toward repression of its historical ethnic population.

There is also already a marked lack of government representation for white people. While politicians bend over backwards to propose policies benefiting other racial groups, few will mention whites in anything other than derogatory terms, and arguably none would implement policies to their benefit.

It is an open secret that the United States government has intentionally failed to adequately secure its southern border because the Democrats want to replace the white population with a foreign one that they feel is more likely to keep them in power. Typically lost in accusations made by supporters of Donald Trump regarding widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election is the fact that the border crisis is one of the most significant and indisputable attempts to permanently disenfranchise white voters. As former Obama administration official Van Jones said in February 2021, “We want the white majority to go from being a majority to being a minority — and like it.”

Sitting President Joe Biden, whose administration has overseen a six-fold and rising increase in foreign border crossings, has even fought in the courts to prevent the state of Texas from implementing measures to stop them. They’ve even attempted to remove barbed wire in order to make it easier for the migrants to illegally cross the border. During a 2015 White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, Biden explained the racial nature of his ethnic replacement policies:

Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we’ll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be [of] white European stock. That’s not a bad thing, that’s a source of our strength.

Biden had earlier confirmed to The Hill that the key to his policy agenda is a “constant, unrelenting stream” to replace the European population of the country: “Not dribbling. Significant flows.”

At Biden’s side, grinning and nodding along, was future Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, himself a Jewish-Latino immigrant with a self-interested reason to want to replace white Americans with su raza. In 2023 Mayorkas identified what he calls “white supremacy” as the greatest threat to American national security. Not a single death was in fact attributed to “white supremacy” that year (2023), nor in 2021 or 2020; there were only ten in 2022.[2] Ten is not a significant figure in a country with a population of 335.8 million people. The clear conclusion is that Mayorkas is heinously fearmongering against the white American population and creating a myth of white villainy to justify mobilizing the apparatus of the national security state against white Americans while providing a moral rationale for disenfranchising them in favor of his co-ethnics.

You can buy Tito Perdue’s novel Opportunities in Alabama Agriculture here.

The American judicial system has already been weaponized to persecute white conservatives, inhibiting them from expressing their views or otherwise participating in democracy. Whether it is Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Peter and Lydia Brimelow, Alex Jones, or the author of this essay, anyone perceived as an influential white conservative is targeted through outrageous, unprecedented interpretations of American law and hit with outrageous financial judgments intended to quell their political participation. These cases are invariably brought in heavily Democrat jurisdictions where a “jury of one’s peers” is certain to believe that the accused is a “white supremacist” and thus cannot be granted the presumption of innocence. The unprecedented dragnet of over 1,200 mostly white Trump supporters after January 6 is particularly galling when you look at the breathtaking lack of enforcement during the 2020 race riots following the death of black career criminal George Floyd. It isn’t an anomaly, but rather the perpetuation of a judicial system that has been weaponized against white conservatives.

It doesn’t really matter that there are some white Americans who support such voter disenfranchisement, ethnic replacement, or the suppression of ethnic white culture and history. The fact that western Pakistanis were of the same race as those in the east did not make their irreconcilable political differences any less severe. Ethnic cleansing, electoral disenfranchisement, and cultural suppression are not tolerated when they are carried out for political reasons by those of the same race.

Given all these injustices, white conservatives are well within their moral rights to invoke a demand for remedial secession. Remedial secession is an international legal concept which

refers to the right of a group of people within a state to secede, or break away, from the larger state to form their own independent nation. This right is typically invoked when the group has been subject to serious injustices, such as human rights abuses or persistent violations of agreements for limited self-government.

To implement this right, white conservatives must campaign for their states to provide a clearly-worded referendum on the matter of secession and put it to a truly democratic popular vote.

Follow Jason Kessler on Telegram, Twitter, and Gab.


[1] Grok AI data.

[2] Grok AI data
