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Genocide Joe and the 2024 Election

9-2-2024 < Counter Currents 34 2988 words

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America has just entered another election year, and as of this writing, it appears that the presidential contenders will once again be Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The key word here is “appears,” however. The election is a long way off, and anything can happen. While we can’t know what will happen, we can at least make some guesses based on current trends.

This election comes at a time when the system is under enormous strain. Calling this system the “American” system is only accurate in the sense that it is mostly guided by the United States government and private actors in the various cultural centers of the United States, but calling it “American” is a misnomer.

The American system was established by AngloEuropean Americans between 1607 and 1776, and then modified in various ways by Anglos thereafter. Control of the levers of power fell into the hands of self-interested minorities, however — mostly Jews – who have no connection to Anglo-Americans. This occurred between the start of Woodrow Wilson’s second term and the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The best book that describes this transformation is Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority. President Biden is a long-serving politician who has subordinated himself to the self-interested minorities who truly hold power throughout his career.

There are parallels between the current American system and that of France on the eve of the French Revolution, Europe on the verge of the First World War, and the end of Czarist Russia. All these entities were structures that were presumed to be infinitely stable, but most certainly were not.

The rot at the top

In his book The French Revolution (1911), Hilaire Belloc wrote the following about the leadership qualities of King Louis XVI, the ill-fated monarch who was guillotined:

[Louis XVI] could ride, but he could not ride at the head of a column. He was not merely bad at this trade, he was nul. Drafted as a private into a conscript army, he would never have been entrusted with the duties of a corporal. He would have been impossible as a sergeant; and, possessed of commissioned rank, ridicule would have compelled him to take his discharge.

Joe Biden is even less qualified than Louis XVI because he is senile. We don’t yet know how severe his mental problems are, however, given that the mainstream media won’t investigate it and White House officials will cover it up for as long as he remains in office. It is rumored that the presidency’s day-to-day functions and decisions are being carried out by either Barrack Obama or Jeff Zients, the White House Chief of Staff. Zients is a Jew.

Zients’ influence is an indicator of other problems. Jews in government have a long history of making poor decisions. During the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, a faction of Jews burned the city’s food supplies in an attempt to force the besieged Jews to go on the offensive — but it merely hastened their demise. By contrast, King Edward I stabilized England and carried out the will of the people when he banished the Jews. But when the Jewish Bolsheviks replaced the Russian Empire, they helped to create famines in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. And in America, Jews were behind the decision to invade Iraq.

Biden’s administration likewise suffers from a lack of basic competency, and this flaw is due to him hiring people based on ideology rather than merit. Biden’s Assistant Secretary for Health is a perverse Jewish man who wears a dress and endorses quack medicine. And he isn’t the only man who was worn a dress on Biden’s staff; another, Sam Brinton, was even wearing dresses he had stolen. Biden’s Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, was selected for the job due to his homosexuality, and he has presided over a series of transportation disasters.

The Jew “Rachel” Levine, US Assistant Secretary for Health, is a perverse man who dresses as a woman. Gender dysphoria is not a health issue, it as a pseudo-scientific term to describe men who have perverse sexual urges.

Things don’t have to be this way. Charles Everett Koop was a US Surgeon General who looked every inch the old-stock American he was. He exposed nicotine for being highly addictive and launched a public service campaign to disseminate information on how AIDS is transmitted. In the 1980s nicotine’s properties were only just beginning to be understood, and AIDS was still a complete mystery. Powerful interest groups opposed Koop at every turn, but he was in the right. Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole, also an old-stock American, was responsible for introducing new traffic safety measures, such as placing sand-filled plastic barrels at exit ramps to lessen the damage cars would sustain in a crash. Koop and Dole are examples of that old-stock American political elite who served the interests of their people — and they were both selected on merit rather than identity politics.

Charles Everett Koop

The bad omens: election fraud

There was an incident at the coronation of the last Russian Czar, Nicholas II, which turned out to be an omen of his ill-fated rule. More than a thousand spectators were killed in a crowd crush and many more were injured.

Czar Nicholas II visits victims of the crowd crush that occurred during his coronation. A public relations disaster, his reign never recovered.

Biden took office amidst another type of disaster. His election was so unusual that fraud is almost certain, and this taint has wounded his presidency — perhaps fatally. Everywhere Biden travels, he is met by hostile Americans chanting vulgar slogans. The certification of the Electoral College’s vote was met by a spontaneous protest of more than 100,000 protestors, five of whom were killed by regime police.

Ashli Babbitt was the most prominent among the first victims of Biden’s presidency. Many more have died in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Gaza have died because of Biden’s poor leadership.

The political establishment responded to the the January 6insurrection” by panicking. Biden was forced to purge the security force for his own inauguration of “extremists,” and then delivered his inaugural address to an empty field. He could have issued a general pardon to the January 6 prisoners, but chose repression instead — and we now have political prisoners in the United States.

The bad omens: The Secretary of Defense and Kabul

My personal path to the red pill was through my military service. In all my military training courses, where everyone is subjected to the same training and standards, the whites comprehended their tasks quickly while the blacks didn’t. There are always exceptions, of course, but it is generally true. In the military I also discovered the differing racial crime rates.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.

The US military claims that it is an institution that has moved beyond race. Nothing can be further from the truth. The case of the current US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, is illustrative of one problem: the extreme costs that go along with promoting too many sub-Saharan Africans.

Lloyd Austin is a beneficiary of the soft bigotry of low expectations. Because he is a sub-Saharan, he was able to resist the calls for his resignation following the US’ catastrophic retreat from Kabul in 2021. He would not have survived that debacle if he were white. There were likewise hidden costs to Austin’s rise through the ranks. For every promotion he received, a more capable white was passed over. There are many whites who have left military service because they were enraged by a system which coddles the likes of Austin. Reenlistment issues plague the US military, and every experienced soldier who leaves early represents a significant loss, most especially when that soldier is a high-IQ white.

The fall of Kabul was a disaster which led to other problems. The US Department of Defense relies on the bluff of its prestige to deter America’s enemies. When the Taliban called that bluff and won, the Russians recognized that they could invade Ukraine and Hamas concluded that the time was right for a massive attack on Israel. All of these events have exposed the geopolitical weak points in the American Empire of Nothing.

America’s geopolitical weak points

The United States has three weak spots. The first is in Asia. China has an enormous military-industrial complex, a wealthy economy and it has dubious historical claims to Taiwan and the South China Sea. Various nations have overlapping claims to the region so war is possible.

Eastern Europe is also a big problem. In the 1990s, NATO started its Drang nach Osten. It looked easy then. Russia was weak. The Soviet Union had collapsed, there was a vicious war in Chechnya, and Jewish financiers were gobbling up state-owned industries in Russia with the help of George H.W. Bush’s administration. There was a muted national debate at the time as to what America’s military role after the Cold War, and continuous and expanded military involvement overseas became the answer.

As NATO expanded ever closer to Russia, tensions increased. The flashpoint turned out to be Ukraine. Instead of offering Russia a “Finlandized” Ukraine, where the borderland region would be militarily neutral, mostly Jewish policymakers in Washington D.C. and Britain did everything possible to provoke Russia. Now that war has come, it has not gone well. The deindustrialization of the United States has meant that not enough artillery shells can be produced. The rest of NATO has little military capability and can give little to Ukraine.

NATO’s ineffectiveness was foreshadowed in Afghanistan. As part of the deal to get NATO troops to deploy to Afghanistan, the United States was required to provide critical support in the form of Osprey aircraft for medevac as well as other supply tasks. Americans also provided all as logistical infrastructure. Even the command-and-control communications network in Afghanistan was an American product which NATO troops relied upon.

Israel is also a problem. Jews dominate American politics, and their objectives drive US policy. After years of siege, starvation, and attacks, Palestinians in Gaza launched a surprise attack on Israeli military facilities on October 7, 2023. Some Jews were taken captive. The Israelis responded with a genocidal campaign against Gaza which expanded to the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories.

America gives Israel enormous amounts of aid – especially military aid. At first pass this is appears to be enough to secure Israel. However, it is only enough to dispossess Palestinians within the bounds of Canaan. Israel needs much more to be secure. All of Israel’s Arab neighbors must be either militarily defeated or neutralized. The Red Sea must be secured for shipping. America therefore needs to deploy troops to the Sinai, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and the Arab Persian Gulf. All American troops there are vulnerable to attack and any response can trigger a wider war.

In January of 2024, Houthi “rebels” in Yemen, used anti-ship missiles to close the southern mouth of the Red Sea to the ships of Israel and Israel’s supporters. Anti-ship missiles have changed the military dynamic. These weapons are truck mounted and can be quickly emplaced, fired, and then the crew can move to a new location. The American military could have conducted exercises in how to deal with these weapons at the various bases long before this war started, but the military chose to focus on erasing any traces of its Confederate heritage in favor of non-white uplift, sexual deviancy, and other leftist social fads.

The end of national reconciliation

You can buy Tito Perdue’s novel Opportunities in Alabama Agriculture here.

The attack on Confederate imagery is an enormous self-imposed cultural wound. Genocide Joe stupidly acted upon an interpretation of history which claimed that the reconciliation between North and South after the Civil War was made by suppressing sub-Saharans. As a result, his policy of removing Confederate monuments has ended the national reconciliation following the Civil War which led to American greatness in the first place.

The most important monument in this regard was the one dedicated to national reconciliation at Arlington National Cemetery. The monument was removed on December 20, 2023. The symbology of this has had a real impact. Within a month, the Governor of Texas issued a statement headed by the following words (emphasis added):

The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States. The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now. President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them. The result is that he has smashed records for illegal immigration.

The state of Texas has activated the National Guard to repel migrants and put razor wire at border crossing points to deter migrant flows. The federal government has sought to take the barriers down. This impasse between a state and the federal government is not new. During the “civil rightscatastrophe when Kennedy was president, Alabama Governor George Wallace was an avowed segregationist. However, he was one official arrayed against a network of judges and other officials determined to desegregate the South. His defeat was inevitable. To save face, he encouraged the Alabama National Guard to come under federal control, thereby removing any military instrument that he could use against desegregation. Wallace engineered a defeat while appearing to remain true to his cause.

George Wallace blocked the door when a sub-Saharan students sought to register at the University of Alabama. Wallace was forced to submit by the soldiers in the Alabama National Guard who wore the Confederate Battle Flag on their uniforms. The Alabama National Guard went against the Governor because they were operating under federal authority.

In the ongoing border crisis, the Biden regime will not be able to federalize the National Guard. In 2020, the military refused to suppress the George Floyd Riots, and that set the precedent for the armed services to act on their own. (The military has already defied a president when they resisted Clinton’s plan to allow gays to serve during the AIDS crisis.) The Texas National Guard will be more loyal to the Governor of Texas than the President. Should Biden issue federalization orders and the Texas National Guard refuse to obey, Biden will receive a terrible political blow. These sorts of political conflicts are how civil wars start.

Biden is still in the lead

Biden remains the favorite in the upcoming election. The polls have been quite volatile, although political polls are notoriously wrong in any event. Biden’s regime has been a disaster for everyone apart from the organized Jewish community. Since 1913, it has been the case that whatever the Jews want from America, they get. It is uncertain whether American whites today retain enough institutional power to reverse this situation. Biden won though obvious election fraud in 2020, and 2024 may be decided by fraud as well. A second pro-Biden color revolution may already be in the works to keep him in power.

In the meantime, there is plenty of material for a second meme war. Meme wars change attitudes. The 2016 meme war did a great deal to reduce support for Israel among the young. All meme warriors should snatch up every video of the Palestinians in agony and use them to expose Biden as the genocidal maniac that he is. The same must be done with the border crisis. But not all our activities should be negative; Southerners should loudly proclaim their heritage. Old-stock American whites need to take back their symbols or create new ones. This is the only way to avert catastrophe.

See also: “Slouching Towards Bosnia” and “The Loss of Deterrence”
