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We Love You Ayelet Shaked, by Pierre Simon

7-2-2024 < UNZ 10 1800 words

Jews deserve our respect for at least one thing: no other people, no other race, has survived and dominated so successfully. Whether rich or poor, stupid or smart, believer or atheist, when things turn into pogroms, the children of Abraham organize, defend their interests, and destroy those who threaten their racial vitality.

You will not succeed in stigmatizing them because they un-abashedly claim to belong to the Jewish race. Nor will you succeed in demonizing them because they insist on having a country where they can live among themselves as they please. We racially inhibited Whites should follow their example: it’s not a terrible crime to act in the interests of your race.

Oddly, no one calls them “racist” because in their Promised Land, race mixing is verboten. No one calls them “homophobic” or “sexist” because the Israeli Supreme Court has banned pornography (except in Palestinian areas), gay marriage and adoption, and restricted abortion. No one calls them “xenophobes” because only full-blooded Jews have the right to immigrate freely to Israel. No one calls them “Nazis” because Arabs (20%), Christians, and other minorities do not have the same rights as the majority. No one calls them “macho” because it is the men, not the women, as in the West, who wear the pants. No one calls them “evil supremacists” because they are all armed to the teeth and practice genocide as one breathes. Finally, no one calls them “fascists” or “Nazis” because their country practices economic nationalism and refused to sign the UN Migration Compact on the basis that it would undermine their sovereignty.

In Israel, anti-immigration protesters don’t mind chanting in the streets “niggers go home, niggers to Africa.” Such a lack of inclusion here in the US and elsewhere in the West would be severely punished, to say the least. But as Israel’s former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked says in the February 13, 2018, issue of Haaretz: “if not for the fence erected some years ago on the Egyptian border, ‘We would be seeing here a kind of creeping conquest from Africa.’” […] “there is place to maintain the Jewish majority even if it violates rights.” […] “Israel is a Jewish state. It isn’t a state of all its nations. That is, equal rights to all citizens but not equal national rights.” […] “the argument over whether it’s all right for a Jewish community to, by definition, be only Jewish, I want the answer to be ‘yes, it’s all right.’”

Thus, Israel not only refuses to welcome the illegals (refugees) who invade it, but incarcerates them in concentration camps, before deporting them to their countries of origin, or even to our country with the blessing of its leaders and the media, which hides this astonishing reality from us while making us poor Westerners believe that nationalism is a sin and that diversity will take us straight to heaven without going to purgatory.

Beware, the men and women of the Jewish paradise are not choirboys; the rugged individualism, pathological empathy, and suicidal altruism that plague our race are foreign to their culture; at the slightest misstep, the soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force will slaughter you, as one man, without the slightest hesitation.

Ultimately, unabashed love of their race is one of the core strengths of the chosen people. They are Jewish and proud of it… deep in their DNA. They know, don’t doubt it for a second that the unity, strength and cohesion of a nation are rooted in its racial and ethnic homogeneity; they know, be sure of it, that racial and cultural diversity in the same country is not a strength, but a Trojan horse used to divide, fragment, and weaken those who succumb to its charms; they know, finally, that the ethnic nation is the only model of society capable of ensuring the security and happiness of men.

True democracy is only possible, said Aristotle, in ethnically homogeneous societies. Despots and tyrants have always ruled over highly fragmented societies such as today’s Western societies. A multi-ethnic society is therefore necessarily chaotic, because it is totally devoid of philia, a fundamental concept defined by Aristotle as a brotherhood of identity rooted in the blood and flesh of citizens. Thus, ethnic chaos prevents any expression of philia, the indispensable condition for the cohesion and sovereignty of a people.

To put it in a way that the self-righteous refuse to hear, race is indeed a biological reality, supported scientifically by numerous high-level genetic studies. While we are otherwise equal before God and the law, we are not equal in talent, intelligence, merit, beauty, and physical ability. Women and men do not have the same capabilities. Racial, ethnic, sexual, individual, and cultural egalitarianism is another lie of liberalism. Those who claim otherwise are playing us up to racial suicide.

In this respect, Israel and the Jews are leading the way. In order to protect the purity of the race, the Jewish state has the strictest race-mixing laws in the world. Israel does not allow civil marriage, even though a recent poll found the Zionist state to be the least religious country in the world. Marriages involving Jews can only take place in accordance with Jewish religious law and with the approval of the country’s rabbinical courts. Many Israelis considered Jewish by the civil authorities are not considered Jewish by the Chief Rabbinate. These “fake” Jews are not permitted to marry full-blooded “real” Jews.

A Jewish person who wishes to marry a person who may be racially impure must submit that person to a DNA test in order to prove that he or she is a member of the Jewish race, thereby confirming that Jews are a race. Converts to Judaism as well as Ethiopian Jews are banned from marriage. Moreover, 89% of Jews would refuse to allow their child to marry a gentile, and up to 97% if the partner in question is Muslim. While miscegenation is rare, the state nevertheless funds any initiative to prevent Jews from dating non-Jews. Lehava, an organization composed of Jewish men, patrols the most cosmopolitan neighborhoods in Jerusalem and physically attacks racially mixed couples.

Al Jazeera journalist writes the following on Israel’s Nation-State Law:

More than 80 years after Nazi Germany enacted what came to be known as the Nuremberg Race Laws, Israeli legislators voted in favor of the so-called “nation-state law.” By doing so, they essentially codified “Jewish supremacy” into law, which effectively mirrors the Nazi-era legislation of ethno-religious stratification of German citizenry.

Israel’s “nation-state law” stipulates in its first clause that “actualization of the right of national self-determination in the state of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”

In similar fashion, the first of the Nuremberg Laws, the Reich Citizenship Law, deemed citizenship a privilege exclusive to people of “German or kindred blood.” The remainder were clas-sed as state subjects, without citizenship rights.

This brings us to the second Nuremberg Law: Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour, which sought to prevent mixing of Aryan blood, dubbed “race defilement.”

The new “nation-state law” may not mention “race defilement” but in Israel, anti-miscegenation laws are already in place, masquerading as legislation meant to protect traditional values. Only religious officials can perform marriage, and the Orthodox rabbinate has exclusive purview over Jewish marria-ges. The law strictly forbids interreligious marriage within Israel.

After reading the above, the reader will want to know why are Jews outside of Israel at the forefront of replacement immigration, multiculturalism, and forced race-mixing by deceitful propaganda?

Why are Jews living in Western countries constantly inflaming Blacks and minorities against Whites?

Why are Jews in the diaspora constantly promoting egalitarianism, feminism, pornography, race denial, homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion, anti-gun laws, and open borders?

Why are all leading Western politicians and media completely supportive of ethnic nationalism in Israel and totally against it in their own country?

By UN standards on human rights, Israel should be invaded by NATO for humanitarian reasons. Don’t Jews in Israel practice racism, apartheid, suprematism, terrorism, ethnic cleansing of the local indigenous population of Arabs and Christians, as well as slavery, facts, which in other countries would be construed as “Jewish Nazism?”

Why this double standard?

Is it because Jews are the real leaders of the West?

Is it because Western leaders are mere puppets of the Jews?

In the end, is it because Jews are destined to rule over humanity as Mark Kogan states in the following tweet?

To all you racists and anti-Semites out there, consider this.

In 50 or 100 years, Israel will still be Jewish.

Your countries will NOT, however. Europe will be browner and blacker, and so will Asia. Chances are your grandchildren will not look like you and if they do, your great-grandchildren won’t. My descendants will rule your descendants who will learn to hate their own heritage and there is NOTHING you can do about it.


Philip Weiss, “This Is What ‘Jewish Democracy’ Looks Like,” Mondoweiss, News about Palestine, Israel & the United States, Mar-ch 26, 2021.

Norman Dacey, “Democracy” in Israel, Noontide Press, 1976.

Kerry R. Bolton, The Tyranny of Human Rights: From Jacobinism to the United Nations, Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022, p. 326.

Mark Weber, “Jews: A Religious Community, a People, or a Race?,” The Journal of Historical Review, March-April 2000, vol.-19, No 2, p. 63.

Jim Goad, “The Ultimate JQ: Religion or Race?” Taki’s Maga-zine, June 17, 2019.

Oscar Schwartz, “What Does It Mean to Be Genetically Jewish?,” The Guardian, June 13, 2019.

Eric Striker, “New Documentary Sheds Light on Israel’s Strict Prohibitions on Interracial Marriage,” National Justice, December 9, 2020.

Susan Abulhawa, “Israel’s ‘Nation-State Law’ Parallels the Nazi Nuremberg Laws,” Al Jazeera, July 26, 2018.

Kerry R. Bolton, book cited, p. 326.
