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Did This Nigerian Tribe Start Chinese Civilization?

7-2-2024 < Activist Post 10 2861 words

By Neenah Payne

The video below explains that for the last century, the Chinese people have been taught that they descended from Peking Man and evolved separately from the rest of the world.

In 2019, Professor Jin Li of Fudan University in Shanghai, one of China’s lead geneticists, led a research project based on DNA tests at the National Human Genome Center in Shanghai with an international research team that included researchers from many other nations. His goal was to prove that the Chinese evolved separately from everyone else via Homo Erectus in China.

However, he proved instead that the modern Chinese originated in East Africa! Following the research, he stated “Before the project stated, I was hoping that I could identify or could be able to find the evidence that supported an independent origin of the Chinese in China, because I am Chinese who came from China, and through the educational process, I always believed that there is something special about the Chinese.”

Professor Li had singled out a male genetic marker that surfaced only about 80,000 years ago in Africa which means that any man who has this genetic marker must have recent African ancestors. Professor Li used 20,000 DNA samples from over 160 ethnic groups across all of east Asia. After careful analysis in his lab, he came to the following conclusion: “We do not see even one single individual that could be considered as a descendant of the Homo Erectus in China, rather EVERYBODY was a descendant of our ancestors from Africa”. The final results could not been made any clearer.

Professor Li concluded:

After I saw the evidence generated in my laboratory, I think we should all be happy with that, because, after all, moder humans from different parts of the world are not too different from each other, and we are all very close relatives.

The video points out that this information explains the existence of pyramids in China which were built by the early African inhabitants. It says, “Archeology, ancient texts, and forensic tests all confirm that China’s first two dynasties

The video quotes Godfrey Higgins, Anacalypsis, who said,

I shall in the course of this work, produce a number of extraordinary facts which will be quite sufficient to prove that a black race in very early times, had more influence over the affairs of the world than has been lately suspected. And I think I shall show by some very striking circumstances yet existing, that the effects of this influence have not entirely passed away.

Did This Nigerian Tribe Start Chinese Civilization? 7/16/23

Did this Nigerian Tribe start Chinese civilization? Learn about the likely origin of the mighty Shang Dynasty of China (1600 – 1046 BCE) in this stunning episode. 1 – Word list of the Hyam Language, by Roger Blench:… 2 – For reference and pronunciation research, see…

When Africa Colonized China

The video below explains that China’s first two dynasties, the Xia and the Shang, were Black Africans. The first Shang king was called “Black King” and he introduced the solar calendar to China. Another king was called “Black Hawk”.

When Africa Colonised China

The video refers to the book Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D. by Chancellor Williams who pointed out

Ancient China and the Far East, for example, must be a special area of African research. How do we explain such a large population of Blacks in southern China powerful enough to form a kingdom of their own?

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The Destruction of Black Civilization took Chancellor Williams sixteen years of research and field study to compile. The book, which was to serve as a reinterpretation of the history of the African race, was intended to be “a general rebellion against the subtle message from even the most ‘liberal’ white authors (and their Negro disciples): ‘You belong to a race of nobodies. You have no worthwhile history to point to with pride.'”

The book was written at a time when many black students, educators, and scholars were starting to piece together the connection between the way their history was taught and the way they were perceived by others and by themselves. They began to question assumptions made about their history and took it upon themselves to create a new body of historical research.

The book is premised on the question: “If the Blacks were among the very first builders of civilization and their land the birthplace of civilization, what has happened to them that has left them since then, at the bottom of world society, precisely what happened? The Caucasian answer is simple and well-known: The Blacks have always been at the bottom.

Williams instead contends that many elements—nature, imperialism, and stolen legacies— have aided in the destruction of the black civilization. The Destruction of Black Civilization is revelatory and revolutionary because it offers a new approach to the research, teaching, and study of African history by shifting the main focus from the history of Arabs and Europeans in Africa to the Africans themselves, offering instead “a history of blacks that is a history of blacks. Because only from history can we learn what our strengths were and, especially, in what particular aspect we are weak and vulnerable. Our history can then become at once the foundation and guiding light for united efforts in serious[ly] planning what we should be about now.”

It was part of the evolution of the black revolution that took place in the 1970s, as the focus shifted from politics to matters of the mind.

It also refers to the book Anacalysis – Or An Inquiry Into The Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions Vol Ii (1836) by Godfrey Higgins. The book says:

I shall, in the course of this work, produce a number of extraordinary facts, which will be quite sufficient to prove that a black race in very early times, had more influence over the affairs of the world than has been lately suspected. And I think I shall show by some very striking circumstances yet existing, that the effects of this influence have not entirely passed away.

The book explains:

There were two Ethiopias, one to the east of the Red sea, and the other to the west of it” and a very great nation of blacks, did rule over almost all Asia in a very remote era, in fact beyond the reach of history or any of our records….

We have found the black complexion or something relating to it whenever we have approached the origin of nations. The Alma Mater, the goddess Multimammia, the founders of oracles, the Memnons or first idols, were always black. Venus, Juno, Jupiter, Apollo, Bacchus, Hercules, Asteroth, Adonis, Horus, Apis, Osiris, Ammon, in short, all the… deities were black. The images remain as they were first made in very remote times.

The book adds:

The origins of all the Gods have always been of the black race. The ancients viewed the sacred image of the Divine as Black. And wooly hair was a sign of divinity – called “the hair of the gods”. In my Essay on The Celtic Druids, I have shewn that a great nation called Celtae, of whom the Druids were the priests, spread themselves almost over the whole earth, and are to be traced in their…gigantic monuments from India to the extremities of Britain. Who these can have been but the early individuals of the black nation of whom we have been treating I know not, and in this opinion I am not singular.

When Africa Colonised China

12 Ways Africa Civilized The World 12/24/23

Black Egyptians Civilized The Greeks

The video below explains that Greek civilization was ceded by black Africans. Even today, millennia later, Greeks are closer genetically to sub-Saharan Africans than to any other Mediterranean group. The creation by Africans of the first high culture in Europe remains largely hidden. It shows that Egyptian religion birthed Greek religion and thus European religion. In the Greek epics, both Zeus and his son were said to be Black. All Greek classical deities have an equivalent Egyptian god. It shows how popular Isis (Madonna and child) was and how that influenced the depictions of Mary and Jesus.

The video points out, “Both in architecture and building technique, the Greeks took everything they knew from the African”. It discusses the African origin of Greek science. Egyptian architecture was pioneered by Imhotep, the father of medicine and architecture.  Even paved roads now associated with Rome was first used by Egyptians who passed the  knowledge onto the Greeks and then to the Black Etruscans who gave everything they knew to the Romans.

Ep 15. DNA just gave a SURPRISING fact on Ancient Greece, showing that they are …

The Settlement Of Asians: Proof That The Asian Civilization Came From The Blacks: Asian Civilization

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Asia is not only the most populous continent but also the cradle the world’s oldest civilizations. … They mainly include the Mesopotamian civilization in Western Asia, the Indian civilization in South Asia, the Umran civilization in Central Asia, and the Chinese civilization in East Asia.

This book examines and discusses the linguistic, anthropological, and historical evidence supporting the origination of civilization in Asia by Blacks from Africa. It tells the story of the settlement of Asia beginning with the first out of Africa exit 60kya of the people of Australia, the Anu (pygmy) expansion 12kya, Kushite spread after 4,000 BC, on up until the Axumite or Naga settlement of Southeast Asia.

It provides documented and pictorial evidence of Black people in the founding of the first civilizations of Asia. It provides a detailed discussion of the Black civilizations in East Asia, the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. This book outlines the technological and cultural contributions of Black people to world history. It is the missing link in world history that finally provides a true history of the World.

The Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia

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Since the Atlantic slave trade, a myth has become fact that African/Black people did not have any civilization. This myth was created to justify the enslavement and murder of millions of Africans in the Americas. In The Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia, Dr. Clyde Winters examines and discusses the linguistic, anthropological, and historical evidence supporting the origination of civilization in Asia by Blacks from Africa.

It tells the story of the settlement of Asia beginning with the first out-of-Africa exit 60kya of the people of Australia, the Anu (pygmy) expansion 12kya, Kushite spread after 4,000 BC, on up until the Axumite or Naga settlement of Southeast Asia. The Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia provides documented and pictorial evidence of Black people in the founding of the first civilizations of Asia. This book is richly illustrated.

The pictures come from a wonderful history site called The World’s First Civilizations were All Black Civilizations.

The Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia provides a detailed discussion of the Black civilizations in East Asia, the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. This book outlines the technological and cultural contributions of Black people to world history. It is the missing link in world history that finally provides a true history of the World. Dr. Clyde Winters is an anthropologist, linguist, and educator. He has taught education and linguistics at Governors State University and Saint Xavier University-Chicago. Dr. Winters is presently, the director of the Uthman dan Fodio Institute.

When The World Was Black: The Untold History of the World’s First Civilizations, Part One: Prehistoric Cultures

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In this book, we cover over 200,000 years of Black history. For many of us, that sounds strange. We can’t even imagine what the Black past was like before the slave trade, much less imagine that such a history goes back 200,000 years or more. Can you imagine what that does to a person? To grow up believing their people started out as slaves? Perhaps some of us know a little about Africa, but how much do we really know? How much do we know about the extent of the ancient Black empires that spanned far beyond continental Africa? Chances are, very little.

In this book, we’ll tell the stories you haven t been told. We’ll talk about the Black migrations that settled the world. We’ll show you the Black people who founded the first cultures and civilizations of Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, the Pacific Islands, and North and South America. No exaggeration. This book covers more than 200,000 years of Black history across every square inch of the Planet Earth. As we learn the history of our ancestors, we’ll learn more and more about ourselves.

Blacks in Europe: From Prehistory to Contemporary Times

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The historical and archaeological evidence indicates that like Africa, Europe was the land of the Blacks. In this book, we review the history of Blacks or Negroes in ancient and modern Europe. It will illustrate that 44,000 years ago, Blacks crossed into Iberia, and eventually settled all of Europe. After studying the myths, archaeological and historical evidence, you will discover that Europe was not the homeland of the White race.

It would appear from the evidence that the ancient Greeks were Blacks. Moreover, it is clear that these blacks taught the Europeans civilization, and government and that these symbols of government and civilization cannot be claimed solely as the property of Caucasians.

Origin Black Neanderthals and the White Race

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In 1735, the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus published his book Systema Naturae. In Systema Naturae, Linnaeus argued that based on the idea of different species in the animal kingdom, there were different human species which he called ‘races’. The idea that human populations could be divided into three major races Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid led to the assumption that these human populations or races, perpetually inhabited three distinct continents : Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Forensic anthropologist reconstructed the first inhabitants of Europe and Britain. These reconstructions shocked the world because it was discovered that Cro-Magnon man and Cheddar man of Britain were dark-skinned negroes or Blacks. The discovery of aboriginal negro Europeans dating back to 9,000BC and 30,000 BC, respectively, has shaken our confidence in the idea that Caucasoids have always inhabited Europe.

This means that we need to determine where the Caucasoid race originated , if it was not Europe–if we are to have a true and accurate history of the races, and world history generally. In this book we seek to answer the question: “What is the origin of the white race?

For More Information

Who Were The REAL Cowboys?
Oscar Is Based on Egyptian God Ptah
Europe’s Black History: An Untold Story
Why Do Popes Worship The Black Madonna?
When Moors Rescued Europe From The Dark Ages
Imhotep: Father of Western Medicine/Freemasonry
Cheikh Anta Diop Proved Ancient Egyptians Were Black
DNA Shows Europeans Were Dark Skinned 10,000 Years Ago
How Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee Is Connected To Ancient Egypt

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