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The road to the New World Order runs through Ukraine

31-1-2024 < Blacklisted News 33 1672 words

Ukraine may be at war, writes Leo Hohmann, but that isn’t stopping it from playing a leading role in the digitisation of the global economy.

In a recent article, Hohmann highlighted the World Economic Forum’s (“WEF’s”) role in fully digitising Ukraine’s citizenry and establishing a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the country.

Before we get to Hohmann’s article, we have given a brief overview demonstrating how it is not only WEF that is involved in this nefarious plan – it is a global public-private partnership.

Global Network for Digitisation

In November 2022, UK Member of Parliament and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch met in London with Ukrainian officials to agree on a “ground-breaking digital trade deal” called the Digital Trade Agreement (“DTA”).

The DTA will “deliver greater compatibility and interoperability between digital identity systems in the UK and Ukraine,” according to the UK’s Department of International Trade. In return, the DTA will allow Ukrainians to access financial services.

Read more: UK agrees with Ukraine to “cooperate” on & implement Digital IDs

It’s unclear whether the UK’s digital trade agreements fall under agreements managed by international organisations, such as the World Bank, and the Government website states repeatedly that they are to enhance British trade, i.e., national interests.  However, there clearly is a global element to the UK’s digital trade approach:

Since 2016, the World Trade Organisation (“WTO”) has boasted of having 164 countries as its members which taken together cover almost 94% of the world’s population.  Officially founded in 1995, the WTO traces its roots to Bretton Woods in 1947. A few years earlier, in 1944, the International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) and the World Bank Group were also created at Bretton Woods.  United Nations agencies, the IMF and World Bank have observer status in WTO bodies.

Related: All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars: How private bankers have imposed their system of slavery on the world and Did the Bilderberg Group orchestrate the 1973 oil crisis?

In June 2019, WEF signed a strategic partnership with the UN to execute the UN’s agenda. WEF committed itself to financing Agenda 2030 and working with areas like climate change, health, digital cooperation, gender and education.

In January 2024, WEF and the Ukraine Ministry of Digital Transformation announced a mutual interest in setting up a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, putting Ukraine at the forefront of the World Bank’s GovTech and digital transformation.

The World Bank Group comprises five international organisations and is affiliated with the United Nations (“UN”).

GovTech “brings governments and technology together to transform public services.”  It’s inaugural global forum held in 2023 was hosted by the World Bank’s Governance Global Practice, and co-hosted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) and Digital Nations, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland, and Amazon Web Services. The MIT GOV/LAB was the academic sponsor.

Ukraine sells its soul to the WEF’ers: Launches program to fully digitise citizenry in partnership with globalist World Economic Forum

The road to the New World Order runs through Ukraine.

By Leo Hohmann

Ukraine may be at war but that isn’t stopping it from playing a leading role in the digitisation of the global economy.

The World Economic Forum and Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation have announced their mutual interest in establishing a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (“C4IR”) in Ukraine, with a focus on government and corporate technologies.

As reported by Smart Cities World, the letter of intent to establish the GovTech centre in Kiev was signed by Børge Brende, president of the World Economic Forum and Mykhailo Fedorov, deputy prime minister for innovation, development of education, science and technology, and minister of digital transformation, Ukraine.

The so-called “GovTech” programme is the WEF’s plan for world government under a digital reset and it’s already been launched in many countries. They admit this on their own website in an article titled: ‘World Economic Forum Launches Global Government Technology Centre in Berlin’. There are GovTech countries, cities and even digital GovTech counties

The announcement of Ukraine’s participation in “GovTech” was made at the World Economic Forum’s 2024 summit earlier this month in Davos, Switzerland, under the theme of “Rebuilding Trust.”

Rule number one of any sane person who values individual freedom: Never trust a globalist. And a WEF’er globalist is the worst kind of globalist. Is it making more sense now why the WEF Western puppet leaders in Washington, London, Ottawa, Paris, Geneva and Berlin are so dead set on defending Ukraine against Russian “aggression?” The cumulative West led by Washington and London has invested in provoking this aggression since the early 2000s when George W. Bush began wooing Ukraine into the Western orbit of NATO.

The New World Order runs through Ukraine. It is one of the main nerve centres of globalism, sex trafficking, US-controlled biolabs and money laundering for the rich and powerful. They can’t lose it and they will send millions of their own people into the meat grinder to die defending it. As soon as they run what’s left of the Ukrainians through that meat grinder, you will see them sending Americans, Britons, Germans and Frenchmen. Bank on it.

According to the Smart Cities World article cited above, in recent years, “according to the WEF, Ukraine has evolved into a global GovTech powerhouse, becoming the first country with a digital ID system that can be used across the nation and the fourth in Europe to launch a biometric digital driving license.”

Ukraine reports that in line with its goal to make 100 per cent of public services available online, almost 20 million Ukrainians are already using the Diia application, which allows them to access key documents and government services. [In January 2023, USAID wrote that the Diia is “a Ukrainian e-government app and digital platform supported by the United States is accelerating Ukraine’s digital transformation – and it’s about to expand to more countries.”]

The reason for establishing such a centre in Kiev, the article says, would be “to provide a platform to develop government technologies by uniting scientists, businesses, technology companies, the public sector and the global communities of the forum. Its thematic focus will be the digital transformation of government, the development of e-government and widespread digital literacy.”

Jeremy Jurgens, managing director of the World Economic Forum, said:

Make no mistake: the “GovTech” agenda is the same as the luciferian agenda to create a high-tech oligarchy on a global scale. This system, if successful, will mean human beings get massively depopulated and those who are left are transformed into totally controlled transhumans living under the 24/7 watchful eye of the digital beast system run by artificial intelligence and WEF’ers associated with Big Government and Big Corporations.

About the Author

Leo Hohmann is a veteran investigative reporter and author whose book ‘Stealth Invasion‘ spent the majority of 2017 among Amazon’s top 10 books on immigration. He has spent decades researching and writing about education, immigration, crime, politics and religion.

He publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Leo’s Newsletter’.   If you appreciate his work and would like to support it, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card through GiveSendGo, a Christian crowd-funding site.

