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Engaged Empathy and Informed Activism, Support Massachusetts Wireless Safety Legislative Bills – Five Second Action Item

30-1-2024 < Activist Post 22 1783 words

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International

Legislative bills to safeguard residents of Massachusetts from wireless risks are due to be voted on by various committees in the Massachusetts Legislature by February 7.

Please sign on to the one-step action here to express your concern about wireless risks to your State Senator and Representative, and MA Governor Healey.

“The rapid, uncontrolled and poorly regulated expansion of wireless technology and infrastructure — including cell towers, small cells and smart meters — poses significant risks to our health, damages the environment, and threatens the privacy and autonomy of citizens.”

S.2152 requires a no-fee smart meter opt-out. This has an Emergency Preamble to protect the public because Eversource and National Grid are planning to replace their entire electrical meter fleets with wireless smart meters in 2024 and 2025.

S.316 requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish best management practices for wireless in schools and public institutions of higher education.

S.1044 codifies that those with Electromagnetic Sensitivities (EMS) and other disabilities have a right to ask for reasonable accommodations.

H.2158 requires the MA Department of Public Health to add EMS to the list of diseases dangerous to public health.  An Act recognizing EMS as a disease dangerous to the public health, requiring inclusion in MAVEN, establishing the Massachusetts EMS registry and requiring biennial reporting as part of population health trends

Resolve S.155 forms a commission like New Hampshire’s. In 2020, The New Hampshire Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology released its final report summarizing its findings that safety assurances for 5G have “come into question because of the thousands of peer-reviewed studies documenting deleterious health effects associated with cellphone radiation exposure.”

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See more Information about these bills and others, and the recent history of EMF/RF/5G and wireless legislative bills here.

Smart Meters, Human Rights, and the Choice for Safer Technology

Image Courtesy EMF Safety Network. California

Informed citizens in Massachusetts have been calling attention to risks, reported harm, and disability associated with the installation of wireless smart meters, testifying repeatedly before the Legislature and the Department of Public Utilities, for over a decade,

Meters previously installed by investor-owned utilities have now reached the end of their intended lifecycle, and must be replaced.  It is crucial that members of the public advocate now for the right to chose the type of utility meter desired, without punitive surcharges, and for health –vulnerable residents to be safe in their own homes.

In 2012, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine called for caution regarding the technology choice. “More independent research is needed to assess the safety of ‘Smart Meter’ technology,” said Dr. Amy Dean, board certified internist and President‐Elect of the AAEM. “Patients are reporting to physicians the development of symptoms and adverse health effects after ‘Smart Meters’ are installed on their homes. Immediate action is necessary to protect the public’s health.” Dr. William J. Rea, past president of AAEM says, “Technological advances must be assessed for harmful effects in order to protect society from the ravages of end‐stage disease like cancer, heart disease, brain dysfunction, respiratory distress, and fibromyalgia. EMF and wireless technology are the latest innovations to challenge the physician whose goal is to help patients and prevent disease.”

Renowned Gulf War researcher Beatrice Golumb is the director of UCSD’s Golumb Research Group. which focuses on the relation of oxidative stress and mitochondrial function to health, aging, behavior, illness, environmental and medication effects, and nutrition. Current research studies are on Gulf War Illness, statin and fluoroquinolone side effects, and electrosensitivity.  She has noted similarities between Havana Syndrome and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. She testified to the MA DPU that the installation of a wireless smart meter is the most frequently reported variable associated with the acute onset of disabling sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.

Physicians including Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt reported that patients with health conditions and/or symptoms that were well managed experienced a dramatic downturn in health when the meters were installed. A partial list includes Lyme, M.S., MCS, insomnia, Tinnitus, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Heart Conditions, Anxiety, and Eye conditions.

Read epidemiologist Dr. Sam Milham’s testimony filed in an Arizona utility rate case here.  “Because it is at the front end of a building’s wiring, the dirty electricity from the smart meter’s SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply) has a gateway into that building’s wiring, and also into the earth via the house ground.  The house wiring acts as an antenna and the fields capacitively couple to the body through the air within 6 to 8 feet of the house wiring or extension cords plugged into the outlets…”

Learn more here about smart meters and health Physicians for Safe Technology

Learn from leaders in EMF science and medicine (free): The EMF Medical Conference 2021

In addition to health harm, smart meter concerns include invasion of privacy, surveillance, fire safety, security/ hacking, cost, planned obsolescence, and green-washing. (Complaints about the controversial smart meter pilot program conducted in Worcester, MA by National Grid and the MA DPU, including cost overruns, inaccurate results reporting for cost and energy savings, and violations of community, property, and individual rights, remain unaddressed.)

Cell Towers

The “Legal Handbook for Massachusetts Boards of Health 3rd Edition, 2021” identified “Cell tower radiation exposure” (Chapter 17, pp. 157 – 161) as an emerging issue.

Communities in Massachusetts are receiving applications for additional cell towers and 5G antennas to be placed in residential and environmentally sensitive areas.  There is a very wide disparity between different communities regarding their zoning protections. Despite a recommendation that infrastructure not be sited with 500 meters of homes, some communities have approved industry-friendly installations on school grounds and/or 25 feet from driveways.

Safety claims about wireless technologies, devices, and infrastructure are based on whether or not they meet theoretical FCC guidelines, and not whether or not exposure guidelines are protective of the environment or health. The guidelines do not address cumulative, chronic, juxtaposed exposures,  vulnerable populations, and non –thermal effects, and do not address environmental effects.

The second largest circuit court in the US issued a ruling in 2021 that the decision by the Federal Communications Commission not to review its 1996 safety guidelines was not evidence-based.  This far, the FCC has ignored the court’s remand.

Children and Schools

Safety testing procedures are based on the measurements of a male military recruit’s head, (repeating the error when drugs were systematically tested on adult males and then prescribed to women and child, with dire consequences. )

See also:  Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequences

The court ruling against the FCC may have serious financial consequences for school budgets when health and safety issues receive adequate scrutiny, as well as stranded assets for ratepayers if smart meters are deployed.  (Think asbestos and PFAS.)

Smart Meters and 5G- A Perfect Storm

Top Left Antenna Search, Top Right,
Bottom Left Environmental Health Trust, Bottom Right Pittsfield Cell Tower Concerned Citizens

Many communities in Massachusetts are currently at risk due to increasing exposures to electrosmog. Evidence-based decision-making requires data collection, access, and transparency.

Currently, no data about RF/EMF-related health damages (or environmental harm) is being systematically collected.

H.2158 “An Act recognizing EMS as a disease dangerous to the public health, requiring inclusion in MAVEN, establishing the Massachusetts EMS registry and requiring biennial reporting as part of population health trends” is an opportunity for MA to be on the right side of history.

Please sign on to the action effort and support the MA bills here.

Other States

See also: New Hampshire Introduces a Bill on the Health Effects of 5G Technology  “An ACT relative to the health effects of 5G technology”  calls for educating the public on the health risks of wireless radio-frequency (RF)  radiation, ensuring cell towers are 500 meters from homes and schools, mapping RF levels in the state and replacing Wi-Fi with safer technology in schools.

New York: Bills to Allow Digital Meter Opt Out and 5G Study Commission New York State has a consumer protection and utility meter choice bill, Senate Bill S5632A, that will allow  you to keep your electric, gas, or water analog meter with no fee, penalty or service charge. Assembly Bill A7229 establishes a temporary commission to study the environmental and health effects of evolving 5G technology. – Courtesy Environmental Health Trust.

Action for All States:

Cell Towers Do Not Belong At Schools: Send A Letter to the President, Congress and State Lawmakers

Tell Congress to Protect Wildlife From Cell Tower Proliferation

Source: SafeTechInternational

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