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The Worst Week Yet: January 21-27, 2024

29-1-2024 < Counter Currents 28 2288 words

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Super-Jew Manlet Ben Shapiro Makes Elon Musk His Bitch and Tops the Pop Charts in the Same Week

Billionaire tech titan Elon Musk shone a light across all nations and gave hope to tired and huddled anti-Semites everywhere on November 15 when he replied, “You have said the actual truth” to a Twitter user who wrote that “Jewish communties [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.”

Some eternal optimists cheered it as part of Musk’s brazen war of words with the Anti-Defamation League and his threats to sue them over lost advertising revenue.

But just as with former Great Billionaire Anti-Semitic Hope Kanye West, it didn’t take Musk long before he slavishly apologized to Jews — in Musk’s case, he didn’t even wait two full weeks after agreeing that some Jews push “hatred against whites.”

Musk paid a hurried visit to Israel in late November, toured kibbutzim that Hamas attacked on October 7, and posed for chummy photos with Netanyahu. He also said that “You have said the actual truth” was the “dumbest” post he’d ever made.

Last Monday, Musk resumed his self-flagellation tour by visiting Auschwitz with short, smarmy Zio-Con pundit Ben Shapiro, who back in 2016 had named Yours Truly on his makeshift Schindler’s List of “20 alt-right-friendly or alt-right people/outlets.”

While toting his three-year-old son X Æ A-12 on his shoulders — yes, Elon Musk actually named his son “X Æ A-12” — and dutifully accompanied by Shapiro, he ramped up his public display of penitence by posing for solemn-looking pictures standing outside the tourist facility at Auschwitz and lighting a candle in honor of all those dead Jews while wearing a yarmulke.

Later that day, Musk appeared in a livestream with Shapiro at an event hosted by the European Jewish Association in Krakow where he implied that the Holocaust never would have happened “if there had been social media.” A sample exchange from the discussion:

Shapiro: So let’s talk about the uptick in anti-Semitism more broadly. One of the things that’s been hard to watch as a Jew, but also just as an American and a Westerner, has been the radical upsurge in anti-Semitic activity just generally, anti-Semitic sentiment, appallingly, after October 7th. It’s been astonishing, actually.

Musk: Yes, I must admit to being somewhat frankly naïve about this. In the circles that I move [in], I see almost no anti-Semitism. And you know there’s this old joke, “I’ve got like this one Jewish friend.” No, I have, like, two-thirds of my friends are Jewish. Twice as many Jewish friends as non-Jewish friends. I’m, like, Jewish by association. I’m aspirationally Jewish. So I don’t, you know, I was like, “What are people talking about with this anti-Semitism, because I never hear it at dinner conversations?”  It’s like an absurdity, at least in my friend circle. But when looking at the pro-Hamas rallies in vast numbers that took place in almost every major city in the West [it] blew my mind. . . . I just, yeah, I grew up around a lot of Jewish people. I went to Hebrew preschool, Rachel Spiro in South Africa. My name is very Jewish. . . . Elon is a pretty Jewish name. It’s super-Jewish. Yeah. And then I went to Israel when I was 13. You know, I mean, you know, visited Masada. I’m certainly checking the boxes on a lot of things. And like I said, most of my friends are Jewish, just worked out that way. Sometimes I, yeah, I guess maybe I forget, am I Jewish? I’m Jewish, aspirationally Jewish.

So is Musk forgiven? Don’t ask me — I’m not Jewish.

In what may have been the most monumental week in Ben Shapiro’s life, he rapped on a musical track that debuted Friday morning and hit #1 on iTunes later that day.

That was not a typo — Ben Shapiro made a guest appearance on an anti-“woke” hop-hop song along with tattoo-and-body-modification casualty Tom MacDonald, an unreasonably successful MAGA-rap impresario. If you’re unfamiliar with the genre, please forgive me for darkening your brain waves with the very notion of MAGA rap, which may be the most appallingly awful musical style in history. Example after example after example after example after example after example will bear out my premise. Some people might even assert that MAGA rap is worse than the Holocaust.

Shapiro and MacDonald’s song is called “Facts,” and you can rape your own ears if you deign to click on that link. In the video, Shapiro is clad in a grey hoodie that says “FACTS DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS,” while MacDonald wears a grey hoodie emblazoned with “I DON’T CARE IF I OFFEND YOU.”

"Facts" - Tom MacDonald (feat. Ben Shapiro)“Facts” – Tom MacDonald (feat. Ben Shapiro)

Here are Shapiro’s lyrics in their entirety:

Let’s look at the stats
I’ve got the facts
My money like Lizzo
My pockets are fat
Homie, I’m epic, don’t be a WAP [“wet ass pussy”]
Dawg, it’s a yarmulke
Homie, no cap
Look at the graphs, look at my charts
You’re blowing money on strippers and cars
You’re going to prison
I’m on television
Dawg, no one knows who you are
Keep hating on me on the internet
My comment section all woke Karens
I make racks off compound interest
Y’all live with your parents
Nicki, take some notes
I just did this for fun
All my people download this
Let’s get a Billboard number one.

Should Ben Shapiro be forgiven for this? If you asked me, I’d say “Never.” If you asked me whether he should continue pursuing a career as a rapper, I’d say “Never again.”

Last Summer’s Jacksonville “Dollar General” Shooter’s Manifesto Is Released, and It’s Chock Full of N-Bombs

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Bomb Inside My Brain here.

A chubby, neckbearded, 21-year-old white male named Ryan Palmeter shot and killed three black people inside and outside a “Dollar General” store in Jacksonville, Florida in late August of last year before turning his swastika-emblazoned rifle on himself. Back then, Jacksonville’s Sheriff, T. K. Waters, who is a black man, hinted that Palmeter had left a “diary of a madman” that made liberal use of the word “nigger” and espoused a “disgusting ideology of hate.”

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office recently made Palmeter’s “manifesto” available as a PDF on their website. Totaling 27 pages, the document contains 168 “niggers” and 14 “faggots” and bears the charming title “I Killed A Bunch Of Niggers And Faggots (And That’s A Good Thing!).” It features shout-outs to other mass killers such as incel hero Elliot Rodger, anti-Islamists Anders Breivik and Brenton Tarrant, and Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. I’ve read a lot of these manifestos, and Palmeter’s is easily one of the crudest. But once you slalom around all the N-bombs, it contains these two oddly affecting passages:

Orwell predicted a boot stomping an unwilling human face. Huxley predicted the pacification of a willing public. Instead, our society consists of a boot stomping on a willing human face.

There is no life left for young white people to live. You either throw away four years for a Bachelor’s only to find out it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on and it hasn’t been for over a decade, or you enter the workforce and wage slave until you can finally make it to a dead end middle management position that pays just well enough to keep you able to distract yourself with disposable income. You will likely either die alone or with a spouse you despise.

If he’d only put down his gun and scaled down the over-niggin’, Palmeter may have helped his cause rather than harmed it.

White Male Zoomers: America’s Least Religious Group?

I’ve consistently stated that what I call “Generational Astrology” is one of the dumbest, most inaccurate, most divisive, and downright demented memes to cyber-rape credulous minds over the past few years, yet it is also one of the most enduring.

I strongly suspect the reasons for its longevity are: 1) the Powers That Be find it to be a useful PSYOP; and 2) those who still cling to seeing the world in terms of entirely arbitrary categories such as Boomers/GenX/Millennials/GenZ are only human, and as humans, they hate nothing more than to admit that their emotions have been played like rusty banjo strings.

Generational Astrology seems to have an especially strong hold over the minds of white, male, meme-impaired, Right-leaning “dissidents” who tend to skew younger; blame women for the fact that women won’t even sleep with them, much less embark on a “trad life” with them; and seem to sincerely believe that hewing to an ancient religion conceived in the Middle East is a more workable forward path for white people than if, say, white people simply agreed that the best way to ensure white people’s survival is for them to start thinking of themselves as white people first and foremost.

It is among this extremely online cohort that a myth has emerged — namely, that young white Christian males, especially sedevacantist Catholics — are the demographic future and that Boomers, non-whites, women, Protestants, and non-believers merely get in the way.

Are they right?

Regarding race, a Pew Research poll found that 70% of whites identify as Christian, whereas 79% of blacks and 77% of Latinos identify thusly. A 2022 survey by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) concluded that whites only account for 42% of all American Christians. That’s bad news for Americans who allege that Christianity is the only way for whites to wriggle out of their current racial dilemma.

As concerns age and its relation to Christianity, the same 2022 PRRI survey found that only 55% of those aged 18-29 identify as Christian, whereas 77% of the dreaded “Boomer” cohort say they are Christians.

Pertaining to sex and religious fervor, a 2016 Pew Research study called “The Gender Gap in Religion Around the World” concluded that “Across all measures of religious commitment, Christian women are more religious than Christian men, often by considerable margins.”

When it comes to the CQ — the Catholic Question — a 2020 survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found that a mere 12% of all Americans are white Catholics. A separate 2022 poll found that a robust 92% of American Catholics support Vatican II, which is bad news for those who dream that Catholicism will somehow suddenly revert to its pre-1960s “based” stances on cultural issues.

So if you’re the type who relies on numbers rather than cultish memes, statistics strongly suggest that young, white males might be less likely than any other major American racial, sexual, and generational demographic to identify as Christian. I’m sure you know how much I hate to be the one who breaks the news to you.

The Legacy Media: Let Them Bleed

Alarums sounded last week about the imminent death of America’s establishment media:

The Media Is Melting Down, and Neither Billionaires Nor Journalists Can Seem to Stop It

Inside the collapsing U.S. political-media-industrial-complex

WaPo CEO on news industry cutbacks: ‘The existing model is creaking’

Apparently, the media’s death is a bloody one. Axios cries that “an ongoing bloodbath is decimating news outlets nationwide.” Yahoo! News says that 2024 is “a year media analysts predict will be one of the bloodiest ever for journalism.” The Los Angeles Times laid off about 20% of its newsroom, which The Wrap described as “the bloodiest layoffs in decades at the nation’s largest West Coast newspaper.” CNN uses the term “hemorrhaging”:

The news industry is enduring a brutal start to the new year, with outlets large and small across the country hemorrhaging reporting staff as legacy business models that kept much of the industry afloat for decades collapse in plain sight.

Although another CNN article didn’t use an explicitly bloody metaphor, its headline blared that “TIME Magazine lays off 15% of unionized editorial staff, becoming latest news outlet to slash workforce,” and I’ll assume that where there is slashing, there will be blood.

In the face of pending layoffs, unionized workers at Forbes, the New York Daily News, and Condé Nast are staging walkouts, as if that’s going to do them any good in the long run.

The recent shakeups led to sanctimonious jeremiads about how this is “dangerous” because the death of “journalism” means the death of “democracy,” as if pure forms of either journalism or democracy have ever existed in the United States. Soon-to-be-fired opinion-mongers lament how we’ll no longer be able to hold public officials “accountable,” as if most of the mainstream media weren’t entirely beholden to public officials and their financiers.

I say let them bleed.

Jim Goad
