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The Jig Is Up: Toxic Oreos lower LDL Cholesterol More Than Statins - The HighWire

26-1-2024 < Blacklisted News 38 1732 words

Pfizer’s cholesterol-lowering statin drug Lipitor is one of the most profitable medications of all time. Globally, the lucrative statin market is projected to reach $32 billion by 2032. Yet, for years, there have been published studies reporting that statin drugs lead to profound memory loss and diabetes, and, overall, are entirely worthless. As such, the studies have supplied the basis for reevaluating the guidelines for prescribing statins and theories on cholesterol in general. After all, cholesterol is essential to the human body—if you had none, you would be dead. The studies have likewise questioned why more focus isn’t put on maintaining good heart health through beneficial lifestyle habits instead of harmful statin medications. However, given the massive profits enjoyed by Big Pharma and physicians alike, questions are quelled, and statin prescriptions continue to increase. But alas—firmly revealing the absurdity of the scheme to keep Americans unhealthy on statins—a recent study published on January 22, 2024, has demonstrated that Nabisco’s toxic Oreo Cookies are two times more effective at lowering LDL cholesterol (the one they say is “bad”) than high-intensity statin drugs. Holy smokes… what?!

The eye-opening study on one of the most prescribed drugs in history and one of the nation’s most addictive junk foods was conducted by Harvard Medical School scholar Nicholas G. Norwitz, Ph.D., who is ketogenic and has high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. For context, many argue that LDL cholesterol is merely a surrogate marker, and prominent cardiologists are increasingly questioning its causative role in the development of heart disease. With that in mind, to prove the ineffectiveness of statins and the over-hyped agenda-serving proclamation that LDL is bad, Norwitz and senior author and expert lipidologist William Cromwell, MD, conducted the dramatic demonstration, hoping it would spark scientific debate. After all, the conversation is critical since, like the gene-damaging COVID shots, the pharmaceutical industry-funded most of the studies supporting statins, and the raw data of the clinical trials has been kept secret, leading to speculation of doctored data.

So, what’s behind all the confusion on cholesterol? For starters, cholesterol is not the potent enemy of health and longevity it’s smeared to be. In fact, it is virtually impossible to explain how vital cholesterol is to the human body. In 2010, outlining the crucial role cholesterol plays in life, Dr. Zoë Harcombe, Ph.D., summarized its importance, explaining that every cell in the body is covered by a membrane (a protective barrier) consisting mainly of cholesterol, fat, and protein. Membranes are porous, not solid walls, letting nutrients and hormones in while keeping waste and toxins out. If cholesterol were removed from cell membranes, they would literally explode from their internal water pressure. Cholesterol is vital for hormone production, digestion, bones, and all the roles performed by vitamin D (together with sun exposure, cholesterol is required to produce vitamin D), the brain, the central nervous system, and memory functions.

Harcombe explained that one of the primary reasons humans spend nearly a third of their lives sleeping is to give the body time to produce cholesterol, repair cells, and perform other essential maintenance. But cholesterol’s significance to living goes even further. Most are familiar with the term “essential fatty acids” or “essential amino acids.” The term “essential” is used when speaking of nutrition in this way because it is essential to human health, yet the body cannot make it. Significantly, though, as pointed out by Harcombe, the body makes cholesterol. Remarking on that fact alone, she shared:

“That says to me that cholesterol is even more vital than essential fatty acids or essential amino acids—even though these too are life critical—and therefore the design of the human body is such that it was not left to chance that we needed to get cholesterol from food. Of the 500 or so roles that the liver has—one is to produce cholesterol. It is too vital to be left to chance.

The chemical formula for cholesterol is C27H46O. There is no good version or bad version. HDL and LDL are not even cholesterol, let alone good cholesterol or bad cholesterol. They are lipoproteins. They carry cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, and protein. Do you think that taxis are people? Or do you think they are carriers of people (and luggage, pets, and other things)?”

Having cholesterol as this middleman has allowed an entire pharmaceutical industry (and stupid cookbooks) to come up with ways of lowering cholesterol. The most lucrative of these has clearly been statins–drugs designed to stop the body producing the cholesterol that it is designed to produce.”

Harcombe’s remarks make perfect sense. Nonetheless, despite knowing cholesterol’s vital role in being alive, the belief that LDL cholesterol causes atherosclerosis, followed by coronary heart disease (CHD), is a fundamental principle of modern medicine—solely based on biased studies. Indeed, for the last forty years, the mainstream medical establishment has asserted that elevated serum cholesterol levels are a direct instigator of CHD and that statins are essential to controlling cholesterol levels. They make this declaration as if there were no other choices or healthier alternatives. Indeed, by using extensive promotional campaigns producing billions in profits, the medical industrial complex has convinced millions worldwide that the key to avoiding heart disease is reducing cholesterol levels by using statin drugs and eating a diet low in saturated fat—essentially stoking fear and nudging its trusting minions to avoid eating fats and meat and instead eat chemical-laden ultra-processed carbs. Hmmm… Post-COVID, with eyes wide open, a sinister Big Pharma strategy is illuminated. Proving the scheme, a 2005 publication in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons titled “LDL Cholesterol: “Bad” Cholesterol, or Bad Science,” noted:

“While the war on cholesterol has proved to be extremely lucrative for the food and drug industries, it has delivered no benefit to public health. CHD is still the leading cause of death in Western countries. If cholesterol reduction were effective in preventing CHD, then it would surely lower both fatal and nonfatal CHD. This has not happened. Modern medicine has made significant advances in extending the lives of those who have already had heart attacks, but it has failed to help people avoid CHD in the first place.

In addition, the relentless drive to steer people to low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets has been accompanied by a marked increase in the prevalence of obesity and diabetes. This increase has been so large that some predict the steady rise in life expectancy enjoyed by Americans during the last century may soon come to an end.”

Incredibly—despite record use of statin drugs—nearly two decades after noting that CHD was the number one cause of death in 2005, the deep-state peddler, the unscrupulous World Health Organization (WHO), reported in December 2020 that heart disease has remained the leading cause of death at the global level for the last twenty years. But that’s not all. The WHO added that heart disease is killing more people than ever before, with the number of deaths from heart disease increasing from 2 million since 2000 to nearly 9 million in 2019, representing 16 percent of total deaths from all causes. And with the heart issues tied to the deadly mRNA COVID-19 jabs, those figures are sure to increase.

So, where does this leave us? We can thank Minnesota physiologist Ancel Keys and his questionable handpicked study back in 1958-1983 for declaring that the fat composition of the diet and serum cholesterol contribute to heart disease. The US Public Health Service funded his Seven Countries Study following President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s heart attack. At the time, heart disease was the leading cause of death in the United States. Speaking of the profound effect Keys had on inaccurately portraying cholesterol, journalist Nina Tiecholz remarked that in the wake of Keys’ legacy, we have seen increases in cancer, diabetes, and, of course, heart disease. Noting Keys study is filled with errors, she rightly stated, “We should not attempt to set dietary recommendations in stone when the research behind those recommendations are built on sand.”

Harcombe agrees, wondering, “How on earth [have] we ever got away with telling people cholesterol causes heart disease?” She pointed out that reputable research reveals that high cholesterol is associated with lower heart disease and vice versa—for all the available data in the world! “High cholesterol is not even associated with high heart disease, let alone does not cause it,” she stated, adding, “Why are we lowering cholesterol when lower cholesterol is associated with more deaths from heart disease and all causes for men and women?” The magnitude of the disinformation around cholesterol and statins is mind-boggling. Was it intentional? Thanks to COVID, it is safe to assume the attack on cholesterol and subsequent remodeling of global dietary advice 40 years ago undoubtedly had a sinister “keep people sick” motive. Like a detective on the scent of a killer, Harcombe commented:

“Our global dietary advice was changed in 1977 in the US and 1983 in the UK as a result of a biased study of seven handpicked countries. Had the data been available for the 192 countries we can analyze now, or had Keys even considered all the data that was available to him at the time (for France, etc.), our conclusion may have been that we need to protect cholesterol levels in the body. We may have realized that the last thing we should be trying to do is lowering cholesterol–unless we’re trying to lower life expectancy for some reason.”
