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The Destiny of the White Race Lies Among the Stars

25-1-2024 < Counter Currents 27 1273 words

1,081 words

The following is a continuation of two previous essays of mine on the intersection of religious skepticism and White Nationalism, “Christian Nationalism Has Made Me Agnostic” and “The Religious Skeptic’s Case for White Solidarity,” but can be read independently.

Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars. — Carl Sagan

In the final analysis, whites will not secure their existence and survival through nationalism alone. Like all of humanity, we are living on borrowed time here on Earth. Fortunately, scientists believe we are mere decades away from realizing the dream of successfully colonizing other planets. Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, plans to launch the first manned mission to Mars as early as 2029. He believes a Martian city could become home to perhaps a million people.

Like airline pilots, astronomers are predominantly high-achieving whites, who make up approximately 80.6% of the field. Asians are a distant second at 7.9%. Despite Hollywood propaganda which insists that blacks are the “hidden figures” behind NASA, they make up a paltry 0.8%. A January 19 livestream broadcast from the International Space Station confirmed these demographics for the benefit of a global audience: every member of the team save one Asian man was apparently white. In a high-intellect community where bequeathing positions based on anything other than sheer meritocracy could mean the difference between life and death, whites dominate. Not that the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DIE) fanatics haven’t been above attempting to inflict substandard affirmative-action hires on the airline industry and been ravaging NASA over the years. Even Musk’s SpaceX was recently attacked for being overwhelmingly white and male.

You can buy Jonathan Bowden’s collection The Cultured Thug here.

Space exploration is one of those intellectually demanding endeavors where merit-based white dominance is inescapable. It leaves its critics shaking with a sense of inferiority and jealousy. They’ve meticulously censored the legacy of European man’s titanic scientific achievements in order to protect their own fragile egos. To see the bleeding edge of progress still in our hands leaves them envious over the inescapable reality.

Musk himself has intermittently shown signs of an awakening white racial consciousness; for instance, when he decried the violent attacks on white South African farmers, or when he called out Jewish anti-white hatred. Surely he sees the benefits that the superior white intellect can provide in his own team at SpaceX. Yet whenever the door cracks open, it is forced shut again by the power of the Zionists and his woke business partners in the American military-industrial complex and Israel.

But this also raises a religious question. Wernher von Braun, the late German-American mastermind who designed rockets capable of reaching the Moon for NASA, was a devoted Christian who demonstrated the potential for scientific achievement among the faithful. But by and large, science is the domain of materialists. A 1996 survey of scientists employed by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) found that only 7.5% of physicists and astronomers believe in God. Musk himself is, predictably for his type, irreligious.

Much like the harsh reality empirically revealed via white scientific achievement, the stark reality is that for millennia, the superstitious world of prayers and incantations failed to cure disease, achieve flight, and reach the stars. This is because supernatural explanations of the natural world involving ghosts, gods, and demons were inadequate. On the other hand, the study of the natural world involving our senses and through specialized instrumentation rather than faith alone achieved many of the long-promised miracles of organized religion.

There is, apparently, something tantalizing about the quest to reach the heavens, even among the irreligious. From the moment he learned to draw on the walls of his prehistoric cave, primitive man was depicting his fascination with the stars in the night sky and dreaming of soaring above them like the birds. But it was European man who finally made these primordial dreams a reality.

Cave paintings in Lascaux, France correspond to constellations in the night sky.

Those of us who breath the rarefied air of the racially-conscious white religious skeptics have an inheritance — and a duty. We cannot allow our birthright as the inheritors of the stars to fall into the hands of those who would strip it from us. We cannot allow them to burden the galaxy with more disastrous multicultural social engineering experiments. We simply cannot condemn our future space colonies to collapse due to forced diversity, as has occurred in London, Cape Town, Paris, Chicago, and all the other once-great cities of the Western world.

We need a white — or predominantly white — colony on another planet and should take measures to prepare for its fruition. It may be likelier than you think. Despite the obvious political pressure to “diversify” space, the essential reality of white achievement, competence, and intellectual dominance in the field will make us unavoidable as the necessary candidates for space colonization.

What does this mean in a practical sense for those of us who support the interplanetary agenda from afar, but who are not in a position to contribute directly?

  1. To the extent we have intellectually-apt family members, we should be encouraging them both to develop a white racial consciousness while also embarking on a career in science and engineering, with an eye toward extra-planetary travel.

  2. We should work to make inroads within the space community, and let them know that we wish to be their friends and allies.

  3. Although SpaceX is currently a private company, the rumor mill constantly circulates the idea that it will eventually be listed on the stock market. It would behoove us to make organized strategic investments in this field, with the aim of both reaping the profits as well as exercising political influence over the direction of extra-planetary colonization.

To some, this dream may seem ridiculous. We’re all concerned with the here-and-now challenges of our daily lives. But this future will arrive within the lifetimes of many who are reading this. We have an opportunity to strategically prepare by exercising high time-preference behavior in a way that could ensure the long-term survival of our race — as well as a galactic imperium.

Please contact me by e-mail or on Telegram, Twitter, or Gab if you’d like to join a network of pro-white investors who are interested in shaping this great twenty-first century journey. Also contact me if you work in or are studying to work in fields related to space travel, especially organizations such as NASA or SpaceX.
