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Shocking Poll Exposes How Much the Elite Hate Us

22-1-2024 < Activist Post 20 628 words

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via,

A shocking poll exposes the utter contempt the elite holds the general public in, with more than three quarters wanting to ration food and energy to combat ‘climate change’ and a majority wanting air travel for holidays banned.

The survey was conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CUP), a Maryland-based non-profit advocacy group.

The organization polled members of America’s 1 per cent – defined as people who have a postgraduate degree and an annual income of more than $150,000.

77 per cent of elitists who were asked, “To fight climate change, would you favor or oppose the strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity?” said they would favor such a policy.

That figure rises even higher to 89 per cent amongst Ivy League graduates.

Presumably, their wealth will ensure they are exempt from such rationing while poor people can go whistle.

In addition, 69 per cent of elitists want an immediate ban on gas stoves, while 81 per cent want gas powered vehicles outlawed.

A majority also want the government to forbid the use of air conditioning and non-essential air travel, effectively outlawing vacations, rules that presumably won’t apply to their private jets and luxury compounds.

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67 per cent of elitists also believe that teachers should decide what children are taught compared to 26 per cent who think parents should decide.

The poll also reveals how the elite are totally at odds with the general public in both lifestyle and beliefs.

When canvassed on how much freedom the United States should bestow on its citizens, 47 per cent said people had too much freedom compared to 21 per cent who said there was too much control.

In comparison, 57 per cent of voters said there was too much control compared to 16 per cent who said there was too much freedom.

74 per cent say their finances are getting better, while just 20 per cent of the general public say the same.

A whopping 84 per cent also approve of the job Joe Biden is doing as president, while recent polls show Biden has an approval rating of around 39 per cent with general voters.

“The people who run America, or at least think they do, live in a bubble of their own construction,” write the poll’s authors.

“They’ve isolated themselves from everyday America’s realities to such a degree their views about what is and what should be happening in this country differ widely from the average America.”

As Chris Morrison notes, the poll results are likely to be mirrored across the Western world, in a similar way to how the backlash against the elite’s policies are replicated in numerous different countries.

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