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How World War III Targets Your Mind

19-1-2024 < Activist Post 27 2847 words

By Neenah Payne

Dr. Michael Nehls, a German medical doctor, is an internationally-renowned molecular geneticist. He deciphered the genetic causes of dozens of hereditary diseases at German and international research institutions. His revolutionary 2024 book The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom is not available in hardcopy, but as a paperback, and an ebook.

Most people think only about our physical immune system. However, Dr. Nehls explains the critical importance of our mental immune system which is controlled by the hippocampus in the brain.

Dr. Nehls discusses the vital importance of the hippocampus which:

  1. serves as our mental immune system

  2. stores our memories and thus our sense of self.

  3. is our mental hard drive and grows when we experience new things

He explains that the COVID policies attacked individuals (and thus society) in both psychological and physiological ways no one else has been talking about. This information is key to our survival now. A big part of the pandemic agenda was to turn people into zombies who couldn’t think for themselves  — who just followed orders without question. WWII showed us the grave dangers of that.

Dr. Nehls explains  that prolonged isolation – like during the COVID lockdowns – shrinks the hippocampus and seriously undermines our mental health and sense of self. That makes the population depresses and easier to control. The hippocampus stores our memories – and thus our sense of self.

He points out that a healthy hippocampus grows and fuels our curiosity. It supports our ability to learn and think independently and to question authority. It enhances our memory, and makes us more creative, resilient, and to able to defend ourselves, our culture, and our nation. A diminished hippocampus leads to depression which had reached record levels by 2019.

Emotions trigger the hippocampus to store memory of the event. During the COVID years, the government and corporate media engaged in massive fear-mongering about the “invisible enemy” despite the fact that the CDS stats showed in early 2020 that COVID was little threat to anyone. In addition, by early 2020, several inexpensive effective treatments for COVID were known including vitamin D3, vitamin C, HCQ/zinc, ivermectin, and budesonide. So, as FDR told America in the 1930, there was “Nothing to fear but fear itself”. However, the fear was used to sell the expensive, rushed, poorly-tested, novel COVID shots. It was used to shrink our hippocampus and erase our sense of self.

The goal was to erase our rights under the current system to install “The Great Reset”.

The War Against Your Brain


A few years back I ‘attempted’ to educate my neighbor about the convid shots. At the point in time, he was very healthy; mentally and physically. He didn’t just get one jab,…he continued to get ‘boosted’.
TODAY, he is in full blown dementia and ALL was avoidable if he could have opened his mind. His wife is left with the burdens of looking after him because my little town isn’t supporting these changes. No sleep, worry…..the future looking bleak for them now. SO sad.

We know that our bodies have immune systems. However, Dr. Nehls explains the critical importance of understanding that our mind also has an immune system which are maintained by our hippocampus which controls our curiosity, psychological resilience, the ability to think, and our autoself memory. It is what makes us human.

Dr. Nehls explains that our autobiographic memory center in the hippocampus has been under attack – destroying our ability to remember our past and who we are. That has led to an increase in Alzheimer’s among young people and record levels of depression.

The constant fear-mongering during COVID erased people’s memories of themselves and created a mass “group think” that accepted the official narrative without question. It was a form of global mind control to install a global government/dictatorship – all under the guise of protecting our health and our lives.

Dr. Nehls says the COVID policies and COVID shots were designed as the first step in replacing our humanity to turn us into mindless slaves who will accept a global government in which we own nothing – as the World Economic Forum forecasts for 2030. In Chapter 4, Dr. Nehls discusses the five steps in the worst crime against humanity.  The COVID policies of lockdowns, isolation, deprivation of oxygen by wearing masks, social distancing, etc. led to massive amounts of depression worldwide in order for the globalists to achieve their goal of mind control over every person.

The ultimate goal of the globalists is to erase our humanity and replace it with transhumanism. The World Economic Forum is very open about that – especially the Israeli author Yuval Harari. People often feel powerless in the face of the massive challenges humanity is facing now. However, this article explains  a simple step each person can take to help shift the balance in humanity’s favor now.

Knowledge Is Power

Dr. Nehls explains that if people know what’s going on, they can defend themselves from the de-humanizing plans of the globalists to erase our memories of ourselves, of our history, of our rights and freedoms and turn us into robotic slaves. As each person becomes informed and informs others, we can turn the tide while there is still time to stop the globalists’ diabolical plans for humanity.

Dr. Nehls explains that the COVID policies and COVID shots were attacks on our brains – specifically the hippocampus where our  memories are stored. Even people who don’t develop depression or Alzheimer’s have much of their memories erased and replaced by the “official narrative” based on fear of pandemics, climate change, global war, etc. The fear narratives become the person’s new personality which sees a global government as the only solution. Dr. Nehls’ website is:


Two of his discoveries were published in collaboration with two Nobel Prize winners. Dr. Michael Nehls is a world-renown molecular geneticist whose research on dementia, Alzheimer’s and other neurological issues has won him numerous awards. In this interview he actually says Covid Vaccine was patented in 2018 by Moderna as a bioweapon! (I even put it in the promo before the interview starts.) This was a fascinating interview.

Book Is Available on The Highwire

Published on December 12, 2023 but available almost everywhere only as an ebook.
However, Del Bigtree’s site The Highwire has the hardcopy for $26.99.
Vroman’s Bookstore ( has the paperback for $19.99.

The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom 

Amazon Description

Global War on the Human Brain

Throughout the world, mental capacity is declining, especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. Meanwhile, one in forty men and women suffers from Alzheimer’s, and the age of onset is falling rapidly. But the causes are not being eliminated, quite the opposite. Can this just be coincidence?

The Indoctrinated Brain introduces a largely unknown, powerful neurobiological mechanism whose externally induced dysfunction underlies these catastrophic developments.

Michael Nehls, medical doctor and internationally renowned molecular geneticist, lays out a shattering chain of circumstantial evidence indicating that behind these numerous negative influences lies a targeted, masterfully executed attack on our individuality. He points out how the raging wars against viruses, about climate change, or over national borders are—more likely intended than not—fundamentally providing the platform for such an offensive against the human brain that is steadily changing our being and is aimed at depriving us of our ability to think for ourselves.

But it is not too late. By exposing these brain-damaging processes and describing countermeasures that anyone can take, Nehls brings light and hope to this fateful chapter in human history. Nothing less will be decided than the question of whether our species can retain its humanity and its creative power or whether it will lose them irretrievably.

Editorial Reviews


“If Dr. Nehls is right, his theory here will be as important as Dr. Sigmund Freud’s discovery of the subconscious, if not more so.”
—From the foreword by Naomi Wolf, author of The Bodies of Others

“Michael Nehls has written a provocative book arguing that the COVID-19 generation in particular will ultimately be deficient in memory and cognition, due to the combination of brainwashing and toxic exposures, launched by a self-appointed technocratic elite group and applied to all of humanity. The book provides detailed scientific support for the direct effects on the hippocampus that lead to these dire outcomes. Fascinating and terrifying at the same time.”
—Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist, MIT

“A brilliant expose of the globalists’ dark agenda and the manipulative neurological tactics they’re using to achieve it. If you want to truly know your enemy, this masterful unmasking of indoctrination is a must-read.”
—Monica Crowley, PhD, news analyst and former assistant secretary of the US Treasury

About the Author

Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, is a physician and molecular geneticist specializing in immunology. As a basic researcher, he deciphered the genetic causes of dozens of hereditary diseases at German and international research institutions. Two of his discoveries were published in collaboration with two Nobel Prize winners. Another discovery of a key gene in immunity development was honored by the renowned American Association of Immunologists as a “Pillar of Immunology.” For his pioneering findings on Alzheimer’s disease development, prevention, and therapy, he was awarded the Hanse Prize for Molecular Psychiatry by the Rostock University Hospital.

Dr. Nehls was vice president of genome research at a US company for three years and chief scientific officer and CEO of a Munich-based biotechnology company for eight years. A scientific author talented in making complex topics understandable to a wide audience, he has written several bestsellers that have been translated into many languages. As a private lecturer, he delivers lectures at congresses and universities, attracting wide audiences.

Naomi Wolf’s books include The Bodies of Others and New York Times bestsellers The End of America and Give Me Liberty among others. She is a former Rhodes Scholar and advisor on women’s issues and messaging to the Clinton and Gore campaigns. Wolf is cofounder and CEO of, a news site and legislative database.

How COVID Policies Attacked Our Brains

U.S. Depression Rates Reach New Highs. Dr. Nehls explains that there is a cultural war against our brain which we must solve. We must also educate people who don’t yet understand the urgency of this issue.

NEUROHACKING EXPOSED! Dr. Michael Nehls, author of “The Indoctrinated Brain,” reveals how the global mind manipulation psyop actually works — NEW Mike Adams (video) 12/ 22/23


Save Your Brain and The World!

In the video below, Dr. Nehls points out that if oxygen is reduced in the brain, the region most affected is the hippocampus! Thus, the real reason for having everyone wear masks which so many doctors explained are not necessary and don’t work. He explains that we need to help the majority of people in the world understand what’s really going on and why.

The video explains that Dr. Nehls book best explains what is happening to the world now and why – and how we can each personally change that. So, it’s a very empowering book. The host points out that each individual citizen has to take responsibility for what’s happening in their country

Mel K & Dr. Michael Nehls | The Indoctrinated Brain: Liberating Your Mind (video) 11-30-23

Dr. Nehls says vitamin D is important not just or our immune system but for our mental immune system. Optimal level of vitamin D for mental immune system is  125 ng/mL is ideal For every 10 increase, you reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s by 7%.

Published in a peer-reviewed study with 125 ng/mL, the likelihood of dying from COVID is essentially zero. So, the COVID policies were not a war against a virus. They were a war against the brain – against humanity, society, nations, and freedom.

Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire interviewed Dr. Nehls on January 11. In his book and around 50  minutes in the video below, Dr. Nehls cites the “Confirmation” experiment by Solomon Nash in the mid-1950’s showed that only 20% of subjects accurately reported the obvious length of a line if 11 other people misreport the length. However, the experiment found that if just one other person accurately reports the length, the percentage of test subjects who also report the length accurately rises. People feel encouraged to trust and act on their own perception of reality if it is confirmed by at least one other person.

Dr. Nehls points out that with the knowledge he shares in his book comes the responsibility of sharing it to help wake up others and protect humanity now. Each person who shares Dr. Nehls’ book helps other people trust their own perception of what’s happening rather than going along with groupthink.


The Indoctrinated Brain By Michael Nehls 12/8/23

Global War on the Human Brain   Throughout the world, mental capacity is declining, especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. Meanwhile, one in forty men and women suffers from Alzheimer’s, and the age of onset is falling rapidly. But the causes are not being eliminated, quite the opposite. Can this just be coincidence?

The Indoctrinated Brain introduces a largely unknown, powerful neurobiological mechanism whose externally induced dysfunction underlies these catastrophic developments.  Michael Nehls, medical doctor and internationally renowned molecular geneticist, lays out a shattering chain of circumstantial evidence indicating that behind these numerous negative influences lies a targeted, masterfully executed attack on our individuality.

Boost Mental Energy and Prevent Alzheimer’s with Dr. Michael Nehls

Understanding the Role of the Hippocampus in Social Conscience and Survival

The hippocampus plays a crucial role in shaping our social conscience, moral behavior, and curiosity, ultimately contributing to our survival as a species.

The War Against Vitamin D

Dr. Nehls points out that that the CDC stats showed in early 2020 that COVID was little threat to anyone – especially healthy young people. In addition, it was known that vitamin D would prevent death from the virus. So, the expensive, rushed, poorly-tested COVID shots were not necessary. Yet, the government and corporate media ignored vitamin D and even vilified it.

Dr. Eric Nepute, DC, DNM was sued for $500 billion by the US government for using vitamin D to treat COVID patients. In the same way, other effective early treatments known in early 2020 were ignored – including vitamin C, HCQ/zinc, ivermectin, and budesonide.

Dr. Nepute’s unique approach to health and wellness has led him to grow one of the largest health and wellness organization in the country. Currently Dr. Nepute owns and operates 12 facilities and manages or affiliates with an additional 32 offices. His ability to take complex operations and make then into simple and effective systems is his expertise. Dr. Nepute also trains and consults hundreds of physicians across the country on his Wellness Wheel System and has helped thousands of patients get their lives back with these methods. His high energy and high impact presentations have landed him on stage nationally as well as internationally. You do not want to miss the Opportunity to hear him speak.

Dr. Eric Nepute Wins Case Against FTC & DOJ

Episode 348: THE 500 BILLION DOLLAR MAN (video) 12/1/23

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image: Perfecting of the Saints

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