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Bill Gates Attends Climate Summit In Africa To Market His “Vaccines”

18-1-2024 < Activist Post 18 627 words

By Mac Slavo

Sociopath Bill Gates is not giving up and intends to get his injections into as many human beings as possible. The propagandist has been using the climate summit in Africa to market his “vaccines” to the people living there.

In a speech earlier this year at the Adaptation Finance Summit for Africa, Bill Gates again took the opportunity to market his vaccines. “We all know that malnutrition is a scourge,” he started.  And then within a few words switched into his sales pitch for vaccines. “At the turn of the century, many people realized that we had vaccines that could save lives,” he said, but they were not getting to the children in poorer nations who needed them most.

He said a great number of leaders decided to support the endeavor, according to a report by The Daily Exposé.  “But it’s not the funding that’s exciting.  What’s exciting is what resulted …. I don’t think we can celebrate it enough.”

Gates also funds studies that give the outcome he wants for his vaccine agenda.

Research Funded By Fauci And Gates Could See Bird Flu Become The Next Deadly Pandemic

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He has also infamously said that he intends to use vaccines to decrease population growth to close to zero. Watch the following video, which is a Ted talk Gates did over a decade ago. Skip to 4:30 for his comments on population growth and how vaccines can help cull the herd.

He’s tying everything into climate change too to attempt to control the population through all of these hot-button issues.

“My personal engagement with climate uh started uh because I was spending time in Africa talking to Farmers about the challenges they faced … the impact of a bad harvest is malnutrition, its immiseration,” Gates said. “We all know that malnutrition is a scourge … malnourishment is a factor in the majority of developing world deaths and so it’s through this vector that the deep inequity of climate change takes place.”

Gates’ solution for malnutrition is “global health” in the form of taking as many of his injections as he can convince you to take. But in reality, this is just another scam for a billionaire to amass the wealth of those who have very little as he kills them off. In fact, Gates and his fellow scumbags earn $20 from each dollar invested in “vaccines”.

Gates began his sales pitch by saying: “At the turn of the century, many uh people realized uh that uh we had vaccines that could save lives and they were getting to the rich country but not to the children who needed them most.”

Bill Gates Is Investing $40 Million For mRNA “Vaccine” Development In Africa

Gates is also invested in the highly processed plant food/fake meat market, which has been shown to have incredibly negative health effects on human beings.

Good thing a lot of people are waking up and seeing people like Gates as the raving lunatic sociopaths that they truly are.

Source: SHTFplan
