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The Religious Skeptic’s Case for White Solidarity

16-1-2024 < Counter Currents 20 1072 words

959 words

Atheism and agnosticism are associated with Leftist, anti-white politics, but there is no reason why this must be so. As discussed in my previous Counter-Currents article, “Christian Nationalism Has Made Me Agnostic,” much of the white Western world,  including countries such as France, the Czech Republic, and Australia, is becoming irreligious. Christianity should not supersede the ethnos, as the most extreme wing of Christian Nationalist zealots would have it. We should instead be reaching out to our brothers and sisters who are influenced by reason and science over superstition.

First, race realism as discussed within White Nationalist circles is the most significant of the persecuted scientifically-based positions of the modern woke era, comparable to the persecution of Galileo by the Catholic Church when he observed that the Earth revolves around the Sun instead of vice versa. There should be no doubt that human beings are a diverse species, the subdivisions of which have psychologies that are every bit as varied as our physical attributes. We have short, dark-skinned races of pygmies and tall, white-skinned races of Nords; we have races of relatively high and low intellect, high and low aggression, agreeableness, and so forth.

Taking the pseudo-scientific position that all human beings are biologically and mentally “equal” is quite obviously a quasi-religious “moral” belief rather than a fact demonstrable in observable, empirical reality. True skeptics should be race realists, and thus logically adopt the central tenets of the pro-white political posture. To not do so would be to replace the superstition of gods and devils with a New Age quack religion of “scientism”: using the academic language of the scientific disciplines to promote pseudo-scientific belief systems. The doctrine of “all men are created equal under God” is a product of the universalist Christian worldview and not one coming out of the natural world, in which species, subspecies, and tribes — which have wildly different biological characteristics — are grouped together by ancestral lineage for collective survival and the proliferation of their progeny.

You can buy Jonathan Bowden’s collection The Cultured Thug here.

Second, since time immemorial people have grouped themselves along the lines of what the ancient Greeks called the ethnos: those who share a common culture, bloodline, history, language, and identity. This is therefore the natural order of the human species independent of whatever religion a particular group is following at any given time. The Greeks, the Romans, the Celts, the Slavs, and other Aryan peoples worshipped many gods throughout their histories, but the one constant was their identification with one another as a people. Their gods were of their race and protected them, excluding the rival foreign barbarians.

It was not until the ancient Jews began converting Roman emperors and then European kings to Christianity that the vehicle for establishing a pan-racial, borderless international society began to spread across the globe and irrevocably transform human society. Christian identity superseded the ethnos, and animated Christian missionaries to engage in an unprecedented mission to unite the world in a borderless faith community. To embrace this legacy is to embrace the haunt of superstition through the back door. It is the erosion of human cultural and ethnic diversity, which is as valuable in our species as it is in any other.

Lastly, religious skeptics should not abandon the traditional values of having big families, taking responsibility, following ethics, working hard, and building communities to the teachings of Muslims, Jews, and Christians. They should reject the tendency to find fulfillment merely in vacuous hedonism and the attempts of shallow, materialistic pop culture to fill in the abyss of meaning within our lives. The tenets of major religions which support these positive values named above are rooted in concrete evolutionary values of survival and reproduction. These are the means by which we ensure the survival of our specific genetic inheritance, as evolution and the natural world “intend.” Bridging this gap is the means by which we can reunite white Christians, pagans, and religious skeptics in the traditional bonds of the ethnos. We all have a shared interest in the survival of our race and cultures, after all.

When the Old Testament advised the ancient Israelites not to eat shellfish, this was not superstition but a religious commandment not to partake of foods that were rife with parasites and bacteria, and which were causing gastrointestinal illnesses such as vibrio. Similarly, when the Book of Genesis advised the ancient Jews — and later, white Christians — to “be fruitful and multiply,” this was a way of teaching believers that their people needed to procreate if they are to survive. This meant not just a little procreation, but much more than their rival ethnicities, whose numerical superiority could overwhelm them in future battles if they didn’t. Alternatively, in imperialistic multicultural societies such as those of ancient Greece[1] and today’s United States, the failure of a dominant ethnicity to sufficiently outbreed the foreign tribes within their domains had the potential to lead to the subversion of their power through miscegenation — and ultimately, bloody societal collapse.

White Nationalists and white advocates should not give up on those parts of the white Western world which have embraced education and reason. They are our brothers and sisters, too. It is only through science and reason that the European diaspora can reach towards the heavens via interplanetary travel and colonization, not with prayers and wishful thinking. The alternative is expending all our efforts on giving charity to the inner city, the Third World, and the fruitless, pseudo-scientific pursuit of false equality: the god that failed.


[1] Specifically, the Seleucid Empire, which stretched from the Mediterranean region, including Greece,  and far eastward, into Persia. The Greek multicultural society of this period was in fact central to the Hanukkah story. The conservative Jewish Maccabees refused to assimilate to their Greek overlords, and ended up killing them.
