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The Worst Week Yet: January 7-13, 2024

15-1-2024 < Counter Currents 23 2272 words

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An Army of Color: Whites Became a Minority of US Recruits in 2023

Henry Kissinger said in 1973 that “military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used” as the sacrificial lambs of American foreign policy. It’s a wonder that no one killed him for saying that. Kissinger finally croaked last year, but those “dumb, stupid animals” may finally be waking up to the fact that there’s no honor in fighting for a country that doesn’t fight for them.

Army Sees Sharp Decline in White Recruits,” reads last Wednesday’s headline on

The Army‘s recruiting of white soldiers has dropped significantly in the last half decade. . . .

A total of 44,042 new Army recruits were categorized by the service as white in 2018, but that number has fallen consistently each year to a low of 25,070 in 2023, with a 6% dip from 2022 to 2023 being the most significant drop. No other demographic group has seen such a precipitous decline, though there have been ups and downs from year to year. . . .

In 2018, 56.4% of new recruits were categorized as white. In 2023, that number had fallen to 44%. During that same five-year period, Black recruits have gone from 20% to 24% of the pool, and Hispanic recruits have risen from 17% to 24%, with both groups seeing largely flat recruiting totals but increasing as a percentage of incoming soldiers as white recruiting has fallen. . . .

The rate at which white recruitment has fallen far outpaces nationwide demographic shifts. . . .

The mass white retreat from wearing olive-drab uniforms may be even worse than the official numbers show: had seen internal Army numbers that suggested that the shift in demographics was even more dramatic, but when presented with those figures, Army public affairs officials insisted that they were wrong and provided updated statistics included in this article, while blaming a system coding error.

Why in the name of Robert E. Lee would white Americans be averse to risking post-traumatic stress disorder and metal plates in their heads for a country that protects the borders of Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan but provides luxury hotel rooms for interlopers who illegally cross America’s southern border? What kind of hateful creep would be turned off by recruiting ads that tell the heartwarming tale of a female soldier “raised by two moms?”

In 2021, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley defended studying Critical Race Theory in the US military:

I want to understand white rage, and I’m white, and I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out.

But that was 2021, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is now black, as is the Secretary of Defense. And last year, the black and Hispanic Army recruits combined to outnumber white ones. According to the article, the “war planners are getting nervous about a “shortfall” of dumb, stupid animals” who are masochistic enough to be maimed, mutilated, or murdered on behalf of people who hate them:

The shift in demographics for incoming recruits would be irrelevant to war planners, except it coincides with an overall shortfall of about 10,000 recruits for the Army in 2023 as the service missed its target of 65,000 new soldiers. . . .

American whites now also account for a minority of college undergrads. But at least they can take comfort in the fact that they still account for a robust three-quarters of all opioid overdose victims.

As Iowa Caucuses Begin Amid Subzero Temps, Attention-Seeking Plastic-Surgery Disaster Laura Loomer Suggests Nikki Haley Is Using Deep-State Weather-Manipulation Tech to Rig the Voting Against Trump

I strain to think of a vapid Right-wing attention whore who triggers my gag reflex more than Laura Loomer. Convicted fraudster and suspected boy-lover Ali “Scammy Davis, Jr.” Alexander — with whom Loomer’s been chummy — gives her a run for her money, but at least he’s content to wallow in his natural hideousness rather than stretching his face like Silly Putty through a constant horror-movie special-effects state of surgically altered flux.

The two-time failed Congressional candidate shamelessly soldiers on with her terrifyingly fake eyebrows and double chin, pulling one yenta-like stunt after another, such as disrupting a Shakespeare in the Park performance, dubiously claiming that antifa had slashed her tires, and handcuffing herself to Twitter’s New York City headquarters while wearing a yellow “Jude” patch and carrying a placard questioning whether the tech giant was guilty of “JEW HATRED” and had banned her for being a “NOSEY JEW.” I once read that she had enough cognitively dissonant chutzpah to allege that the FBI is run by Muslims, but at press time I couldn’t find a link to verify that.

The repulsive, shapeshifting opportunist is so full of shit that I expect her at any moment to spontaneously combust in one giant, kosher fecal blast.

Last Thursday night she suggested on Twitter that subzero temperatures in Iowa, rather than being part of a national weather trend that tends to naturally occur in mid-January, may have resulted from collusion between Nikki Haley and the “Deep State”:

Is the Deep State activating HAARP to disrupt the Iowa Caucus?

We all know @NikkiHaley has a lot of friends in the defense industry and Military industrial complex. She’s losing in Iowa, and now Iowa is set to get hit with a ONCE IN A DECADE blizzard as Donald Trump is set to dominate the Iowa Caucus.

Is the Deep State using HAARP to rig the Iowa Caucus?

Looks like weather manipulation to me.

Take a look at this weather radar below and how the incoming snow storm accelerated out of nowhere.

A much more plausible theory is that Laura Loomer is a cyborg engineered by the descendants of Operation Paperclip scientists to foment anti-Semitism.

Jewish Hollywood Entertainers Write Open Letter Accusing Hollywood’s Overwhelmingly Jewish Owners of Excluding Jews

Speaking of Semites who foster antipathy, members of something called the Jews in the City Hollywood Bureau for Jewish Representation are kvetching that Hollywood — yes, Hollywoodleaves Jews out in the cold, alone and underrepresented.

In 2020, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences unveiled diversity standards aimed at packing movies full of “underrepresented racial or ethnic groups” because there clearly aren’t enough disabled Australian aborigines populating yet another CGI-addled refashioning of the Thor legend.

In its “Letter To The Motion Picture Academy On Its Diversity Requirements,” over 260 Hollywood Jews signed off on the following statement:

While we applaud the Academy’s efforts to increase diverse and authentic storytelling, an inclusion effort that excludes Jews is both steeped in and misunderstands antisemitism. It erases Jewish peoplehood and perpetuates myths of Jewish whiteness, power, and that racism against Jews is not a major issue or that it’s a thing of the past. . . .

While many mistakenly believe that Judaism is only a religion, Jews are actually an ethnic group. . . . Jews are an indigenous people to the Middle East with a continuous presence there for over 3000 years. This is not negated by the fact that Jews, like all marginalized groups, have white-passing members. Their colonization and exile led to millennia of persecution, and many Jews still carry the DNA of their foremothers’ oppressors. . . .

Systemic racism against Jews in the United States included segregation, redlining, quotas, and gatekeeping, and was the motivation for the founders of Hollywood to start an industry where antisemitism wouldn’t harm them . . .

One of last year’s Oscar winners, “Everything Everywhere All At Once,” cast a Jewish woman to play a stereotypical “Jewish American Princess” called “Big Nose.”

The absence of Jews from “under-represented” groupings implies that Jews are over-represented in films, which is simply untrue. There are very few films about Jews, aside from ones about the Holocaust.

Jewish people being excluded from the Motion Picture Academy’s Representation and Inclusion Standards is discriminating against a protected class by invalidating their historic and genetic identity.

The six million untruths in that letter were at least partially offset by the fact that the co-signers admitted, perhaps unwittingly and to their detriment, that there is a genetic basis to being Jewish.

<h3?Harvard’s Jewish Students, Despite Being Overrepresented By 500%, Sue Harvard for “Antisemitism”

Harvard’s quotient of Jewish undergrads in 2023 was about 10%, which is five times their representation in the general public, but even rarer than a Hollywood movie that negatively depicts Jews is a Jewish interest group that misses a chance to complain.

Last week a group called Students, Against Antisemitism, Inc. — yes, it’s actually a corporation — filed a lawsuit against Harvard College, alleging a toxic atmosphere of “rampant” Jew-hatred on campus. The suit did not disappoint in its egregious and hyperbolic tone of never-ending victimization and self-pity:

Harvard, America’s leading university, has become a bastion of rampant anti- Jewish hatred and harassment. Since October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and slaughtered, tortured, raped, burned, and mutilated 1,200 people — including infants, children, and the elderly — antisemitism at Harvard has been particularly severe and pervasive. Mobs of pro-Hamas students and faculty have marched by the hundreds through Harvard’s campus, shouting vile antisemitic slogans and calling for death to Jews and Israel. . . .

Harvard’s antisemitism cancer — as a past Harvard president termed it — manifests itself in a double standard invidious to Jews. Harvard selectively enforces its policies to avoid protecting Jewish students from harassment, hires professors who support anti-Jewish violence and spread antisemitic propaganda, and ignores Jewish students’ pleas for protection. Those professors teach and advocate through a binary oppressor-oppressed lens, through which Jews, one of history’s most persecuted peoples, are typically designated “oppressor,” and therefore unworthy of support or sympathy. Harvard permits students and faculty to advocate, without consequence, the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel, the only Jewish country in the world. . . .

The severe and pervasive hostile environment for Jews on campus leaves Harvard’s remaining Jewish population even more isolated and unsafe against their abusers.

As the old Polish proverb goes, “The Jew cries out in pain while the Israel Defense Forces launches missile strikes in Gaza.”

To Kill an N-Word: Toronto Catholic District School Board Systematically De-Nigglerizes All Books By White Authors that Contain the N-Bomb

What is the anti-racist equivalent of the verb “bowdlerize”? I propose “de-nigglerize.”

An intense campaign of de-nigglerization is afoot up in Toronto’s Catholic high schools. According to the niggling and niggardly new rules, literary use of the Unpardonable Word “is only permissible when written by a Black [sic] author,” and the word can only be spoken by black students “in the amicable sense.”

This means that teenage Catholics in Toronto will henceforth be denied the experience of being exposed to canonical high-school required-reading classics such as Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, Gone with the Wind. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Heart of Darkness.

According to the official protocols:

The Toronto school board’s solution bans the use of the word entirely in school, but also offers an exception for its use by Black [sic] students in the amicable sense.

The N Word is not to be used in TCDSB [Toronto Catholic District School Board] schools. This includes written or spoken form. . . .

Progressive discipline and restorative practices will be followed in instances of the N word being used. Hateful use of the N word will not be tolerated.

There needs to be a clear understanding that conversation with Black [sic] students will be considered differently around the use of the N word especially when it is being used by Black [sic] students around other Black [sic] students in a familiar, amicable context. . . . It is important to not demean Black [sic] students who use the word in friendly contexts.

I’ve long proposed that the only way to break the voodoo spell of this infantile linguistic madness that holds us in its thrall would be for the entire world — all eight billion of us and counting — to join together in the amicable sense on a simultaneous Zoom call where we all chant the word together for a solid hour. It’s the only way to avoid a global bloodbath.
