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Walt's Disenchanted Kingdom

12-1-2024 < Blacklisted News 34 1245 words

I came across some scathing reviews of this documentary whilst perusing movie review sites, then noticed that on the score given was 3.5 / 10 stars, yet the most featured user review told a different story:

Some viewers were less impressed…

Triggering, much? Put aside for a moment whatever you may think of Ramaswamy being a WEF plant, as well as the fake two party paradigm political stand-off. When taken at face value, this clearly documented fall from grace for Disney shows a deep level of cultural rot. There is a dark, perverse obsession with the sexualisation of children via the means of programming (literally and subliminally) as well as influencing forced, warped societal ‘norms’ through the eyes of Disney executives.

The documentary uses a combination of talking heads, combining short interviews with families on the street, interspliced with footage of leaked Disney management zoom calls, and clips of their LGBT activist employees.

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There are also interviews with a few Disney employees who clearly do not want to be associated with the dark branding; they have some fascinating insights to share too. A few key quotes:

It's very clear that the inclusive key is really about the LGBTQ community. But I think at the same time it's not including everybody. I don't think it's including Christians or conservative people or, in my case, unvaccinated people. They're not feeling included at all. I don't feel included…
When that inclusion key came along, all of a sudden there were rules for inclusion that if you weren't this, you're out…
We spoke to one ex-Disney employee who is also gay, but the inclusion key didn't work for him either.
He [a Born Again Christian] described a disturbing environment, especially over religious exemptions for COVID vaccines.
“Absolutely I was discriminated against because of my religion. Disney decided that they wanted to impose a vaccine mandate. When they imposed this mandate on employees, I put in my accommodation from that for religious purposes, and I was now being forced to disclose my religious beliefs to the company from the very beginning. That made me so uncomfortable. That should be my choice as to whether or not I want to share that with somebody, so the fact that I was now being required to disclose that in order to keep my job I found to be very problematic. It's exactly not inclusion. It's compliance. And that's the way I felt about it.”

Much is made of the perceived ‘golden age’ of way back when; Disney being once fondly remembered as a “wholesome company that upheld traditional family values” -was the company really ever wholesome?

The narrators of the documentary are clear and concise in introducing the subject matter with each segment. Backed up with news clips surrounding all the controversies of late such as Disney’s fight with Florida’s Desantis (on Parental Rights and Education legislation), whereby only the most cognitively dissonant individuals could fail to see evil in Disney’s bizarre activism role.

The documentary was released in early 2023, when many people around the world were rolling their eyes at this nonsense, perhaps not viewing it as a direct threat to the well-being of their own children. However, in 2024, the mission creep of governments attempting to pry parental rights away, using the victimhood card of the “confused child needing gender affirming care”, is still taking root. Just this week, in January 2024, Zerohedge reported on Scottish Parents Who Refuse To Let Their Kids Go Trans Could Face 7 Years In Prison.

The Documentary opens with:

I'm Mercedes Schlapp. Join me as we enter the gates of today's Disney, where children's TV shows, movies, and characters are served with a side of sexuality and gender ideology, a place that puts a political agenda on a pedestal and renders parents powerless.

Succinctly put.

The issue of “skyrocketing gender dysphoria rates” is addressed, noting how impressionable children are. Whilst then highlighting how gender ideology is being pushed by Disney using non-binary and transgender characters to give advice to the protagonist characters of their animations, on how to select tampons, for example.

There are some laugh out loud moments in the vein of unintentional comedy, because what Disney is doing is so ridiculous, yet we must also realise the sinister underbelly of their child indoctrination agendas too. This line made me laugh, whilst musing on how far gone our clown world has become:

Disney is allowing cast members to have greater flexibility in displaying tattoos, hairstyles, and costume choices. From introducing burly, manly fairy godmothers to tattooed, purple-haired Cinderellas, Disney was throwing out dress codes, decorum, standards, boundaries, pronouns, and genders.
In other words, Walt Disney World was fast becoming Walt Disney Woke.

I think the (50 minute) documentary might be on Amazon Prime, but I also found some uploads of it on Where did I watch it? On Disney+ of course! Haha, just joking.

Let’s give South Park’s Cartman the last say:

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Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok based dissident blogger. All content is free for all readers, with nothing locked in archive that requires a paid subscription. Any support is greatly appreciated.

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