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Your Vehicle Is Spying On You, And Now They’re Going To Start Installing ChatGPT In New VW Models

11-1-2024 < Activist Post 20 1104 words

Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

Be careful what you say while you are driving your vehicle, because you are being watched.  Today, we live in a giant surveillance prison in which virtually everything that we do is being monitored, tracked, recorded and analyzed.  In this day and age, you should just assume that nothing that you do is ever private.  When I was much younger, if I really wanted to have a private conversation with someone I thought that taking a long drive with that person was a great way to do that.  But those days are long gone.

Unless you have a vehicle that was manufactured quite some time ago, it is spying on you.  In fact, a report that has been released by the Mozilla Foundation actually states that vehicles are “the official worst category of products for privacy” that Mozilla has ever reviewed…

If you’re wondering which gadgets have the worst user privacy practices, it turns out the answer may be parked outside. According to a report published by the Mozilla Foundation on Wednesday, cars are “the official worst category of products for privacy” that it’s ever reviewed. The global nonprofit found that 92 percent of the reviewed automakers provide drivers with little (if any) control over their personal data, with 84 percent sharing user data with outside parties.

I was stunned when I read that.

Could that possibly be true?

According to Mozilla, automakers are gathering all sorts of data about all of us…

Carmakers have a long list of personal information they say they may track, including employment and purchasing history, education, internet browsing history, location data, music and podcast listening habits, immigration status, religious and philosophical beliefs and health information.

I’m sorry, but there is no way that I want a giant corporation tracking my religious beliefs or my health information.

And I am sure that you feel the same.

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But if you plan to purchase a new vehicle, you literally have no choice.

Mozilla examined 25 different vehicle brands, and every single one of them “failed to meet the nonprofit organization’s minimum privacy standards”

All 25 of the car brands that were researched for the report — including Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, BMW, and Tesla — failed to meet the nonprofit organization’s minimum privacy standards and were found to collect more personal data from customers than necessary. The kind of information collected varies from personal information like medical data to how drivers are using the vehicle itself — such as how fast they drive, where they drive, and even the music they listen to. Both Nissan and Kia are noted to allow the collection of information regarding a user’s sex life. By contrast, Mozilla claims that 37 percent of mental health apps (which also have a poor reputation for data privacy) had better practices for collecting and using personal data.

Eighty-four percent of the reviewed car brands share personal user data with service providers, data brokers, and potentially sketchy businesses, according to the report, with 76 percent claiming the right to sell that personal data. Fifty-six percent are willing to share user information with the government and / or law enforcement if requested.

Did you know that you are agreeing to all of this when you buy a new vehicle?

Most purchasers of new vehicles just quickly sign whatever forms are put in front of them because they are eager to get the process over with.

Unfortunately, these big corporations simply cannot be trusted.

They are taking advantage of us, and it needs to stop.

Of course I wouldn’t count on that happening any time soon.

Instead, I fully expect various forms of highly intrusive technology to become even more integrated into our vehicles.

For example, Volkswagen just announced that it will be installing ChatGPT in new vehicles later this year

Volkswagen is jumping on the generative AI bandwagon by announcing plans to install OpenAI’s ChatGPT into its vehicles starting in the second quarter of 2024.

The chatbot will be available across VW’s lineup, including in Tiguan, Passat, and Golf as well as the automaker’s ID family of electric vehicles.

No thank you.

I certainly don’t want super intelligent AI technology interacting with me and gathering information about me while I drive.

To me, what they have planned sounds incredibly creepy

Volkswagen unveiled its first vehicles with a voice assistant that uses the artificial intelligence (AI) technology behind ChatGPT at the CES electronics trade show in Las Vegas on Monday.

The new feature will enable drivers to have researched content read to them while they’re driving Volkswagen models that are equipped with the “IDA” voice assistant, which the automaker says can answer general knowledge questions while also having the ability to control the car’s infotainment, navigation and air conditioning systems.

The company says that in the future, AI will provide additional information in response to questions that go beyond those functions as its capabilities continue to expand. This could include receiving vehicle-specific information as well as interacting in intuitive language, clearing up questions and helping enrich conversations.

A lot of consumers will eagerly embrace this “cool new feature”, but where is all of this ultimately leading?

In the not too distant future, artificial intelligence could literally be all around us every moment of every day.

How will we have any privacy at all once that day arrives?

I have repeatedly warned my readers of the coming “AI invasion”, but the truth is that it is already here.

Given enough time, artificial intelligence really would turn our society completely upside down, and right now only a very small portion of the population is concerned about this looming threat.

*  *  *

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

Image: Pixabay

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