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The Worst Week Yet: December 31, 2023-January 6, 2024

8-1-2024 < Counter Currents 21 1275 words

Lee Arthur Carter, aka Viper

2,493 words

Black Americans Ring in the New Year (They Also Shoot in, Stab in, Punch in, Kick in, Leap in, and Kidnap in the New Year)

I’ve never consulted a black American to see if they make New Year’s resolutions. Come to think  of it, I’ve never asked a black American to pronounce the word “resolutions.” But if at least some of them make yearly promises to lose weight, attend church, and be nice to mama, it doesn’t seem as if “giving up crime” is high on their list.

We’re only one week into 2024, and black Americans have already managed to commit underage shooting murders in the wake of lost bicycle races, stab people for wishing them a “Happy New Year,” leap over a judge’s desk to attack her, cause a man to get crushed under an oncoming subway train, and be charged with keeping a sex slave in a garage for several years.

Join me, will you?

New Year’s Eve: After Losing Bicycle Race, Ten-Year-Old Black Child Shoots and Kills Another Ten-Year-Old Black Child

In the late afternoon hours on Saturday, December 31 in the small town of Foothill Farms, California, which is about 15 miles northeast of Sacramento, the local Negro children had assembled to hold a communal bicycle race. Tragically, it was to be the last bicycle race that young Keith “KJ” Frierson would ever win.

The ten-year-old boy’s mother, Brittani Frierson, says she “screamed for hours” after receiving a panicked knock on the door and rushing outside to see her little ten-year-old “KJ” lying dead on the ground, unable to bask in the glow of his victory, which he’d achieved while riding a spanking-new bicycle that she’d given him for Christmas. Choking back tears as she spoke to the press, Frierson said:

There’s nobody that met that boy that did not come back and tell me, to the side, like: “Your son — you raised that boy good. He’s such a good kid.”

The Sacramento sheriff’s office says that another ten-year-old black child, apparently furious that he’d lost the bicycle race, grabbed a gun from his father’s car after his dad instructed him to fetch him some cigarettes, “took a gun from inside the vehicle and bragged that his father had a gun,” then “proceeded to shoot the victim once and ran into a nearby apartment.”

Officials, who booked the unnamed child on suspicion of murder, say that the gun had been stolen and improperly stored. They allege that the child’s father, 53-year-old Arkete Davis, attempted to dispose of the gun in a nearby trash can after the shooting. On Wednesday, officials announced that the only person who would be criminally charged in the incident was the shooter’s 53-year-old father, who was booked on suspicion of possession of a firearm by a felon, criminal storage of a firearm, carrying a stolen loaded firearm in a vehicle, child endangerment, and acting as an accessory to a crime after the fact.

Also on New Year’s Eve:

New Year’s Day: Man Wishes Four Other Men a “Happy New Year,” Gets Stabbed on Bronx Subway Platform

Although I’m sure that crime statistics fluctuate, the Bronx, especially the South Bronx, has always stuck out to me as the most imposing and terrifying of all five of New York City’s boroughs — and not only because it’s largely black and Puerto Rican, but because large swaths of it resembled Dresden immediately after the Second World War.

Police say that around 8:45 PM on New Year’s Day on the southbound D train platform in the Fordham Heights section of the South Bronx, 29-year-old Carlos Pilliza greeted a quartet of black manlets with a friendly “Happy New Year,” only for them to start getting verbally uppity with their naïve well-wisher and for one of them to whip out “an unknown sharp object” and begin stabbing Pilliza “multiple times all over his body.” His assailants, who were captured on surveillance photos, all appear to be black and are described as averaging about five feet and eight inches in height. Pilliza was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital, where he was originally listed in critical condition but later upgraded to “serious but stable.”

Pilliza’s father told the New York Post:

He just said “Happy New Year,” and then four people were fighting him. It’s a terrible thing.

Note to self: Never wish a quartet of black strangers “Happy New Year.”

Also on New Year’s Day:

Wednesday, January 3, 2024: While Being Sentenced for a Crime, Black Man Makes Impressive Leap Over Female Judge’s Bench to Attack Her

In a leap that rivals the athleticism of retired Pittsburgh Steelers safety and National Football League Hall of Famer Troy Polamalu, a Las Vegas man named Deobra Redden — yes, it’s a man named “Deobra,” and I shouldn’t need to remind you that I don’t name them, I only report their names — jumped over Judge Mary Kay Holthus’ bench right after she was ready to finally sentence the serial offender to some serious time.

Redden was in court to be sentenced on a charge of attempted battery with substantial bodily harm. That is one of the vaguest criminal charges I’ve ever heard of, and I’m not sure if it means that although the battery was only attempted, it still caused bodily harm, or if he intended to cause bodily harm but somehow botched the battery, in which case it wouldn’t be unreasonable to punish him for being a fuckup in addition to being malicious. Redden had previously been charged with home invasion, domestic violence, and battery upon a protected person, but was apparently able to avoid prison time by completing a series of probation programs.

Speaking on his own behalf, Redden alleged that he was “in a better place in my mind” and told the judge that “I feel like I shouldn’t be sent to prison, but if it’s appropriate for you, then you gotta do what you gotta do.”

Redden’s public defender argued that his client should once again receive a suspended sentence, seeing as how, you know, he completed the previous programs and also has some sort of “mental health” history.

But Judge Holthus and her frizzy hair weren’t having it. She told Redden’s attorney, “I appreciate that, but I think it’s time he get a taste of something else, because I just can’t with that history.”

Perhaps she shouldn’t have been so cunty in her delivery, and using the Valley Girl phrase “I just can’t” scores no points with me, because I’m tempted to assault anyone who ever uses it.

But within moments of Holthus making it clear that she was going to sentence Redden to time behind bars, the feisty defendant leapt over the judge’s bench and seized Holthus, dragging her and the American flag down to the ground in the process, and began pummeling her for what seems like a short eternity.

Video of the leap — presented here in its entirety­ — shows that a chubby and soft-looking male court clerk began tossing limp-wristed girl-punches at Redden in a manner reminiscent of a diminutive, rubber-booted Christian nationalist podcaster who reacted with estrogenic hysteria after an onlooker accused him of being a “cum hunter.”
