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The 23 Most Shameless Stories of 2023

5-1-2024 < Counter Currents 78 5341 words

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Although we’ve been through worse, 2023 was one of those years I’m happy to see in the rear-view mirror at last. Since the plandemic began, Clown World mutated into Scary as Hell Clown Like John Wayne Gacy World, and it hasn’t improved much. Throughout the past year, my browser’s start page never failed to bring in digital flotsam proving the point. There’s much clowning to be had, but it’s not so funny anymore.

Many items are especially notable for the outrageous subject matter, others for the sheer effrontery of their editorial slant, and some for both. The ones I decided to include in my 2023 roundup came to 23. How’s that for synchronicity? If you like, you can consider it a companion to Jim Goad’s excellent showcase of some less-than-excellent individuals in “The 23 Most Annoying People of 2023.”

Wonderfulness in general

Most of the items deal with only a few themes. That’s to be expected, given the media’s obsession with whatever cause du jour comes down their transmission belt. But this first section is a brief grab-bag of stories that don’t fit into any thematic category.

First up, SLAY News gave us “WEF Member: Reducing Human Population by 90% Would Help Achieve ‘Net Zero’.” The W6rld Ec6nomic F6rum — one of a number of tricky globalist clubs where top oligarchs rub elbows with their pet politicians — had a special speaker at their latest Davos shindig:

English primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall, who the WEF lists as one of its “agenda contributors,” told her fellow globalists that they could “save the planet” from “global warming” if the Earth’s population was 90 percent smaller than it is today.

Goodall argues that all of the WEF’s “problems” would be solved if fewer humans were walking the Earth.

She made the statement during a panel discussion at the organization’s annual summit in Davos, Switzerland.

The panel was discussing plans for achieving “Net Zero” to comply with the targets for “Agenda 2030” as dictated by the WEF and its fellow unelected globalist organization – the United Nations.

It’s unclear, at least from this much, exactly how the world might get depopulated by 90%. This is especially so if it’s indeed going to happen by 2030. But the particulars don’t leave much to the imagination. Would it involve something that makes the likes of Hulagu Khan, Tamerlane, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, and Judge Harry Blackmun seem like Boy Scouts? What I don’t get is why the 89-year-old Ape Lady thinks she’d be among the 10% of the world’s population that gets to survive, if such a thing came to pass.

The Dutch edition of Business Insider gifts us with “A ritzy NYC hotel is suing a rich teen, alleging he responded to not getting served alcohol with a petty protest accusing it of Holocaust denial“:

An exclusive Manhattan hotel is suing a wealthy teenager who protested with signs accusing it of Holocaust denial after he repeatedly tried and failed to get served alcohol while underage, according to a new lawsuit.

Oy veh! That’s just silly. It’s also not the best way to react after being turned away at the bar. As the Dutch would say, “Hij zou moeten stoppen met doen.”

LOX News tells us that a “Top Army official blames anti-woke rhetoric of right for severe recruiting crisis.” Oh, really? Golly, who possibly could’ve foreseen this one?

“We are a ready Army, not a ‘woke’ Army,” Army Secretary Christine Wormuth told reporters last week, according to a report in Task & Purpose. “That’s something, frankly, the chief [Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville] and I said throughout posture season in hearings, in meetings with members of Congress.”

Wormuth’s comments come as all branches of the military have come under fire for what some critics see as “woke” policies, arguing the services have been prioritizing classes and training on diversity, equity, and inclusion over readiness to fight the nation’s wars.

Where do I even begin? Perhaps Wormtongue might recall the paranoid atmosphere that prevailed when Bidet was installed, in which the military security detail for his inauguration was specifically selected for loyalty to the new figurehead. Then they were quartered in a chilly parking garage that had one toilet and a single electrical outlet available for their use. I bet that went over fantastically well with the Commander-in-Cheat’s Pretorian Guard! After that, the Bidet junta conducted a big purge to expel “extremists” from the armed forces. Then there was a series of woke recruitment advertisements, including the infamous “Heather Has Two Mommies” video. If that wasn’t enough, the soldiers were subjected to racial indoctrination that surely made it clear which way the wind was blowing.

I suspect that even Soviet political officers didn’t indoctrinate their military as intensively as this. Now the top brass is wondering why their reenlistment and recruitment numbers are down in the gutter. It’s really just as well. None of those measures were about making the armed forces more effective, of course, but rather about ensuring loyalty to the globalist cabal in case they might one day decide to make use of the full spectrum of repressive force against the public.

Wormtongue should refer to an item at the Daily Signal: “At West Point, Racism Becomes More Important Than Military Readiness.” (It’s authored by Hans von Spakovsky; from the name alone, which is structured similarly to that of Carl von Clausewitz, I’d expect him to be a natural-born strategist.) Other than suffering from the typical “the Democrats are the real racists” nonsense, though not using those exact words, it’s a pretty solid article. Apparently there’s a quota system in place at the top military academy:

Admission to West Point is a two-step process. The first step requires passing medical and physical fitness tests and being nominated by the president, the vice president, or a member of Congress. Once that happens, an applicant will be considered for admission.

It’s in that second step where race becomes a determining factor, according to Students for Fair Admissions. Fewer than 10% of applicants who make it past the first hurdle are accepted for admission into a class of between 1,200 and 1,300 cadets.

Race is so important in the admissions process that, according to the complaint, West Point “meticulously tracks its compliance with” the racial quotas it sets as benchmarks for each incoming class of cadets — “down to a tenth of a percentage point.”

This is supposed to help us fight wars how? Whatever the case may be, Wormtongue can put that in her pipe and smoke it.

Racial pearl-clutching

The mainstream media has been browbeating the public about race since the 1960s. This favorite obsession of theirs has consequentially been transformed into a societal obsession. It reached a fever pitch with the Long Hot Summer of Floyd, and things have yet to settle down. The politically-correct snippiness of the 1990s would be a dream compared to the conditions we have now. If alien saucers were to beam up all the journalists who crank out anti-white agitprop and then drop them off on Uranus, our world would be a considerably better place.

You can buy Beau Albrecht’s Space Vixen Trek here.

Bob Barr, a former Congressman from Georgia and one of the few decent mainstream political figures these days, wrote a stunner for the Daily Caller: an op-ed called “BARR: The Brave New World Of MDMA As A Cure For Racism.” It’s pretty much what it says on the tin, making a comparison between the street drug Ecstasy and “Soma” in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

MDMA is short for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, better known as Ecstasy, or “E” for the terminally laconic and “X” for those who can’t spell. It has long been a popular club drug at raves, often associated with paraphernalia such as glow sticks, pacifiers (jaw clenching is a side effect), and dust masks smeared with menthol (somehow the vapors are pleasurable). The substance is manufactured for 50 cents a pill in Israel, and sells for $20 here; quite a markup. That was the going price when I was in high school, at any rate, at least according to a classmate who was an amateur pharmaceutical retailer who profited five bucks a pill via volume discount. (That price might well be different now thanks to inflation; back then, a $200 grocery run was unimaginable.) Nowadays, Ecstasy is being touted as a potential cure for “racism”:

The 2020 study of MDMA’s effects on social behavior by Prof. de Wit is interesting for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the optimism recently expressed by BBC author Rachel Nuwer when she wrote about it and interviewed one individual who had volunteered to take the drug as part of the study.

The individual, identified only as “Brendan,” came to the study as an avowed white nationalist and left it as someone who reportedly now sees the world not through a racial lens but through the eyes of “love” as “the most important thing.” As related in her account of de Wit’s work, Brendan’s perceived world morphed into one where he had “connection” with everyone, including even the Antifa activist who had previously outed him and caused him to lose his job.

The medicalization of dissent is hardly new, of course. I can’t say how MDMA/Ecstasy/”E” might affect someone ideologically, since I never tried it, but that’s just as well. It’s damaging to the synapses, and this effect sets in fairly early on. With enough repeated exposure, users become “e‑tarded.” Maybe “libtarded” is another way of putting it.

If that one weren’t heartwarming enough, USA Today gifted us with “What a genocide survivor and a Muslim leader learn fighting ‘great replacement theory’.” It’s written by Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa and Amra Sabic-El-Rayess, a pair whose ancestors probably came over on the Mayflower. It begins by recapping the story of the whack-job Anders Breivik, and then attempts an associative-conditioning shtick to tar everyone with the same brush. The intended effect is to make readers believe that everyone who doesn’t want their country flooded beyond recognition by incompatible populations is a violent terrorist at heart.

Clever, but those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, and that certainly includes devotees of the Religion of Peace. Using similar “logic,” I could suggest that Omar Mateen’s deadly shooting at an Orlando gay bar is evidence that Islamists suffer from explosive, internalized homophobia, and they’re just one guilty glance at a trouser bulge away from going postal. Still, I’ll have to hand it to the co-authors of this steaming pile of journalism: These Muslim scribblers have learned well from their masters. If their byline were replaced by Baruch Bagelberg and Mordechai Meshugges, one wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Art News informs us that a “German Museum Faces Right-Wing Backlash for Creating Visiting Hours for Non-White Attendees.” Oh, how dreadful! More seriously, I remember a time long ago when something like that wouldn’t have flown even among liberals.

The Zeche Zollern Museum in Dortmund dedicated four hours each Saturday as a safe space for BIPOC attendees to visit the show “This Is Colonial” with the purpose of being “considerate of people who are more affected by the topic of colonialism than others,” the director of local industrial museums Kirsten Baumann said on Facebook.

The fallout from this resulted in a police detail assigned to the museum, whose time is being wasted because of this effrontery. (The article includes a photo of three PolizistInnen on the scene — I’ll take the blonde on the left; she’s scrumptious! I wouldn’t kick the babe in the center out of bed for eating crackers, though.) The museum is making special accommodations for migrants who don’t even belong in Germany, for an exhibition about colonialism at that. The irony would make them cringe with shame, if they had any.

Teen Vogue laid a rotten egg with “Systemic Racism in AI: How Algorithms Replicate White Supremacy and Injustice.” The author imparting her expertise in information technology is Bunny McKensie Mack — I’m not making this up. Case closed right off the bat, you wascally wabbit! All I have to say further is to show the articles recommended at the bottom of it for further reading:

  • Helen Keller’s Legacy Has Been Sanitized (Yes, I know she was nearly a pinkette.)

  • Punk Music Has an Unacknowledged Debt to Latinx Refugees (What’s Latinx? Is that a girl’s name in Ebonics?)

  • Why We’re Still So Obsessed with the Salem Witch Trials (What I want to know is why the media is so obsessed with race agitation.)

  • Buck v Bell: The Supreme Court Case That Fueled the Eugenics Movement (If you don’t believe the mentally retarded should pop out as many babies as they want, then you’re a monster.)

  • These ’90s Teens Fought the Minneapolis Police and the KKK (Sounds like the plot to a lame comic book.)

Maybe Teen Vogue should start calling itself Teen Woke instead.

As the Washington Examiner grimly predicts, “NYC could create a reparations task force and tear down statues of George Washington and Columbus.” Priceless, isn’t it? Four years ago, I warned that once the Confederate statues were gone, they’d start going after the rest of our history, too. (I don’t even have to explain who I mean by “they.”) Does everyone believe me now?


Now it’s time to dive into that big fruit salad that is also proving to be a bottomless bowl of alphabet soup as the abbreviation keeps growing. I’ve got to hand it to them: They started out as frequent fliers in bathhouses, and eventually became a mighty orthodoxy that few dare challenge. Like I said before, in a culture war, actually showing up on the battlefield does wonders! In our present libertine times, same-sex attraction isn’t such a big deal, but the problem is with the political movement that accreted around it. Sometimes the effrontery gets to be a little much.

First up is a feature by Wealthy Living called “Defying Hate — Cathedral of Hope in Dallas Faces Threats and Controversy for Blessing Drag Queens Amidst Harsh LGBTQ+ Restrictions.” Right out of the gate, it’s using the disagreement = “hate” trope. Clever! The opening graphic is something else; I was reminded of the literal Sodomites from the notorious fundamentalist Chick tract “Doom Town.” Uh, guys? That’s not how to win hearts and minds, okay?

Another by Wealthy Living is “‘Queerness’ Should Be Taught in Pre-School, Not Teaching Sexuality Is Seen as a ‘Very White, Middle Class’ Thing to Do.” It’s sort of a fluffy piece, much like the previous one: heavy on graphics and light on content. Words hardly can express how precious this is:

William “Willy” Villalpando, the center of this controversy, has argued that certain subjects considered “inappropriate,” including queerness and gender identity, can be appropriately introduced to pre-K age children.

Then there’s an item on Fistful of Dollars called “‘On-Cookie-Cutter Cis-Furry Dragonkin’ — Survey on Trans Students Exposes Troubling Results, Amplifying Worries About Far-Right Ideological Influence in Academia.” Somehow this looks remarkably like the Wealthy Living format — curious, that — including an annoying “arms in an X shape” shot symbolizing “no.” The content is about what one might expect. On some collegiate survey, several students “identified” as an Apache attack helicopter or gave another BS answer. It seems that they were taking the ridiculous concept as seriously as it should be, as in not at all. Che orrore!

You can buy Jonathan Bowden’s collection The Cultured Thug here.

Even so, maybe some of them were actually taking the cis-furry-dragonkin stuff seriously, and weren’t just trolling the survey. I know a guy who believes he’s a space dragon. (I’m not making this up; he is.) He later began identifying as a woman. I’m not sure how it’s possible to be two things at once — such as a woman and a space dragon — but apparently it’s a thing. That was years ago, though, and I haven’t kept up, so maybe he’s a Pokémon now or something.

Next up is The Net Worth Of with “Gender-Critical Views ‘Resemble Nazism’ — Colleagues Clash in Civil Service Diversity Meeting.” Yes, this is a third website about finance that also publishes lame articles about 175ers. This one was written by S. Salmaan, the same person who wrote the last two. Curious, that. Anyway, this one’s about a controversy in Britain:

The conflict came to light through the activities of the Sex Equality and Equity Network (SEEN), a group of civil servants who advocate for what they refer to as “gender-critical” views.

According to SEEN, they hold the belief that biological sex is binary and immutable. This perspective has put them at odds with colleagues and advocates of more fluid interpretations of gender identity.

One online meeting turned particularly bitter when SEEN members were accused of “holding views that resemble Nazism.”

It doesn’t explain who, exactly, whipped out the ol’ reductio ad hitlerum; an obvious missing piece of the story. Still, I can picture in my mind Winston Churchill placing an international call late in 1939:

Hitler: Was gibt’s, Winston?

Churchill: I just had quite the epiphany. I realized that men are men and women are women, and that’s all there is to it. My civil servants agree likewise. Can you see the implications, Adolf? That means we’re on the same side! So then how about we call off this bloody war before we end up bombing each other into rubble?

Hitler: Ja! Ausgezeichnet!

NYMag signal-boosted a pouty item from the Intelligencer, “Parental-Rights Extremism Is on the March.” As disagreeable as it is, I’ll still have to credit the author for taking the time to write a proper article, unlike the four above. Early on it states:

A conservative backlash against COVID-era school closures and masking policies led to the formation of groups like Moms of Liberty, which have since become standard-bearers in the broader fight against “wokeness.” Parents simply want to protect children from smut and indoctrination, activists say. “Parental rights” is veneer, though: The movement exclusively opposes LGBT content, sex education, and anti-racist material.

I have to say that that’s a skillful use of framing. Parents who don’t want their children being exposed to one-sided, politically weaponized narratives and immoral messages are “extremists.” They’re the aggressors, not the Leftist teachers using their positions to instruct captive audiences of impressionable children. Teaching white guilt, politically correct sexual fetishes, or whatever other latest twist in cultural Marxism that’s being pipelined down the Department of Education’s transmission belt is simply business as usual. How dare these parental rights people object?

The next paragraph complains about The Donald’s proposal that parents should be notified when children change their name, pronouns, or gender identity at school. The author equates it to pushing them back in the closet. When I was in public school, they didn’t have all that. You were either gay, straight, or bi, and you figured out for yourself what you liked at your own pace. We didn’t have countless imaginative genders and sexual identities. That stuff never occurred to the kiddos. The only reason that’s gotten to be such a big deal in schools lately is because it’s being promoted aggressively. It’s Neanderthals like me who ask if teaching kids to be confused is such a good thing.

From USA Today we have “What’s the matter with men? ‘Real masculinity’ should look to queer community, Gen Z.Really, dude? As serious as the author is trying to be with this one, the premise is just too much. Go have fun with whatever it is you’re doing to uphold real masculinity, and I’ll stay the course.

The story by America Insider, “Biden’s Trans Health Official Imposes ‘Pronoun Mandate’,” is quite a doozy. The cover image is of Rachel Levine, the Bidet junta’s Secretary of Health. In this one, he looks like he’s starring in one of those unnecessary Hollywood remakes, in this case Mrs. Doubtfire. In some other pictures, he looks more like Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs. (That role was played by Ted Levine — any relation, perchance?) The movie won’t be getting any unnecessary remakes. Although it swept the Oscars back in the day, it’s too politically incorrect now, since people like Buffalo Bill are the new sacred cows. Granted, this paragraph is entirely ad hominem, but here’s what I want to know: Why is this clown in charge of anything?

Another damn war

It’s all fun and games until the unintended consequences of your misbehavior suddenly bite you in the butt.

For most of 2023 the world was focused on the gruesome proxy war in which the Deep State is determined to hold back Russia down to the last Ukrainian. Then suddenly, on October 7, the Palestinian intifada reignited and produced the ongoing Gaza mess. I don’t have a dog in that fight. I wish for the sake of the common people on both sides that their leaders would just settle their differences at the negotiating table. But nobody over there is asking for my advice. Although this turf war is limited to a small corner of the Levant, it obviously sent some major ripples throughout the rest of the world.

First up, Newsweek blesses us with “I’m a Black American. I Stand With Palestinians — I Understand Their Trauma.” Let me guess: The author is going to tell us how he understands the Palestinian experience because life’s so tough for blacks here. Well, the verbiage didn’t take long to find:

However, the most impactful information I received was from Palestinians I met in real life. I asked them about “The Conflict” and they all told me a very similar story of being stopped by soldiers on their way to school, arrested for no clear reason, attacked, and having their homes ransacked because of suspicion of weapons.

While listening to these stories, I couldn’t help but think: Although our struggles are different, this is what growing up Black in America sounds like. Cops pulling your car over for no reason, being searched on suspicion, constantly harassed about where you are going and what you are doing, and being treated and viewed as criminals just because of the color of your skin.

Very well, then. The next time your neighborhood has been shelled into rubble, the water and electricity have been cut off for weeks because of the ongoing battle, and you can’t get a shrapnel wound treated because your local hospital was bombed — all because of decisions made by other people way above your pay grade — then you can come back singing the Gaza Blues. Moreover, if it’s so tough to be black, then there are dozens of countries in the Caribbean and Africa where your people are a majority. Go find one you like and buy a one-way ticket; it’s a clear win/win. Why wait a moment longer?

Next up is Business Insider with “Bill Ackman says it’s ‘pathetic’ that law firms and other corporations feel they have to ‘police’ antisemitism on university campuses.” Here we have a billionaire investor who’s taking the pro-Palestinian ruckus on campus pretty personally:

Ackman, the founder and CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, has frequently spoken out against the 30 Harvard student groups who signed a controversial letter condemning Israel for the Hamas attacks on October 7.

The backlash against the letter has been intense. Ackman, a Harvard alumnus himself, called on the university to release the students’ names to stop CEOs “inadvertently” hiring them.

He should feel lucky. When campuses were a hotbed of anti-white agitation, which I saw plenty of back in the 1980s — and it’s only gotten worse since then — we didn’t even have any law firms or corporations taking our side. We certainly didn’t have any billionaire investors wanting to blacklist the Leftist pukes who were doing that and ruin their future careers.

Then State Of The Union tells us, “Billionaire Resigns Over University’s Treatment Of Jewish Students.” Once more, this is during the aftermath of the pro-Palestinian campus demonstrations. In this specific instance, the reaction by Columbia’s administration was deemed pretty underwhelming. Of those who suspect that university administrators are siding with the Palestinians in the Gaza conflict, they’re onto something. Leftists aren’t always consistent, of course, but an increasing number think of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in terms of colonizers versus oppressed natives. Indeed, it’s difficult to argue against that, although of course it doesn’t justify terrorist reprisals.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism here.

These campus kerfuffles became a pretty big deal with certain other billionaires, too, for (((obvious reasons))). Some of these university administrators are posing as free speech absolutists when they’re asked why they didn’t shut down the angry pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Did any of these heirs to Voltaire do anything about selectively enforced “speech codes” and the like? Aren’t these the same types who’d be happy to drag students into a tribunal for not observing preferred pronouns?

Once again, the (((billionaires))) are late to the party. They weren’t objecting when student agitators — including some of their wayward brethren — were shamelessly mouthing off about white people over the last several decades. They only started trying to get campus radicals taken out to the woodshed quite recently, when their own ox was getting gored. If they’d used their influence long ago to take the piss and vinegar out of Leftist demagoguery in education, all this could’ve been avoided. One thing that should concern them much more is that non-whites still consider Jews as white, despite a century of attempted alliance-building. This means that race agitation by their wayward brethren constitutes shooting themselves in the foot. Well, stop doing that.

From the Wall Street Journal, we have “Antisemitism Among Muslim Migrants Unsettles a Germany Haunted by the Holocaust.” This one has all the usual lachrymose tropes one might expect, but let’s cut through the BS here, shall we? The Germans have had to put up with millions of so-called migrants pouring into their country, leading to increased crime and welfare burdens. (It’s hardly different in any other Western European country, thanks to treasonous globalist politicians letting them in against the will of the people.) This reached a fever pitch during the so-called Syrian migrant crisis, which mostly consisted of non-Syrian welfare entrepreneurs.

Now it turns out that the Muslim migrants don’t like Jews any more than the 2nd Waffen-SS Division “Totenkopf” did. (Golly, who could’ve seen that one coming?) This is especially so now that Israel is battling their co-religionists in Gaza. Following this development, the Lügenpresse is all in a big tizzy about the unruly newcomers. This is after downplaying the problem for years while ordinary Germans were the ones being menaced by these unwanted “migrants” and “refugees.”

Essa News brings us the glad tidings of “Violent riots in London: 300,000 people take to the streets.” This begins:

Over 300,000 protestors supporting Palestinians and demonstrating against Israeli actions took to the streets on Saturday in London. The police apprehended about 100 extreme right-wing counter-protestors, according to Reuters. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak referred to these counter-protestors as “bandits” in a statement.

Even so, Home Secretary Suella Braverman referred to the Palestinian side as “hate marches.” Then this:

“The Home Secretary emboldened the far-right. She spent a week stoking the fires of division. Now, they are attacking the police on Remembrance Day,” wrote First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yusaf, on X portal. He also suggested that the Home Secretary “must resign.”

I could say a lot about all this dreadfulness, first and foremost about the wisdom of demonstrating while being outnumbered 3,000 to 1. The whole thing smells like bullshit, anyway. I suspect that the tiny counter-protest was a Charlottesville-style set-up. Still, on general principle I’ll refrain from repeating certain Movement gossip I’ve heard about it.

What gets on my nerves most about this article is the reminder that the Prime Minister, the Home Secretary, and the First Minister of Scotland are diversity hires. The first two are there because the Conservative Party wants to curry (pun intended) favor with minorities and takes British voters for granted. The last one complained bitterly that Scotland’s government is too white — where the hell does this clown think he is? For that matter, London’s Mayor is non-white, and so is the majority of its population now. I visited the great city once, back in the days of yore. This was before it was troubled by acid attacks, beheadings, and an epidemic of knife crime — new problems that cropped up out of the blue and began occurring for absolutely no reason whatsoever, of course. London was quite a place, and I’ll add that it looked British — as well it should, obviously! I don’t think I could go back now; it would break my heart.

The Telegraph gifts us with a magnificent gem, warning that “Anti-Semitism is being normalised in British life.” This begins in a feverish pitch:

In 1144, the murder of a tanner’s apprentice in Norwich was blamed on French-speaking Jews, birthing a shameful tradition of blood libel that ascribed to Jews a penchant for murdering children.

As the unknown person who recently scrawled graffiti outside my house put it: “think Gaza”. Are the Israelis trying to kill infants? Of course not. They understand that every death is a victory for Hamas in the international arena.

I won’t speculate about the existence or nonexistence of ritual murder cults during the Middle Ages. What we should be noticing now is that there are hordes of incompatible outsiders living in Britain who cause no end of trouble. This includes massive riots every few years, just as Paris suffers the same, and occasionally other major European cities. It turns out that they don’t care for Jews, either. How nice of the press to notice at last and get worked up about it.

Lastly, another one from the Telegraph has the bold headline “Stand against hate.” If you’ve already guessed what kind of “hate” it recommends standing against, you’re right. It doesn’t say who wrote it, but I figure they’re trying a little too hard to impress over at the Telegraph.

Did I mention that I’m glad to see 2023 in the rear-view mirror?
