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A Response to Critics of My Stance on the Jewish Rightward Shift

4-1-2024 < Counter Currents 27 1697 words

1,557 words

“I don’t believe in luck. I believe in being prepared.” — Olympic wrestling champion Dan Gable

“I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.” — World chess champion Bobby Fischer

Let’s do a thought experiment.

Suppose a critical number of influential black women get tired of the black-white miscegenation being depicted in our advertising. In many cases, such ads suggest black men having intimate access to attractive white women. Black women find this threatening, since such behavior would naturally reduce their chances of finding or keeping husbands. Suppose further that these women launch a campaign to reduce such depictions, and ironically present many of the same arguments found in Rich Houck’s classic Counter-Currents essay “The War on Whites in Advertising.” This ultimately pits black women against the deep pockets promoting “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI), many of whom are Jews. In this particular front of the culture wars, the dissident Right would find temporary allies in ethnocentric black women.

Question: What should the dissident Right do about this?

Answer: Nothing.

When outgroup members squabble, it’s best to stay out of their way. Alienate neither in order to give them no reason to find common cause against you. Also, ingratiate yourself with neither so as not to remind them of your differing motives.

This was essentially my point in my recent Counter-Currents essay, “When Jews Wander Right.” Thanks to the ongoing war in Gaza and competing ethnocentric concerns among non-whites, many diaspora Jews are finding an increasingly frosty home on the Left, where they have made their nest for the past century and a half. This has recently had the visible consequence of causing influential Jews to drift rightward in response. As synagogues receive bomb threats and Jewish symbols become targets of vandalism, Jewish billionaires are now turning their backs on Ivy League universities and Left-wing Jewish zealots such as Abe Foxman are having second thoughts about DEI, something that has benefitted diaspora Jews for many years.

Again, what should the dissident Right do about this? Again, the answer is nothing. By wandering right, Jews will find themselves wrangling more and more with their erstwhile allies on the Left — namely blacks, browns, and Muslims. This is a good thing, and it needs to continue for two excellent reasons:

  1. It makes our demographic enemies weaker and less cohesive. Imagine millions of Lefties refusing to vote for Joe Biden in 2024 because of his support for Israel. Good thing, no?

  2. It gives whites the opportunity to benefit from whatever changes Right-shifting Jews can help to implement. Imagine moratoriums on affirmative action and Muslim immigration. Good things, no?

Many commenters seemed to mistakenly believe that I am calling for dissident whites to ally themselves with these wandering Jews — to befriend them or invite them into our ranks. But I never said this, and I don’t advocate for it. I did say, however, that “[w]hites now have some powerful Jewish allies in the fight against racial diversity.” This is no different than having black female allies in the thought experiment above. By “allies” I simply mean two groups that happen to share a common enemy; nothing more. However, I understand that the word “ally” implies friendship or something beyond mere utilitarian cooperation, so the commenters who pointed this out are well taken. But does English even have a word to describe two unaffiliated and potentially antagonistic forces who happen to struggle against a common enemy? Perhaps I should have written, “Whites are now receiving some unexpected assistance from powerful Jews in the fight against racial diversity.” This probably would have gone down more smoothly, and in hindsight it represents my thoughts more clearly.

Also, I believe these commenters may have misunderstood my constant use of negative language when describing how the dissident Right should react to the Jewish turn toward the Right. I never suggested trusting or becoming friends with Jews. I suggested rather that we not be “as unwelcoming to the Jews as the Left currently is.” I also suggested we not spurn them. Both fall comfortably into the “do nothing” category of response. Nothing, in this case, is more welcoming than threatening to bomb synagogues or vandalizing menorahs. It also holds up our end of the quid pro quo I mentioned in the essay: Jews shift rightward in their struggles against their former rainbow coalition, and in return, we lay off the insults. We reduce our output of gratuitous anti-Jew memes and practice restraint when it comes to classic anti-Semitism.

You can buy Spencer Quinn’s novel White Like You here.

Who’s getting the better end of the bargain here? Yes, as one commenter did mention, it is sad that Jews seem to have more agency than whites when it comes to pursuing white interests. I agree. Then again, whose fault is that? After having much of the ethnocentrism beaten out of us in two civil wars, American and Russian, and two world wars, whites have ended up as being a little too nice for their own good. It’s our job at Counter-Currents to change that, which of course will take time. And if a handful of Right-shifting Jews help to buy us this time, who are we to stop them just because they’re Jews? Isn’t that cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face?

We on the dissident Right may think we are on the fringe, but we’re not. Influential Jews pay close attention to what we say online, and this could potentially impel or impede their rightward shift depending on how we play our cards. If this shift continues, and if it continues to produce tangible, pro-white results, then white dissidents lose nothing by cutting back on the classic anti-Semitism — but not, of course, the reasoned and truthful counter-Semitism found at sites such as Counter-Currents and The Occidental Observer.

Greg Johnson asks:

Wouldn’t it be better for whites if Jewish control were less rather than more stable? Wouldn’t it be better for Jews to be at odds with non-whites and whites alike?

The answer to both is yes. Jews will always put themselves at odds with whites, and have historically put themselves more at odds with whites than with any other group. In fact, they have been making strenuous efforts not to be at odds with non-whites. For example, David Cole has described how, back in May 2020, many high-powered Jews downplayed the overtly anti-Jewish pogroms in Los Angeles simply because many of their perpetrators were black. Insane, yes. But it goes to show how dedicated to their anti-white rainbow coalition so many Jews really were.

But that was before the Gaza war. Now it has become much harder for Jews to call for Jewish-black solidarity, especially when Black Lives Matter declares itself to be in solidarity with the Jews’ sworn enemies. Thus we have the turn toward the Right, which threatens to put Jews at odds with other groups just as much as they already are with whites, and perhaps even more so. This will destabilize rather than stabilize Jewish control while improving the position of whites.

The longer this goes on, the more opportunity the dissident Right has to spread its message and grow. This is especially the case if the mainstream Right has the sense to call attention to anti-whiteism and the Great Replacement — which, thanks to people such as Tucker Carlson and others, it has already started doing. Right-shifting Jews will be less hostile to such pro-white efforts, as long as those of us on the so-called “far Right” refrain from showing gratuitous hostility toward Jews moving rightward. This will enable white identity to spread where it needs to spread.

The other option is to ramp up the anti-Semitism to make Jews feel as unwelcome on the Right as they are on the Left. Yes, this may eventually squeeze Jews of out power and facilitate their departure. But I believe this will also lead to a war with the blacks and browns and their clueless white allies once Jews lose control. We should not underestimate how difficult it will be to deal with these people on an equal footing in such a dystopian future. I’m afraid it would be a bloodbath.

Our top goal should be to attain a white ethnostate somewhere in North America without a war. The first step towards this, as I have said many times before, is Red-State Secession. I believe a Jewish turn to the Right, with all its concomitant benefits for whites and overreaction from non-whites, will help to prepare a critical mass of white people for the need to secede. This is why I think it’s a bad move to spurn Jews just when their interests are beginning to coincide with ours. Engaging in Jew-baiting and other acts of classic anti-Semitism — or simply engaging in them overmuch, or when it might not be necessary — is merely psychological. It presses Jewish buttons with the intention to annoy or inflame. It has no impact on the real world, and in no way takes us closer to our goal. But practicing restraint when we need to is a good move, because it very well may.

We’re not going to get an ethnostate through sheer luck. We have to be prepared to take advantage of any opportunity which comes our way. This Jewish shift toward the Right is one such opportunity, and we should seize it if we can.

Otherwise, what are we doing?

Spencer J. Quinn
