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Predictions For 2024 From Patrick Wood vs. AI Chatbots

2-1-2024 < Activist Post 39 1354 words

AI placed high on my “Patrick Wood’s 2024 Forecast” posted on The Quickening Report yesterday, and you can read it there. Level-headed AI experts have weighed in: “AI already poses catastrophic risks to a functional society.”  I concur. So, it’s only fair that we give AI a chance to respond. Several questions were given to several Chatbots, and here are a few highlights from the article below. (My comments in red.)

  • AI systems might start reasoning by themselves – They will try to trick the world into thinking this.

  • Biotechnology will ‘upgrade’ humans – AI and BigPharma are already upgrading the human race, whether it wants it or not or knows it or not.

  • Dawn of personalized medicine – This is an extension of “upgrading.”

  • Election hacking warning – Is AI saying that previous elections were also hacked? Now, we can expect the hacking to be done by AI itself without human assistance.

Considering that AI has been heavily sponsored by DARPA and the military, is it turning into the ultimate weapon leveled at the human race? Ah, Technocrats; they are a crafty bunch.

As AI fills the Internet, may it choke on its own exhaust. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

By: Rob Waugh via DailyMail (UK)

From ChatGPT taking the world by storm to sparking historic Hollywood strikes. Artificial intelligence had its break out year in 2023.

So what’s in store for the cutting-edge tech in 2024? asked the leading AI chatbots to predict their own fate – Google’s Bard and Amazon-backed Claude – and got some very alarming results.

We chose those two language models because they use live information from the internet to make their predictions, unlike ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing which rely on older data.

These were the results: 

AI systems might start reasoning by themselves predicted the first AI models would begin to show signs of AGI – ‘artificial general intelligence’.

AGI is a theoretical intelligent agent able to complete any intellectual task a human can – and the arrival of AGI is forecast to cause huge changes to human society.

Backed by Google and Amazon, Claude’s parent company Anthropic was founded by former members of OpenAI, makers of ChatGPT.

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Claude told ‘In recent years we’ve seen AI algorithms match or exceed human performance in specialized tasks like object recognition, game playing, and language processing.

‘Techniques like deep learning and neural networks running on powerful computing infrastructure have driven these leaps forward. Major investments from big tech companies and startups suggest the pace of innovation isn’t slowing anytime soon.

‘And some AI researchers anticipate that we’re now closer to “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI) – algorithms that can match humans’ flexibility and adaptability across different environments and tasks.

‘Groups like DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Brain, and Anthropic are pushing towards this goal of AGI. While we likely won’t fully crack general intelligence by 2024, we might see demos of systems that start displaying more expansive reasoning, creativity, and decision making abilities.’ said that problems around AI could include systems that behave unpredictably, and job automation outpacing workers’ ability to adapt.

Biotechnology will ‘upgrade’ humans

Bard predicted that 2024 could see biotechnology breakthroughs which ‘upgrade’ the human race.

The AI suggested that these could include breakthroughs in ‘Brain Computer Interfaces’, where human brains connect to computers.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink is set to test such technology in volunteers in the coming year.

Analysis by Foresight Factory suggested this year that more than a third of consumers would be happy to have such a chip implanted, in order to connect more easily to computer systems.

Bard said: ‘Advances in biocompatible materials and robotic engineering could lead to bionic limbs that restore near-natural motor function or even surpass human limitations in strength and dexterity. Exoskeletons could augment physical capabilities for heavy lifting, military applications, or assisting the elderly.

‘Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) could allow direct communication between the brain and computer systems, enabling control of prosthetics, external devices, or even virtual environments. Potential applications include communication for individuals with paralysis, enhanced creativity and productivity, or even brain-to-brain communication.’

‘Devices that create realistic touch sensations could revolutionize virtual reality and other immersive experiences, providing enhanced feedback in medical training, gaming, and entertainment.’

Dawn of personalized medicine 

Personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to the individual based on their DNA, has the potential to change human life on the grand scale.

Bard predicted that AI could power new breakthroughs in personalized medicine in the coming year.

‘Personalized medicine, also known as precision medicine, aims to tailor treatments and preventive strategies to the unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors of each individual. In this quest, AI is emerging as a game-changer, powering breakthroughs across various aspects of healthcare:

‘By deciphering vast amounts of genetic data, AI can identify risk factors for specific diseases, allowing for proactive interventions and personalized prevention plans.

‘AI can mine Electronic Health Records (EHRs) to uncover hidden patterns and connections between symptoms, medications, and outcomes, leading to more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment recommendations.

‘AI can analyze patient data and predict how they might respond to different treatments, helping doctors choose the most effective and least harmful options for each individual.’

Barad said that problems around using AI in medicine include securing personal data, and ensuring AI doesn’t treat patients in a biased way.

With the 2024 elections approaching, concerns around foreign interference and manipulation through cyberattacks and misinformation campaigns are rising. These threats, often intertwined, can significantly impact public opinion, sow discord, and ultimately undermine the integrity of democratic processes.

Election hacking warning

With the Presidential election looming in the U.S., Google’s Bard predicted that malicious actors will try to undermine the election using technology.

Such attacks could include attacks on voting machines in an effort to undermine trust in the result, Bard with Gemini Pro warned.

Bard  said: ‘Malicious actors might target voter registration databases, voting machines, or election results reporting systems to disrupt the voting process, sow doubt in the outcome, or manipulate results.

‘Stealing sensitive voter data or campaign information can be used for blackmail, targeted disinformation campaigns, or voter suppression tactics.

‘Bots and fake accounts can be used to spread propaganda, amplify certain narratives, and silence opposing voices. Deepfakes, manipulated videos or audio recordings, can further blur the lines between truth and fiction.

‘Tailored fake news articles, social media posts, or even personalized emails can exploit existing biases and anxieties to sway voters towards specific candidates or discourage them from voting altogether.’

Read full story here…

Sourced from Technocracy News & Trends

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